View Full Version : Breaking the SLUMP

The German Shepherd
07-11-2012, 04:10 PM
When I started off this Summer's Wednesday morning league, I began with 7 weeks of the worse bowling I can remember ever suffering through. It seemed as though every week was another apology to my team for my woeful performance. Then I found BowlingBoards.com...

I have read and re-read the posts by people like bowl1820, billf and others here and decided to go back to the basics....things like tempo, hand position and most recently, my targeting habits. I began using the rule of 31 (thanks to a guy named Phoenix White) and the three point targeting technique and have been slowly coming out of the slump. I have bowled maybe 75 games in the past four weeks (between practice and my league) and did the calculations to see how my scores were tracking. I am happy to say that over these 75 or so games, my average is around 212 and is on the rise.... :cool:

So, thanks to y'all I have broken the slump and am now back among the happy bowlers of the land. Oh yeah, in my league today I threw a 670 (241/196/233) with my Vivid. The oil was so badly carried down that my Nexxus was not able to track at all. On shots like that, the Vivid works better as I have it set up to roll earlier than the Nexxus.

BB is a great group and thanks to all the Admins and MODs who do such a great job...


07-11-2012, 04:21 PM
Congrats on getting your game back. These boards are an amazing source of knowledge

07-11-2012, 04:23 PM
Jay, glad to hear it. I've been in a slump the past two years during fall league, due to injuries (I hope that's all). Trying to bowl around stuff like broken wrists, thumb, being blind for 14 months, really screwed my game up. By March of this year I was about to quit. My average actually dropped after getting my sight back in January and I was really discouraged with my bowling. I started taking the coaching exams then joined here after a teammate suggested it. With preaching basics to people I have been coaching (for free) and typing them so often here I also started from scratch with my own game. My average last season was 165. It was 195 before I got my sight back. That's how bad I was! This summer it's 231 on Tuesdays (THS) and 199 on my Wednesday sport shot. I'm hoping I can go a year without a stupid injury (usually work related) and actually see what I can do over the course of a season.

07-12-2012, 09:28 AM
Every bowler alive knows what it's like to be in a slump.....glad to hear you've got your game back :)

Mike White
07-12-2012, 10:11 AM
When I was averaging 200+ I would tell people that I was just a 150 bowler, on a hot streak.

Well I can now say that hot streak is over.