View Full Version : Rule change request for the USBC.....Opinions needed!

07-14-2012, 11:54 AM
My concern is about having a 15 to 30 minute break between singles and doubles events during tournament play, local or otherwise. To give you all a better understanding of my request to the USBC, is set a rule to allow a "time out period" between events, mainly for those of us who are diabetic. Today I bowl in a tournament at 4pm and I usually eat at 4:30 and eating early is not a real good option for me but I could eat after singles then go into doubles after. This is a safety issue really and I have done this before and found my blood glucose levels dangerously low because I just did not have time to grab something to eat, not to mention having to wait for the concession to serve me, and often times the concession is at the other end of the house.

Now I know I am responsible to care for my needs but diabetes being such a scheduled thing as it is, most often does not run on the same schedule of a planned event, in fact it could care less what the schedule of the tournament is!!:rolleyes: That said, I am very worried about what it is I have to do for me I try to do so without any effect on those around me. It is my problem and try very hard for it not to effect you.

Now my questions for you.....Am I being unreasonable/selfish in the request? Is it wrong to ask other bowlers to take a break as well even though they do not need one? Do you feel this time out would disrupt scheduling, fitting in all the events in the time allotted?

Anything else you can think of that you do not like about my request?

07-14-2012, 12:03 PM
It wouldn't bother me at all. Most of our local tournaments do this already due to being behind with technology. It gives me time to clean my equipment and even get different balls from the car if I feel my initial assessment was wrong. Or even to just chill out and stretch.

07-14-2012, 02:31 PM
My concern is about having a 15 to 30 minute break between singles and doubles events during tournament play, local or otherwise. To give you all a better understanding of my request to the USBC, is set a rule to allow a "time out period" between events

As far as I know, they don't have a rule saying you "can't" have a break between singles and doubles. I think that's something they would leave up to the tournament director, if they want to have one or not.

I don't think the USBC would add that rule.

I could see where problems could arise, like when does the break start? Say you have a 15 minute break, does it start as soon as each doubles team gets done? you'd have to be running around keeping track of each doubles team individually.

you couldn't say the break starts when the last pair get done, because the guys that got done earlier would have more time than the last.

It can't hurt to suggest it, even if they like the idea. It would take a while for them to pass the rule change, after going to committee and having to be voted on at the nation meeting.

For some more immediate relief check with the tournament director before the tourny. See if they have help for bowlers with medical issues.

Florida Bowler
07-14-2012, 10:37 PM
I'm also a diabetic. I haven't been to a tournament in years, so I don't remember what I did then. Since being diagnosed as a diabetic, I make sure that I have a nutri-grain bar or protein bar, or even a candy bar in my bag, just in case. I also try to have change so I can get a Coke if my sugar drops real quick. For a longer tournament, it would be tougher. Meal planning is just so much a part of a diabetics life. Too many people think that we can just eat a candy bar and be ok. That works short term, but then we crash again. And it is hard to bowl when your sugar is going up and down.

07-14-2012, 11:22 PM
I worked with a diabetic that would crash, learned a lot with him. One thing some people don't realize is that a whole candy bar too fast can be just as dangerous. It got to the point that I could check his sugar and decide what in his lunch box to give him. I was real observant with him. As soon as I noticed his eyes start to glaze I would stick him. Even when I couldn't see him I would talk to him on a consistent basis to check on him. For years he tried to control it with diet alone but by the time he was 25 he had to use insulin.

07-15-2012, 09:47 AM
As far as I know, they don't have a rule saying you "can't" have a break between singles and doubles. I think that's something they would leave up to the tournament director, if they want to have one or not.

I don't think the USBC would add that rule.

I could see where problems could arise, like when does the break start? Say you have a 15 minute break, does it start as soon as each doubles team gets done? you'd have to be running around keeping track of each doubles team individually.

you couldn't say the break starts when the last pair get done, because the guys that got done earlier would have more time than the last.

It can't hurt to suggest it, even if they like the idea. It would take a while for them to pass the rule change, after going to committee and having to be voted on at the nation meeting.

For some more immediate relief check with the tournament director before the tourny. See if they have help for bowlers with medical issues.

Really good comments here. I did not consider when the break would start/end and it would present a bit of confusion at the least now that you mentioned it.

I did however consider your suggestion to discuss the issue with the tournament head and I would imagine most would not be opposed to a break but then again some may not. This is why I considered going through the rules committee in which if it were put into effect then all tournaments would have to comply, sort of a top down regulation. But I do agree now that the USBC would not add the rule, perhaps make a suggestion to tournament heads but not anything cast in stone.

It is a touchy subject for me as I hate to impose any rule just to benefit me and others like me and I sure do not want to have an episode that would create a disruption when the EMT's come scrape me of the floor!

07-15-2012, 09:56 AM
I'm also a diabetic. I haven't been to a tournament in years, so I don't remember what I did then. Since being diagnosed as a diabetic, I make sure that I have a nutri-grain bar or protein bar, or even a candy bar in my bag, just in case. I also try to have change so I can get a Coke if my sugar drops real quick. For a longer tournament, it would be tougher. Meal planning is just so much a part of a diabetics life. Too many people think that we can just eat a candy bar and be ok. That works short term, but then we crash again. And it is hard to bowl when your sugar is going up and down.

This so accurate I am speechless but it is something we understand but the public in large do not! I have had so many people ask me if I needed to take a shot of insulin when I am in a low range and as you know that is not the answer. I do the same thing in respect to having a snack of some kind along with some candy for those moments I need but as you said that is only a short term fix and there is where my real issue lies, getting enough time to eat a more longer action meal and not having to have a hamburger in my left hand and a bowling ball in my right hand. lol

07-15-2012, 10:10 AM
I worked with a diabetic that would crash, learned a lot with him. One thing some people don't realize is that a whole candy bar too fast can be just as dangerous. It got to the point that I could check his sugar and decide what in his lunch box to give him. I was real observant with him. As soon as I noticed his eyes start to glaze I would stick him. Even when I couldn't see him I would talk to him on a consistent basis to check on him. For years he tried to control it with diet alone but by the time he was 25 he had to use insulin.

There are a few like you in this world that have taken the notion to learn and understand how diabetes works then use it when a buddy who is diabetic needs the help and it those individuals who come to the rescue because sometimes we diabetics have no clue we are in trouble so it is a wonderful thing that there are individuals such as yourself who can sense that something is not right and step in to help!.....And with that, if you are ever in Kansas give me a shout and I will treat you to a round of free bowling!