View Full Version : A Pocket 7-10 and Missing By a Board Cost Me a 600 Series

07-21-2012, 10:32 PM
I knew today would be good day after throwing just a few shots. My ball was reacting well to the conditions and everything felt right, mainly my approach, slide and release. It felt like I had a lot of room for error and I knew the scores were going to be high. The first game started out decent and had a great ending, giving me a score about 25 pins above average.


The second game didn't have the best start with a 6-7-10 in the second frame but I recovered and the score was just as good as the first game.


I had only bowled multiple games over 200 once before and was hopeful I could make it 3. I had my best game and series ever a few weeks ago, a 241 game and 666 series. Unfortunately both that and today were practice.

The third game looked like it was going to be the best one of the day, up until the 8th frame. I went wide of my target but it was dry enough to stay out of the gutter and there was enough carry down and speed to still hit the pocket. Unfortunately this resulted in a 7-10 split. I took the 10 pin out without a problem but unsurprisingly failed to convert the 7. I knew a 200 was still possible and managed to get a strike in the ninth. All I needed was a spare and 3 pins to break 200. I got 9. The 10 pin was still standing. Even though I'm right handed I'm better at spares on the right than left so I was fairly confident I could get it. I knew at the release I through it a little to far left but I was hoping it would still convert the spare. I ended up missing by a board at most. If I had thrown it slightly faster the ball would have hit the pin.


One unlucky break and one bad shot ruined my 600 series.

07-22-2012, 12:01 AM
@Josh: First off, I'm jealous of the quality of your pic! lol. I have a good phone and can't get one like that. But I'm new to the smart phone thing so maybe I just need to practice :)

Second, those scores are money from my perspective dude. I'd love to get there for a series in the near future. Keep it up.

07-22-2012, 12:12 AM
Second, those scores are money from my perspective dude. I'd love to get there for a series in the near future. Keep it up.
I was having a particularly good day. I usually bowl between 150 and 200 and average around 175-180ish getting low 500 series. I finished my fall league in April with a 145 average. I got a new ball and had one lesson and have really improved this summer.

07-24-2012, 11:23 PM
Good job. How much time do you spend practicing your spares?

07-24-2012, 11:58 PM
Good job. How much time do you spend practicing your spares?
Only when I don't strike. I probably should do more specific practicing of my spares, especially on the left. I'm right handed but I'm way better at spares on the right side of the headpin. The 7 pin is the most difficult for me to pick up. I probably miss more than I make. I can get 10 pins 8 out 10 attempts but 2's, 4's, 7's and 8's I find much more difficult. I think the main problem is when I go cross lane to get the left side spares my ball changes direction a little bit as it hits the lanes because of my revs. I'm use to this when targeting something on the right since I do it for strikes but it messes me when going across the lane in the direction of the revs. I'm incapable of throwing a ball straight or throwing a backup ball. Even if I manage to get 0 degree axis rotation, which is very difficult for me to do and hurts my fingers, my axis tilt still causes the ball to hook. I naturally have a very high axis rotation, around 90 degrees. I can comfortably release between 45 and 90 degrees axis rotation.

07-25-2012, 08:35 AM
Josch, there are two distinct things I picked out of your reply
1. Work on being able to consistently release with a 45 degree axis rotation. This really is the ball's best rotation for maximum ball dynamics including flare and hook potential. I have been working on this myself so I do understand how frustrating it can get. It is good to be able to adjust the rotation when needed though.
2. Practice spare shooting. Even out of a full rack if need be. Even the best of the best don't always strike. Obviously you don't bowl on a sport/PBA pattern otherwise you wouldn't be hooking the ball all of your spares. To be brutally honest but not malice intended, the 7-10 split didn't cost you a 600 series. Not converting spares you should have did. There were no splits that first game, if you made those spares that would have been a 225. Obviously you can throw strikes. Pick up your spares and learn when to adjust and there is no reason you won't be averaging 200+

07-25-2012, 10:49 AM
I throw my plastic as straight as I can for my spares. It still has some hook though.

07-25-2012, 11:15 AM
nice games man te sucks you where 3 pins away from the 600 series wish i could get that close my spare shots have been off alot recently.

07-25-2012, 02:15 PM
Same crap happened to me in my last three games yesterday. Bowled a 190, a 210, then finished with a 198. Made every spare shot but that 7-10. So damn close.

07-25-2012, 03:57 PM
Josch, have you tried to add some polish to your spare ball? Polish adds length but I've never tried it on a plastic ball before.

07-25-2012, 07:53 PM
Hey Josh,

For the 7 pin try throwing your hook ball slowly at the right side of the lane. I seem to always pick up the 7 pin with ease when I just throw the ball slow and at basically any point on the right side (I believe my ball is at the 10 mph mark). Good games btw.

07-25-2012, 10:13 PM
Josch, have you tried to add some polish to your spare ball? Polish adds length but I've never tried it on a plastic ball before.

I'm getting a new spare ball soon so I'm not going to bother polishing it. There's a polishing machine at the alley that costs $1 for 2 minutes. Do you think this be a good option? I've been cleaning my spare ball with MonsterTac (over-priced Windex) and I thought having a clean surface would help it not hook.

07-25-2012, 10:47 PM
I've been cleaning my spare ball with MonsterTac (over-priced Windex)

I think you can get the same effect with cleaning your ball with rubbing alcohol (You might want a confirmation on this though)

07-26-2012, 11:52 AM
Any surface that's clean(er) will have more friction than an oily surface. Given that a THS has no oil on the backends, especially by corner pins, even some plastic balls will want to hook a few boards. I believe it's the reason my spare percentage is higher on sport patterns that on a THS lately.
For $1 I would try the house polisher. Can't hurt to try for that price.