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07-23-2012, 01:33 PM
Anyone have any funny bowling rituals that help them play a good game? I always give my dog a high-five on the way out the door :D


The German Shepherd
07-23-2012, 04:28 PM
Anyone have any funny bowling rituals that help them play a good game? I always give my dog a high-five on the way out the door :D


When I was bowling in my Thursday night scratch league (some years ago) I would eat Fish Sticks and French Fries as my pre-game meal...


The German Shepherd
07-23-2012, 04:29 PM
Oh yeah, one more...if I buy a new bowling ball, the serial number has to have an E or the number 5 in it. Goes back to me baseball playing days where I played 3rd base....if you are playing third, the last thing you want to see is E-5...


Florida Bowler
07-23-2012, 04:29 PM
It's been so long since I've had a good game, my ritual will probably be whatever I did leading up to my next good game.

07-24-2012, 02:16 AM
I guess my bowling ritual would be once I walk into the center I
go straight to the snack counter and get myself a cup of hot strong
coffee but it doesn't always make me bowl better but it sure does get
me all wound up and ready to go.

Those fish sticks and french fries do sound good before going to the
lanes I will have to try it out this Wednesday and see how it works
out for me.

07-24-2012, 05:05 AM
I usually have two mugs and a glass of Widmers Hefeweizen and order a ceaser salad to go during the third game. Unfortunately it hasn't worked one bit.

The German Shepherd
07-24-2012, 11:55 AM
I guess my bowling ritual would be once I walk into the center I
go straight to the snack counter and get myself a cup of hot strong
coffee but it doesn't always make me bowl better but it sure does get
me all wound up and ready to go.

Those fish sticks and french fries do sound good before going to the
lanes I will have to try it out this Wednesday and see how it works
out for me.

Make sure you eat them with ketchup...


07-24-2012, 12:11 PM
I always put my right shoe on first, then the left. If I try the left first it feels weird so I end up taking it off and putting the right on. That's not really a bowling ritual though as I do that all the time. Right sock, left sock. Right shoe, left shoe. I also won't leave the center if the table we are at is dirty, i.e. papers, cups, etc. I bowl with some slobs and/or lazy people so I'm always throwing trash away after they leave.
My OCD probably kicks in at the lanes and I do stuff I don't even realize.

07-24-2012, 02:44 PM
Make sure you eat them with ketchup...

Oh yeah that is the only way to eat them with plenty of ketchup I love
ketchup on just about everything I eat.

07-24-2012, 02:57 PM
Hmm seems I need to try french fries as well. What kind of ketchup?

The German Shepherd
07-24-2012, 05:35 PM
Hmm seems I need to try french fries as well. What kind of ketchup?

Hunts has always been my favorite. Doesn't anyone else have any superstitions about serial numbers? Am I the only one? Do I need to seek a pshrink? Does anybody else here distrust those colored globe thingies people put out in theor yards and/or flower gardens???


07-24-2012, 05:51 PM
my bowling ritual is every time i go to the bowling allie i take my stuf in late or not find my lane and then go to the sotre just out infront of the bowling allie and get one of those rolo chocolate milk shakes not clue of the name i alwasy get one and it works somedays.

07-25-2012, 04:04 AM
Im sure theres something that I do every week but donot realize it. Now I am going to have to pauy more attention... I do know i do not eat while bowling... Seems like I do just a little worse for some reason.

07-26-2012, 02:57 PM
I always wore the same socks. I never ate before bowling. There's two driveways into my bowling center, I always went into the same one. Same with the entry doors, there's two ways in and I only used one. At work the day I was bowling, I put labels on paint cans, there's two labels per sheet, I always tried to end up with and even amount of leftover labels. Did that for months, and some weeks I was great, some weeks I sucked. Figured out that none of that crap worked, I just needed to work on being a better bowler.

07-27-2012, 07:34 AM
I always wear black socks.

10-12-2012, 05:05 PM
I didn't have one, but decided to give it a try, so now I wear my shoe covers between games, and do not leave the approach area. I thoroughly clean my ball instead.

10-12-2012, 05:52 PM
Back in the day, I would order a pitcher of Bud Light before starting bowling. About halfway through the pitcher was when I bowled the best, probably because I had a bit of a buzz going and didn't care if I messed up a shot or two, plus I was relaxed and just going on muscle memory for my physical game. Of course I probably should have stopped there but no I'd finish the whole thing and then my game would be absolute crap lol. Fast forward to today, I found if I have a beer during the first game, that helps relax me enough to bowl pretty good (for me anyway) and then when we're all done for the night I'll have another one while I chat with friends, etc. It may not help my game all that much, but it makes for a fun evening nonetheless - isn't that why we bowl anyway? :cool:

10-15-2012, 10:01 PM
I took a page out of Wade Boggs book. I eat chicken before every game. Doesn't have to be prepared the same way, but most of the time it's chicken fingers from the bowling alley.

10-23-2012, 10:50 AM
I always used to eat a bag of cool ranch doritos with only my left hand, and drink a sprite before any bowling. Not sure if that was my ritual, or breakfast, but that's what I did every Sat. morning before I rolled.

10-23-2012, 11:29 AM
I agree with the black socks! I tried white and it just doesnt feel right.

11-02-2012, 02:55 PM
My new ritual is to always spell my name backwards when I set up for practice sessions. "EGROEG" gets some odd looks from passersby who may notice the name.

Mike White
11-02-2012, 03:37 PM
My new ritual is to always spell my name backwards when I set up for practice sessions. "EGROEG" gets some odd looks from passersby who may notice the name.

Are you sure the odd looks are because of the name?

11-07-2012, 03:57 AM
i always eat 2 peanut butter jelly sandwichs and i gotta have shorts i can not bowl in pants

11-15-2012, 01:25 PM
When I take my Misfit out of my bag I softly say "oh Billy, Billy, Billy" like Ted Knight did with his putter in Caddyshack.

11-15-2012, 02:44 PM
I don't look at my score. I just look to see show many shots I have left.

11-15-2012, 03:49 PM
after every ball i throw i always pick up my towel and wipe my hand off. there is never anything on my hand and i have no idea why i do it but i always do

11-15-2012, 06:07 PM
i always eat 2 peanut butter jelly sandwichs and i gotta have shorts i can not bowl in pants

peanut butter sandwichs sounds good right know lol but im with you with bowling with shorts last time i bowled with jeans and pants they ripped right down the side of the leg near my jewels black jeans went down the left leg and blue jeans down the right leg and my track pants they rip right infront of the jewels.

11-15-2012, 06:12 PM
I always check Bowlingboards.com for some last minute tips!

11-16-2012, 06:36 PM
hey now im not lazy nor a slob haha its called job security and i like the E-5 thing

11-17-2012, 04:46 PM
i always eat 2 peanut butter jelly sandwiches and i gotta have shorts i can not bowl in pants

That's exactly like me. I cannot bowl in pants, I always bowl in shorts. My teammate asked me the other day, "are you going to wear shorts when it snows?" I replied, "Of course, would you expect any less of me?"

Anyway, I always come into the alley, go to my lane, grab a table and grab the score sheet, because I usually keep score. Then I make my way to the other end of the bowling alley usually because my league is at the opposite end of where my locker is. I make sure to say hey to all the employees, since we all know each other by name. I don't know if that's too weird. When I bowl though, I wipe my ball off with a towel, then when I come back, whatever the count is, I grab my towel, use both hands, and throw it on my left shoulder. *shrugs* I dunno. I hope I'm not that weird. I'm usually in the fourth spot when I bowl. Monday's I'm the anchor, Tuesday's it's a five person team, and I'm in the number 4 spot, and on Thursday's, hopefully from here on out, I'm the anchor, since average determines your spot in the lineup.

11-20-2012, 08:42 AM
xthe_charismatic_enigmax - By keeping score do you mean writing down the scores at the end of the game?

I wonder who remembers hand scoring... I do. Not because I'm old (26) but I used to keep score for my dad's team. If I kept score for the other team as well, I had more Mt. Dew than I could drink! Every time a round was bought, I got another Mt. Dew. I remember drinking 2 and taking 6 home! :)

12-09-2012, 09:31 PM
i always eat 2 peanut butter jelly sandwichs and i gotta have shorts i can not bowl in pants

hahahahahaha. BINGO! I can't either. It just doesn't feel right. But I'm even crazier, probably... I have to have basketball shorts on. It can't be cargo shorts, or any other shorts. Basketball shorts are required.

Aside from that, I just like to get there about 5 minutes early. I like to leisurely get ready, I don't like feeling rushed, and then calmly getting up there for our practice.

My TRUE ritual comes AFTER bowling. I've been on a diet for over a year (60 pounds lost so far). Lately I've been juicing, so I only have fresh vegetable and fruit juices (the health benefits have been phenomenal) except for a sensible dinner. Well, after league night, I get to grab fast food, but no fries or soda. For instance, I can go get a Big Mac, but just the Big Mac, not the value meal. It's a nice little treat, and it lets me be lazy and not have to go home and cook after league (which normally gets me home around 9).

12-09-2012, 09:38 PM
Shorts??? Obviously not tournament bowlers lol

12-09-2012, 09:49 PM
Why? Do tournament bowlers have a bit of, "Mississippi Leg Hound," in them?


12-09-2012, 09:54 PM
Most tournaments have a dress code. Why do you think you don't see pros wearing shorts or jeans...........All part of trying to move bowling's image up in standards, or so I was told that's why.

12-09-2012, 10:04 PM
hahahahahaha. Yeah, I know... I was just in the Christmas spirit and saw a good opportunity to reference a classic movie! hahaha.

It's amazing to me how pants are seen as a requirement. Living in Texas, I can't imagine having to golf in the summer in pants, while walking the course like the PGA players. Of course, they strategically schedule the tournaments to try to avoid those 100+ degree states in late July, early August.

Bowling, being climate controlled, I can understand the pants a little more. But still... I have plenty of golf shorts that I'd imagine would be perfectly acceptable. At some point, I think it's just being picky for the sake of being picky. Then again, I have a tattoo on my left leg, so I'd probably be required to wear pants regardless.

But this is all IF I were to ever bowl a tournament. And I never have. Not an official one, at least.

12-09-2012, 10:12 PM
I crouch, then bounce twice before starting my approach, I don't know, it makes me feel more comfortable going down the lane.

12-09-2012, 10:25 PM
Ok, lets see (in random order):

1) Always wear a baseball cap (usually a Chicago Cubs hat);
2) Get there 15 minutes early to mentally prepare. I hate feeling rushed;
3) Always write my scores down to keep track of my progress, or lack there of;
4) Prefer to bowl games in groups of three when practicing;
5) Always have 3 towels out. One for the ball, one to wipe sweat of my head, and one extra towel;
6) Almost always have a sports drink with me.

I'm sure there are other thing but I can't think of them now.

12-09-2012, 10:54 PM
hahahaha. I have three towels too! But I only use one. I use my Patriots towel for the ball, BUT the logo must never touch the ball (out of respect for the Patriots).

The other two towels I just keep in my bag and kind of wrap them around my bowling balls for transport. My bag does have a padded separator, but I like the little extra protection.

12-09-2012, 11:03 PM
Not a bowling only ritual but....I always put my right sock on first, then left, then right shoe, then left. My shoes, sneakers, boots, etc. are all laced the same. Right shoe the lace going right to left goes over the top, left shoe the lace going left to right goes over the top.
My wallet, keys and anything else comes out of the pockets.
Now the funny one. If my dentures are in a bowling well they stay in. If I start going bad I remove them. If they are not in for whatever reason then I reverse it, leave them out if going good, out them in of going bad. I lost my mental advantage from when I first got them. If it was close in the tenth I would bowl first then when I turned to walk back I would pop them out at my opponent. They would start laughing on their approach and screw up. We usually deleted the frame and let them re-bowl it but the damage was already done.

12-09-2012, 11:40 PM
Bill, that's hilarious, and evil! hahahahaha. Well played!

12-10-2012, 01:11 AM
i hate pants lol i have shorts on even in the winter lol

and wait i cant have shorts on in tournaments = (

12-10-2012, 09:21 AM
Lol bill your evil!

why not noeymc? i wear shorts in tournament play...

12-10-2012, 10:03 AM
Depends on the tourney.

Some have dress codes that reguires slacks/dress pants.

12-10-2012, 10:27 AM
Depends on the tourney.

Some have dress codes that reguires slacks/dress pants.

i would hate having to wear dress pants, I'm ok with sweats or shorts, but dress pants just seem plain uncomfortable

12-10-2012, 01:18 PM
It's not too bad I bowl in slacks all the time. Just takes a little getting used to vs wearing shorts.

12-18-2012, 08:31 PM
I make sure I have nothing in my pockets. It just feels annoying.

12-19-2012, 08:08 AM
Nothing in pockets besides wallet, wipe ball before every shot, NEVER wipe plastic ball, thumb doesn't go in the ball until i'm set, and a small test slide before every approach. i'm not sure this is a ritual. i think it's more of a preshot routine.

03-02-2013, 01:45 AM
To start, I take my ball out of my bag and place it on the counter (on its thumb hole) first. Everytime.

I can't tell you how many times I've been all set to throw the first practice ball, got up there and realized my ball wasn't there.

Once my ball is out of the bag, I pull out the towel I'll use that night (I keep at least 5 on me. They're Phillies rally towels from 2007-2011) then I zip up those two pockets, the large one for my ball and the pocket I keep the towels in.

Now, the real ritual begins... the shoes.

I take off my sneakers or boots first and place them under my chair then open the pouch to pull out my bowling shoes. I then place my bowling shoes booties (yes, I have booties for my shoes. Not some bought slip covers... booties that my Grandmom made me years ago, that I stretched out just enough to fit snug over my bowling shoes), zip up my bag and take a walk down to the lane area and have a seat facing the pins.

As I untie my bowling shoe (I never untie my shoes at the end of bowling before placing them away - IDKY), I'm staring at the pins, focusing on my line, envisioning the ball going down and striking them all. I wear thicker black socks when bowling and pull them midway up to my calf. I always start with the left sock. Once its pulled up, the left foot is placed into the left shoe. I pull on the 2nd, 4th and 6th crossover on the laces, tie them tight and tuck the loops and strands toward the front of the shoe. Same goes for the right foot.

Then, I grab my towel, unfold it and throw it over my left shoulder (I keep it folded up in my left back pocket between shots) and my ball and head to the lanes to throw practice. I always - always test the 1 board first from the 18 board. Chances are, it'll fall in the gutter and I'll smile as I remind myself to move inside a bit. From there on its off to the races - and then after practice, we grab our first pitcher of the night, if we're drinking. Thursday Night is a definite drinking night. Wednesday is a toss-up. Monday we never know.. but always a good possibility.

03-02-2013, 03:30 AM
I wear shorts as well, even in the winter, too. I also wear Nike shirts. I usually wear a Nike shirt whatever sport I'm active in.

I also hang my bowling towel on my shorts. Saves me from digging through a pile of towels, looking for mine. Plus it's readily available, as soon as my ball returns.

03-02-2013, 10:49 AM
I started keeping my towel in my back pocket about two years ago for that exact reason. Saves me from fumbling through a pile of towels and I always have my towel ready in my left hand before I pick up my ball. One thing I changed was tucking my towel back in my pocket before I threw my ball. It broke up my setup rhythm a bit, so now I just toss it on top of the pile closest to the lane I'm bowling on and retrieve it after I'm done. Sometimes, it'll get covered by two more towels, but many guys maintain the same courtesy. This way, I just have to hold a few towels while I pull mine out of the pile. We have the Qubica scoring control panels and everyone covers them up with towels. LOL!

03-02-2013, 11:09 AM
I cover the screen on our lanes with my towel, have done it since youth bowling, through high school and now in league play. My teammates think I am nuts but its something that I have always done.

03-06-2013, 10:39 PM
Before I bowl I always drink a Frappuchino :) Been doing it for about 6 years now:) It may not help my game, but they do taste good:)

03-13-2013, 06:56 PM
I stretch and do some arm circles, which is more prep than ritual but it's the only consistent thing I do before bowling.

Bennett Miles
09-22-2013, 12:57 PM
Can't have anything in my pockets. Ever. Also, I can't have like cargo shorts because my ball tends to bounce off of them and mess up my swing.

09-30-2013, 09:45 AM
I never eat while bowling. I never have anything in my pockets. I bring 4-5 pieces of gum for the night. I try to keep the same routine just before I bowl, wipe ball etc.. I think it helps with my concentration.

To keep from getting distracted, I always watch for bowlers to the left or right who have unusual bowling styles or who stay up at foul line to long and try not to be on the approach.

Michael - www.bowlinglist.com

09-30-2013, 09:50 AM
This isn't a ritual, but it's a habit...

Whenever I have a clean release on a ball, my left arm gets curled around my back pretty weirdly. lol

09-30-2013, 09:51 AM
Actually, I do have one.

I HATE wearing long pants while bowling. Always shorts. :D

02-07-2014, 11:19 AM
Summers shorts all the way.

I have found this year that Wrangler cargo/relaxed fit jeans work fine also... but not regular fit.

02-07-2014, 11:42 AM
I am funny looking enough I dont need extra stuff to bring even more attention to myself

02-07-2014, 06:51 PM
Actually, I do have one.

I HATE wearing long pants while bowling. Always shorts. :D

I'll second that.

I have multiple rituals:
1) I always will wipe the sole of my left bowling shoe with my bowling hand. <-----gave that one up.
2) I have an exaggerated/funky 2nd cross step. <--------------Trying to get rid of that one.
3) I almost always rosin my palm and powder my thumb.
4) I always towel the ball off at the end of the frame, but never between shots if I leave a spare or in the 10th after a spare. If I need to switch balls to pick up the spare, I'll towel off the first ball, use the 2nd ball, then towel off the second ball before leaving the approach.
5) I almost always empty all of my pockets before bowling.

04-14-2014, 05:18 PM
used to bowl with a guy who was the definition of Mr. Physical Fitness, every time he left an open frame he would do 10 push ups for every pin missed.
me on the other hand and i always chicken wing my elbow to get comfy with my hand in the ball, i dont chicken wing throw the ball lol
i also tend to run my slide foot under the ball return if possible
and i pray before every game

rv driver
06-10-2014, 09:18 PM
I'm gonna put my "Buddy Christ" dashboard icon on the scoring table and rub it three times before every throw.

08-05-2014, 07:23 AM
I pick my ball up , blow in my thumb-hole before I grip and take to the approach. Also have a cappuccino when I bowl. :D

rv driver
08-05-2014, 12:59 PM
I pick my ball up , blow in my thumb-hole before I grip and take to the approach. Also have a cappuccino when I bowl. :D
Wait... How is that "funny" again?

08-10-2014, 01:56 AM
Throw atleast 1 gutter ball during warm up (became part of my pregame rutian). Before start my approach, I crack my shoulders. Guess a lock and load type thing.

08-11-2014, 11:33 AM
Wait... How is that "funny" again?

A bowler drinking cappuccino is pretty funny to me.

rv driver
08-12-2014, 09:03 AM
A bowler drinking cappuccino is pretty funny to me.
Have you ever seen some of these clowns lining up at Starbucks??? Cappuccino is serious bidness!!! (What's funny is that it's cappuccino, rather than a foamy chocolate latte with amaretto and sprinkles...)

08-12-2014, 11:49 AM
Several people including the Friday Night senior swingers I bowl with (not really the name but it definitely applies) drink white wine when they bowl. It makes me chuckle every time.

It just looks silly!

08-12-2014, 01:31 PM
Although this thread is over 2 years old, the very first post gets my vote for the best ritual!

08-14-2014, 10:01 AM
When I take my position on the lane, as I start my approach, my thumb isn't actually in the thumb hole. I put it in the thumb hole some time between my first and second step. Not sure why I do it, I just always have. Kind of like in baseball when I used to play, I'd rub the end of the bat like I was chalking a pool cue. Who knows.

rv driver
08-20-2014, 06:49 PM
When I take my position on the lane, as I start my approach, my thumb isn't actually in the thumb hole. I put it in the thumb hole some time between my first and second step. Not sure why I do it, I just always have. Kind of like in baseball when I used to play, I'd rub the end of the bat like I was chalking a pool cue. Who knows.
Hey, if that helps with timing somehow, who's to say what's weird? Unless, of course, the ritual involves a can opener and a weasel...

09-03-2015, 03:27 AM
I don't have a ritual, unless throwing the very first ball in the gutter is a ritual! Lol. I don't do it nearly as much anymore...

04-30-2016, 11:50 AM
My ritual seems to be missing at least one easy spare every game to ruin my score! LOL

04-30-2016, 05:34 PM
Wipe the ball use rosen bag hand over the air then set up

04-30-2016, 06:18 PM
Wipe the ball use risen then hand over the air then set up or

Thanks. I've never used resin, but need to invest in some.

01-12-2017, 06:12 PM
I wipe the ball with towel after each throw and when my alignment of towel corners is off, I have to stop and refold (hamburger fold first, then hotdog). If they're not aligned I feel I'm going to throw a bad ball.