View Full Version : Another One of Those "If Only" Days

The German Shepherd
07-25-2012, 02:51 PM
My Wednesday AM league today was one of those "if only" days. I Started off with my Critical Theory and threw 221 and 191. In that second game, the CT began hitting flat. Between those two games, I left 5 swishing 7 pins (I am a righty) and flat MISSED a 2-8. Third game I pulled out my BowlingBorards Nexxus and threw a 235, still leaving a couple of 7's and a 10, but I carried so much better. To throw the Nexxus (a more aggressive ball that hooks earlier than the CT, I actually moved RIGHT and looked further down the lane for a target. So, a 647 for the day. Not super, not bad. If I had only carried those 7's ...


07-25-2012, 03:37 PM
Jay, why are you waiting to use the Nexxus?

The German Shepherd
07-25-2012, 04:25 PM
Jay, why are you waiting to use the Nexxus?

SInce the back-ends were moving a bit, I thought it might be too much ball for the condition. If took a couple games for the people we were bowling to carry down some oil before I felt comfortable throwing te XX. I guess I should have started with it...


07-25-2012, 04:32 PM
I was just curious as I've noticed you always wait to go to it. I didn't know if maybe you had an issue with it on fresh oil.

The German Shepherd
07-25-2012, 04:44 PM
I was just curious as I've noticed you always wait to go to it. I didn't know if maybe you had an issue with it on fresh oil.

Yeah, well, I am learning my lesson...;)


07-25-2012, 09:05 PM
Jay, do you normally start with an inside shot like 3rd arrow ? With the XX I would think swinging it through the oil on a fresh pattern for a break point about the 8 or 9 board at the break point would give you a pretty nice shot. Have you tried that ?

The German Shepherd
07-26-2012, 08:03 AM
I usually start about 12 board, Bob.
