View Full Version : Is it me or Pre Bowling not the same as League

07-26-2012, 11:14 PM
For example every time I pre bowl, i don't feel the rush of, "We only need one more strike, if I get this we win the game". It's more like, "try to keep a high game, Aim for the stars..."
Last time my friend and I pre bowled, we didn't do so well...
Last week, we BEAT the TOP team in our league all 4 games!! My partner was surprised he was like let's go celebrate with hamburgers.
We both bowled well, and we won with over 60 pins!

07-26-2012, 11:18 PM
I hate pre-bowling. It feels just like practice and no oil.

07-26-2012, 11:28 PM
100% agreed. I haven't pre-bowled in months now, since I have been to league every week... but when I did pre-bowl, I do terrible! The lanes were awful, music blaring, kids all around me, and I don't have that team mentality that you spoke of. I just want to do well. Then when I throw a bad shot, I get pissed and rush myself and bowl quickly and force myself into more mistakes... Where as in league, if you make a bad shot, you are forced to sit and wait your turn, and it gives you time to cool down. Hate pre-bowling.

That being said, I consider myself a MUCH better bowler now, than I was 4 months ago. So if I do pre-bowl again, which is probably going to happen at some point in the winter, I'm hoping things will go better and I'll control myself. I'll also do it later in the night when I know there will be some lanes that were oiled that weren't used for league, and I know there won't be little kids everywhere.

07-27-2012, 12:58 AM
Around here on our leagues the only way you can pre bowl
or post bowl is if your whole team comes in and the league
secretary and one team member from the opposing team comes
in to watch and verify the scores that are bowled.

Another reason I do not care anything about pre bowling or
even post bowling is if you shoot an honor score like say a
300 game or a 800 series you receive nothing for it no reward
no nothing except the knowledge and pride that you did it.

07-27-2012, 02:20 AM
The 2 leagues I bowl in here don't allow pre-bowling. The teams are responsible for having 4 people show up on the day they play.....If a team knows it can't get 4 people for some reason, they can let the league office know ahead of time and the match will get rescheduled.

07-27-2012, 06:31 AM
I hate pre bowling. Only did it once, I found myself rushing through the game. I guess if your hot it's a good thing, but if your not problems start to snowball. That was in my old league, the one I do now only allows the whole team to bowl. At least that way u have some company.

07-27-2012, 10:13 AM
Pre-bowling is only allowed in one of our summer leagues. It's non-sanctioned with a lot of newer bowlers in it. Between the two teams this past Tuesday six of the eight pre-bowled. League felt more like a practice session. Both of us were from the same team and it went really, really fast. We bowled all three games in thirty minutes.
Most of my teammates will pre-bowl on Saturday if they need to. That allows me to bowl with them (although not for score) so they pace doesn't get too fast for them.

07-27-2012, 10:37 AM
I was in a league last year, it was a 34nightmare week league. One team had a bowler who pre bowled every week if the season except the final week. Her scores were incredible every week, they won tons of games on her scores. Not saying they cheated, because the week she showed up she backed it up with a very good series with everyone watching her closely. Just saying whats the point? Are you really in a league if you never bowl with your team? There should be a limited amount of times you can pre bowl.

07-27-2012, 10:46 AM
1. Pre bowling does not mean that you will bowl on dry lanes! It depends, on a number of things, like when, and what lanes get oil. Its highly possible to find out from the mgr’s, what time and lanes would be oiled, and then be there to bowl on fresh oil! If you in tight with the mgr, he might even have it oiled for your pre-bowl. We don’t have anyone around watching the prebowl that I know of. They just come in and pick a lane and condition that fits their needs. Sure there can be BAD TIMES TO pre bowl with kids, ect ect… but that’s the prebowlers fault. Here it seems you can choose your time and date! (As far as kids and crowded lanes, you could come in maybe in the morning when kids are in school, very pleasant atmosphere!

2. Does the bowling magr’s check for corrections that can be made! On a busy alley I doubt that! They have many more important things to do.

3. ITS not the same having the pressures and exact oil pattern that was on the lanes the day league bowled. And they don’t have to experience the oil break down that occurs while bowling with a group of bowlers, in some cases up to 10 bowlers on 2 lanes, THAT PARTICULAR DAY!

In conclusion: YOUR average is a sum total of what you have bowled for however amount of games you have bowled. (((I know,,,, IF you have to pay, you should be able to get your money’s worth))) ok, so you get a ticket from the bowling establishment for the amount of games you paid for in practice tickets! Win,,,, win!!! Then a FAIR representation of your ability is posted against the opposing team!
What is so unfair about this scenario??

07-27-2012, 10:52 AM
There was a guy this summer's Tuesday league that pre-bowled a 300. I called BS. He is a 140 average bowler. The guy at the counter printed out the sheet and guess what? There were three score corrections. All in the first game, his 300 game. I talked to the woman who worked the day he bowled. She said she was in the back stocking stuff when he bowled it and he didn't say a word about it until he was done. I text him and told him what I thought. He hasn't shown up since and even missed three weeks of pre-bowling.

07-27-2012, 11:18 AM
Yes Bill ,,,, its SAD,,,, but we,, (YOU and I ) live in a world of sin, lies, and degradation!! If the world were more like The Dude, Iceman, and you Wild Bill,,, we would not have many of the sad problems we have today!

07-27-2012, 06:09 PM
There was a guy this summer's Tuesday league that pre-bowled a 300. I called BS. He is a 140 average bowler. The guy at the counter printed out the sheet and guess what? There were three score corrections. All in the first game, his 300 game. I talked to the woman who worked the day he bowled. She said she was in the back stocking stuff when he bowled it and he didn't say a word about it until he was done. I text him and told him what I thought. He hasn't shown up since and even missed three weeks of pre-bowling.
bill I know what you are talking about we had things like that happen
way back in the day before the automatic scoring was put in along with
print out sheets. We had this one bowler with a 118 average pre bowl for
their league and was claiming they had back to back 300 games and a 840
series as they thought no one was watching them at the time.

Well turns out they had tried to do the same thing before in the scoring
department on another league before but no body could prove it as they
were not being watched at the time. Well this time the league secretary
had sneaked in and the gal at the front desk also watched them bowl the
games without them knowing they were being watched closely.

It turns out they were just doing a reset on the pins and marking down
strikes on the score sheet so they got caught and they were banned from
bowling anymore leagues in the center so they moved away years ago.

07-27-2012, 11:19 PM
This guy is just an acquaintance, by no means a friend. But I did tell him we use the honor system and that there is no honor in cheating. I may have suggested that he not come back until he could do so honorably but those details are a bit sketchy as I was pretty pissed off by then.

07-28-2012, 11:20 AM
I never saw the point of cheating in a recreational activity that you do for a hobby. I've raced remote control cars for 16 years, and we catch cheaters way too much. What's the point, there's absolutly no money in it. Most weeks, if you win, you get nothing, not even a trophy. Wow, you get to go home and say you finished 5th insteas of 7th, but you have to know in your mind you cheated to get there, so what was the ponit? You weren't better, you just cheated, and in the end, you cheated yourself.

07-29-2012, 12:30 PM
I never saw the point of cheating in a recreational activity that you do for a hobby. I've raced remote control cars for 16 years, and we catch cheaters way too much. What's the point, there's absolutly no money in it. Most weeks, if you win, you get nothing, not even a trophy. Wow, you get to go home and say you finished 5th insteas of 7th, but you have to know in your mind you cheated to get there, so what was the ponit? You weren't better, you just cheated, and in the end, you cheated yourself.

Why does a person cheat in bowling/prebowling? Plain and simple, EGO!! Wanting to appear better then they actually are! (((its their perfect chance)))! But much harder to do now then in the days of paper scoring! I don’t think score corrections should be allowed on pre-bowling unless game is being witnessed by an official! Sad, but some with people with low EGO, and even lower self-esteem, will sadly cheat to get the WIN/recognition!

J Anderson
07-29-2012, 05:02 PM
Why does a person cheat in bowling/prebowling? Plain and simple, EGO!! Wanting to appear better then they actually are! (((its their perfect chance)))! But much harder to do now then in the days of paper scoring! I don’t think score corrections should be allowed on pre-bowling unless game is being witnessed by an official! Sad, but some with people with low EGO, and even lower self-esteem, will sadly cheat to get the WIN/recognition!

People with truly low self esteem do not cheat. The honest low score fits with their mind's view of where they belong. It is those who have an inflated self esteem, who believe they are better than they really are, who cheat. They see the low score or the bad leave that conflicts with their self image and hit the replay frame or the correct score button.

07-29-2012, 06:08 PM
Here when we prebowl the whole team has to be present and the opposing team has the option to prebowl with you. Most times the opposing team doesn't, our team never prebowls. On league nights there is always someone wanting to sub, if not we just take blind scores for the member thats out that night. I agree prebowling gives those teams that would cheat the opportunity to do so. I was at a tournament a few weeks ago when a 200 average bowler failed to report a 10 pin come out of the gutter to pick up a spare. I know he knew better!

08-08-2012, 06:43 PM
were not allowed to do that in our league, subbing, so pre bowling is allowed.