View Full Version : back pain/injury is making bowling difficult.

07-27-2012, 03:21 AM
The last two sessions of bowling i've done i have succumbed to some sort of back pain from and old injury/condition that still persists. In a recent post about the Crush/R that i got from the thrift store, weighs a lighter 14.5 lbs. Perhaps I need to put down the 15-16 lb stuff until my back heals or works itself out? Give me some feedback. Thanks.

07-27-2012, 04:19 AM
beerframe I know exactly what you mean about the back
pain as I have 2 ruptured disc's in my lower back the L4
and the L5.

I know sometimes I really do struggle with the pain and
on top of the back problems both of my knees are shot
with osteoarthritis just thank goodness for the prescribed
pain pills or I could never make it to go bowling.

Yes dropping down in ball weight will help out quite a bit
I know as I used to only throw 16# bowling balls but after
taking 12 years off from bowling and when I came back this
time I just decided to go with 14# equipment now.

I tried to throw one of my old balls but I could tell there was
no way I could ever go back to throwing 16# balls anymore
as it made for some very uncomfortable bowling right from the
get go and it really hurt my back bad.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is go with a 14# ball as I've
not noticed any big difference in pin carry between the old 16#
balls and the newer 14# ones as they carry as good as the 16#
balls did back in the day.

07-27-2012, 06:56 AM
i also get back pain when i go bowling before i went to my bowling prov last winter i pulled something not sure and it hurt for 3 weeks and still dose when i go bowling.
but the way i get over it is when i bowl to adjust my body too where i can feel it as much it dose affect your due too not in your normal postion but you can still bowl good with just this minor change and there is not as much pain.

but for me thats what i think cause i have a high tollorene for pain soo i cna even bowl with the pain but the after of bowling with the pain is the bigger problem cause i wont beable to move that night or the next day.

07-27-2012, 06:59 AM
and srry forgot to add this my replying stuff is not working soo i ahd to put it on this one.

go down too a 14lb ball i have switched to 14 after i use to use 15lbs and 15lbs started to hurt my wrist abit but 1 ball that u should watch out getting is the 900 global the ntus i got a 14lb one and it feels everyer them my 15lb freeze hard for me to throw it cause every time i throw it, it pulls my back

07-27-2012, 11:02 AM
I know your pain! I have so many physical things that have happed to me, that it would take two pages just to get some of it written down! Especially my lower back, and neck! I found that working out, eating right, staying away from foods that cause inflammation, taking supplements that fight pain, (MSM, Ginger, Turmeric ect) along with many other things I have covered in a previous thread, HELP A LOT! I was told that I WOULD BE in a wheel chair 6 years ago if I didn’t take the prescribed medications that doctors recommended! Guess what!!! I am now ICEMAN!!! And bowling with the The Dude!! Read the thread I posted about supplements, and working out!!!! IT DOES WORK! And believe me, I have a host of injuries, that I have overcome, along with RA/LUPUS!! Good luck with your back problems. I use a 15lb, but can throw my 16lb ball, just need to get it plugged and redrilled! I had a 268 with it last year, it’s a Titanium.

07-27-2012, 01:45 PM
This is the reason I needed to stop two handing. My back isn't the greatest because of my job, but keeping on bowling like that would just make it worse. It would suck to be all hunched over, and in pain he rest of my life just cause I can maintain a higher average