View Full Version : I shouldn't bowl tonight.

07-29-2012, 06:52 PM
I hit the lanes everyday for 9+ games last week till fri. I had aches in places I didn't know I had places, lol. Just starting to feel good again. I promised my partner I wouldn't bowl this wkend. He's gone and I have to bowl for us both on Tues (not twice as much, just cover his -10pins).

I want to go. I'm ready to go. Someone tell me not to go. Not tonight or tomorrow. I know I'll be a better bowler if I wait.

Or you could say "do what you gotta do" :)

07-29-2012, 06:59 PM
I say just take it easy today and tomorrow then bowl
your rear end off on Tuesday.

07-29-2012, 07:02 PM
I say just take it easy today and tomorrow then bowl
your rear end off on Tuesday.

Thank you sir. I know you are right. I'm afraid to read any further replies. I'm going for a walk.

07-29-2012, 07:13 PM
Rest is good. Take today off, you will feel like a million bucks next time you bowl.

07-29-2012, 10:01 PM
Thanks guys, I needed that. I was ready to break a promise and that's not my style. What's the deal with a substitute? Could I invite Hot Pocket to come bowl with me Tuesday? He's not that far away. Must the sub be sanctioned also?

07-30-2012, 12:01 AM
If the league is sanctioned then the sub must also be sanctioned. It can be done right then and there. You will need to check your league rules to see how far into the season a sub is allowed and what they require to establish an average.

07-31-2012, 10:09 PM
So I did wait until tonight to bowl. I did okay with a 143, 155 and 164. Above my avg for the most part. My partner wasn't there and our opponents weren't there either. Technically we took all 7 pts but the opponents got permission to bowl later so I won't know for sure until tomorrow. Felt pretty good overall though, took me until the middle of the 2nd game to slow my ball down...I was nearly crawling to the foul line lol.