View Full Version : why does tony ruocco always does this with his hand?

07-30-2012, 12:33 AM

after he lets go of the ball he always purposelly swings his arm back and for a couple times for no reason and he does this weird thing with his hand when it reaches the back of the swing. It's really distracting..

07-30-2012, 04:42 AM
Ha....I like Tony's style. The arm swing is normal, a lot of guys do that. As for holding his hand that way, I can't say....might just feel natural to him I guess, or it might be just something he does unconciously. There's a guy here I nicknamed "The Waiter" that does something similar to Tony, where he swings his arm back and forth once after releasing, and when he swings it forward he turns his palm up like if he were carrying a tray.

The German Shepherd
07-30-2012, 10:23 AM
It's called style...:)

Frankly, I think he throws a really good ball...


07-30-2012, 04:09 PM
That is the sign of a truly free arm swing just watch some of the
good bowlers on youtube and you will see that quite a few of
them also have free arm swings similar to Tony's.

07-30-2012, 06:26 PM
Also, it probably helps him hold his position after the follow-through since many players have a tendency to turn around too soon. It's like golf where you should hold the follow through for a few seconds after each shot.

07-30-2012, 07:10 PM
Distracting? I never noticed the hand thing until I went to see what you were talking about. The arm swing continuing is normal.

07-30-2012, 07:39 PM
No... He's clearly making his arm go back and forth on purpose

07-30-2012, 07:39 PM
Normal, but why is it normal?

07-30-2012, 08:43 PM
Tony's arm swing is natural. The motion is just a continuation of his follow thru. He turns the ball extremely quick and at the point of release his arm and hand is moving very quick. If your arm is 'totally' relaxed, your arm may do the same thing. Using muscles will usually stop or slow the arm from momentum. The swing he has is actually a very free arm movement. A good example of someone to mimic.


07-30-2012, 08:47 PM
i do that same thing sometimes but not alwasy depends on how ahrd i have to throw the ball or how slow i make it but when i get to throw the ball mid then i get that abit of a arm swing after i throw the ball.

J Anderson
07-30-2012, 11:02 PM
I've noticed lately that when I throw the ball correctly, my arm does the same thing. Unfortunately its only happening two or three times a game, and usually not in a row.