View Full Version : Bum night

08-02-2012, 04:27 AM
I average in league a 160 and over the past few weeks to a month I got a new ball and tighter finger tips. The pro shop guy said the previous employee didnt know what he was doing and put way bigger tips in my ball. So I went with his suggestion. Anyways I have gotten way higher games since then but tonight was just off... I couldnt hit my markk when I did it would hook just a little too soon left so I moved a bit and through the whole three games I guess I just wasnt as focused. I barely made it over 140. Anyways sorry had to vent for moment.

08-02-2012, 05:28 PM
@Keith: Venting is 90% of the fun here for me :) Yesterday for me was unreal. Nothing I did was correct. From board 5-35 cupped or uncupped, 13-18. Nothing worked. I really wanted to nail down that lane but I couldn't. Only strikes were brooklyn and they were explosive but move a few boards and repeat the delivery ='d blah.

Can't wait to bowl tonight!

08-02-2012, 08:36 PM
It always looks so easy and yet there are nights I can't even walk straight. A consistent drift I could adjust for but no, I can't drift the same way twice! (and no, I don't drink)

08-02-2012, 09:31 PM
It always looks so easy and yet there are nights I can't even walk straight. A consistent drift I could adjust for but no, I can't drift the same way twice! (and no, I don't drink)

I'm going to try and minimize my hyperbole. I bowled like a friggin champ tonight! lol. All 6 games. I have to go find the post I read this afternoon but someone said just keep a straight wrist with 45 degrees tilt and lift the ball off your fingers. As soon as I read it I knew I could do that. I've been messing around with my wrist way too much, especially for my level. I hit the pocket consistently. 175-218, another new high. The poster said don't expect much hook but I was getting as much as I ever got with that throw. I'm so pumped. I wish the lanes would open at 4am so I could do it again before work :) And the best part, no pain anywhere.

08-02-2012, 10:09 PM
I average in league a 160 and over the past few weeks to a month I got a new ball and tighter finger tips. The pro shop guy said the previous employee didnt know what he was doing and put way bigger tips in my ball. So I went with his suggestion. Anyways I have gotten way higher games since then but tonight was just off... I couldnt hit my markk when I did it would hook just a little too soon left so I moved a bit and through the whole three games I guess I just wasnt as focused. I barely made it over 140. Anyways sorry had to vent for moment.

I've been there man, hang in there. There were weeks I bowled practice games a few nights before my league. In the practice session, my average was incredible. Seemed like every game was over 200, for 15 or more games. I would show up to my league, and in warm ups, I would shred. Then, the games counted, and the scores... ...well... ...uggghhh. It's frustrating, but hang in there. Because I stunk in the begining of the league, when we hit the second half, and the standings started back at zero, and I got my game straightened out, my team won tons of games. My improvments got us all the way to 3rd. I'll forget the fact that if I didn't choke away a game a week for a month, even during my hot streak, we would have been contending for first.

08-03-2012, 06:45 AM
Well I went in there tonight and didnt fare bad at all... I mean yeah could always be better but I was a little above average. I guess its one of those things... I have a buddy of mine that told me sometimes you get an off night but it doesnt mean I have to like it lol ....

Billf you might be able to drift twice the same way but im sure itd take a lot of practice and might not be so good lol ...

Bacahead sounds likeme I am always up for bowling and always wished they stayed open later but I know they all wanna go home at some point and time as well lol .

Me and my team mate didnt do quite as well as we could have the first have of league and we are playing for posistion round this coming sunday... were in third but of course if me or him could have picked up at least one spare we could have beeen bowling in second place against first but being first santioned league I guess I cant be to mad bout playing for third place. Also I set out to end with at least a certain average and I am right at it so I guess its not all bad lol .