View Full Version : Thumb Slug ?

08-02-2012, 05:34 AM
I know every ball I have every had drilled I was told to get tips and a thumb slug... Well recently the guy whohas been coaching me said that the thumb slug is a way for pro shops to make money... I looked at his ball and a few others who bowl with him and they do not have a thumb slug... does the thumb slug make that big of a difference or is he kind of right?

08-02-2012, 06:16 AM
Benefits of the slug are

1. You get the same feel from ball to ball. Balls are made out of different material, so you get a different feel with different balls, but if you have a slug in every ball, you'll have the same feel.

2. If you don't like the size of the slug (if it's too big, or fits weird), all you have to do is get it taken out and another drilled to your satisfaction in minutes... Whereas if you didn't have the slug, it would have to be plugged and dry for 24 hours then have to be drilled.

08-02-2012, 05:35 PM
my first 300 ball was drilled without one but the problem was at some point the ball chipped right on the edge of the thumb whole and plus what JaMau24 said ....you could also look into the changeable thumb slug which you change based on if your thumb swells or not.

serial bowl
08-02-2012, 07:48 PM
My driller told me they are easier to shape, smooth, and fine tune, which means it's easier for him to provide you with a better fit.
They are not getting rich on your thumb slug. It makes his day easier. Good for him, Good for you.

08-02-2012, 08:19 PM
Tips aren't needed either but they are more comfortable and help save the holes from wear.

08-03-2012, 06:50 AM
Wow honestly I never thought of all those things...they all make perfect sense lol guess he didnt know exactly what he was talking bout and honestly there has been times where the slug was just a little too big.. Reasons like this is why I love bowling boards... get everyone honest opinion on it all =) .

08-05-2012, 11:10 PM
i use a thumb slug and my thumb slids right out of the ball much easyer then it use too i use to have to grip the ball to keep it on my hand because i had a fast down swing witch made me throw my ball backwards soo my proshop guy let me use one of his too see what it feels like and see how i like it and it felt much better and much cleaner releases