View Full Version : I think my ball might be drilled wrong... advice?

Big Nick
08-02-2012, 09:20 AM
I purchased my first bowling ball, a 13 pound, Black/Purple Storm Tropical Heat, about two weeks ago on the recommendation of the pro-shop owner, and I've been having a little trouble with it. I've never been a big hook thrower and my ball speed is usually in between 14 and 16 mph, but it is extremely hard for me to impart any hook on this ball (certain house balls are easier to hook than the Tropical Heat is). When it does hook, it's usually late and I miss the pocket and head pin altogether. On the off chance that the stars align and it hits the pocket, it literally shatters the rack.

I started doing some research on techniques to try to get more revs on the ball, and in my searching I found out that my typical release is that of a full roller. I can throw a semi roller when I try, but its extremely inaccurate and doesn't hook any more than my standard release. Currently the ball is drilled with the pin above my ring finger and the CG is in my palm. I looked on Storm's website at the drilling instructions for my ball, and while I don't understand a lot of what it's saying, there is a diagram of a similar drilling position that says it creates a late break point. I'm thinking about booking some time with the pro at the local lanes and see what he thinks. I just wanted to see what some of you guys might think first, though. Usually I can wrap my head around a particular issue after doing some research online, but the drillings and different stroke styles have me confused to no end.

I know that there's a lot that goes into a proper drilling, and if you guys need more info, I'll do my best to answer any more questions you may have so you can better help me with my problem.


08-02-2012, 10:01 AM
Is the ball drilled with a fingertip grip or a conventional grip? That has a big difference on your ability to throw a hook

08-02-2012, 10:31 AM
You may need to get the ball re-drilled for a full roller. There are very special layouts that have to be used for full rollers and your ball is not drilled for your type of release.

08-02-2012, 11:21 AM
The Tropical Heat is not designed for a huge hook, and if it was drilled to go long, then what your described about its hook is reasonable. I would be wary of getting your equipment re-drilled. There was a time I thought I was a full-roller, but 2 years later it was determined that I am a 3/4 roller with a high track. I would recommend you find a coach and get a quick lesson to find out what your release style is before you spend the money to re-drill. Another option might be sanding the ball for an earlier break point.

Big Nick
08-02-2012, 11:52 AM
The ball is drilled for a conventional grip, so i know that also factors in. But I'll reiterate that I've gotten more hook from house balls that have the same grip configuration.

I'm also diagnosing myself as a full roller based on oil pattern running in between the fingers and thumb. Sometimes it's right outside the fingers and thumb, but it isn't my normal track with this ball.

I'm going to call for a lesson later today and see what he says after seeing me throw a few.

08-02-2012, 12:19 PM
Your throwing a Full Roller with a Conventional grip 13# ball up to 16 mph. That ball isn't going to hook for beans.

Try working on more of a consistent semi-roller(3/4 Roller) first and improving your accuracy, that would do more to improve your hook. Than worrying about getting "more revs on the ball" or the layout.

I'm going to call for a lesson later today and see what he says after seeing me throw a few.

This is the best idea coaching and practice.

08-02-2012, 06:18 PM
Fingertips will def have a different feel and will produce more lift on the fingers. Like someone mentioned a tropical heat is a low end ball not really made for oil more for light to dry lanes. Most conventional bowlers i know can hook a ball off a lane if they had fingertips. They all say they have to many revs with fingertips.

08-02-2012, 08:27 PM
A ball like the Tropical Heat likes the dry, outside part of the lane. Watch video on YuoTube of Walter Ray Williams Jr and notice how far right he plays. That line will help this ball a lot.

08-02-2012, 08:46 PM
with conventional grip.. i doubt any revs will be imparted because it's just too hard to get it done.. change it to fingertip and you might feel better in my opinion.. but that also depends on you..

Big Nick
08-03-2012, 09:10 AM
I've got a session with a pro scheduled for next Wednesday afternoon. I'll let everyone know what he says after the lesson.

Big Nick
08-13-2012, 12:32 PM
I know this is a little late, but I wanted to update everyone. I had my session with the local pro, and he helped me out a lot. I told him about my concerns regarding the way the ball was drilled, and he said that the way it's set up is fine. I was having a problem with my thumb hanging up due to the span being a little too long, and he fixed that, as well.

After watching me bowl a few frames, he made some suggestions on some things to change. My starting stance was too tall, and he changed the position of my hands and feet slightly at address. He also had me change my initial aim point, as well as my release point. Being a taller guy, I was releasing the ball too late in an effort to try and set the ball down smoothly. With the earlier release point, the ball drops to the floor more than before (accompanied by a thud), but the path of the ball is much more consistent and predictable. Further more, the change in hand position and release point have eliminated the full-roller I was throwing before. Now the ball tracks 1" to 1.5" inches outside the thumb hole.

All in all, I was extremely happy with the lesson and I'll be going back in a week or two for another one. Surprisingly, he told me that my fundamentals were pretty good for someone who had never been coached before. He went on to say that he covered a lot more info with me than most people get to in their first lesson, and that I'm at the stage of needing to nit-pick over the details of my delivery versus needing to unlearn a bunch of bad habits. Best $30 I've spent on bowling thus far!

08-13-2012, 11:15 PM
Glad to hear it went so well. Even at 3 lessons, total $90, would be cheaper than just ONE overly aggressive ball that won't be needed with proper coaching.

Big Nick
08-15-2012, 12:47 PM
Glad to hear it went so well. Even at 3 lessons, total $90, would be cheaper than just ONE overly aggressive ball that won't be needed with proper coaching.

Tell me about it. Here I was thinking that I either needed the ball re-drilled or that it wasn't aggressive enough. An hour later, it's hooking more than I ever thought it would.... in fact, any more and I'd almost need another, straighter ball to be able to pick up a 6 or 10 pin.