View Full Version : Could my follow through tell me something about if I'm hooking the ball correctly?

08-03-2012, 04:53 AM
Or "giving it hand" should I say.

Not tonight, but a couple times ago that I was bowling I noticed that my follow through hand went directly to the left at a 45degree angle. I've seen people do this on videos and could not understand how it worked with the ball went straight but now I've finally done it. Wondering if I should continue to do this?

J Anderson
08-03-2012, 07:55 AM
Or "giving it hand" should I say.

Not tonight, but a couple times ago that I was bowling I noticed that my follow through hand went directly to the left at a 45degree angle. I've seen people do this on videos and could not understand how it worked with the ball went straight but now I've finally done it. Wondering if I should continue to do this?

If you imagine vertical wall directly on top of the initial (intended) path of your ball, and extending back onto the approach. Your shoulder should be in this wall and the arc of your swing should be + or - 2" of being in this wall. This includes the follow through. Technically, once the ball leaves your hand nothing that you do will affect the ball. A good relaxed swing will naturally follow through toward your target. To deliberately try to follow through to the left is probably going to screw something up in the swing or the release.

08-03-2012, 07:59 AM
Tonight I believe I was doing a good pendulum swing because I'd swing it and then at the bottom use a bit of force but then the hand would come up straight then actually fall back down and swing on its own. But this was a few days ago that the hand went to the left without purposefully doing that.

08-04-2012, 11:52 PM
Here's an article on the swing slot that should help you

08-05-2012, 09:04 AM
There are a few of the pros that finish with their hand going in front of there face and I think this is what you're referring to. It's something that they've perfected to get the desired roll and spin axis they want. All though not a preferred way to release the ball it works for them. I would always tend to correct someone I coach that would do that, only because there's a possibility of pulling the ball to the left inadvertently and missing your mark. The article Bill just put up for you is a good one to read and heed. Consistency is easier with a straight swing plane. I'd say if you can swing straight stick with that. In the long run I think you'd be better off than the other follow-thru.


08-05-2012, 10:19 AM
Take a look at the two videos in this thread.


08-05-2012, 10:33 AM
Last time i practiced was much different, much straighter and free. I think i should give up on hand turn tho

J Anderson
08-05-2012, 07:51 PM
Last time i practiced was much different, much straighter and free. I think i should give up on hand turn tho

There are a lot of parts to a good bowling delivery. Sometimes ( most times?) its best to just work on one thing until the motion becomes natural and then start on another aspect. After you get the swing so its automatic, maybe then you can work on more revolutions.