View Full Version : Please Explain Inverted Track

08-08-2012, 07:00 PM
Can anyone explain the drilling technique of the two balls show in attached photos? These two balls were drilled in the late 90's that work very well for my wife. The track flares toward the fingers and away from thumb, which provides her with earlier, more consitent ball reaction than typical track flare way from fingers and tward thumb.

Regards, Mike

08-08-2012, 07:01 PM
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08-08-2012, 07:29 PM
Can anyone explain the drilling technique of the two balls show in attached photos? These two balls were drilled in the late 90's that work very well for my wife. The track flares toward the fingers and away from thumb, which provides her with earlier, more consitent ball reaction than typical track flare way from fingers and tward thumb.

Regards, Mike
"The track flares toward the fingers and away from thumb"
assuming shes righthanded and your describing this


That's not a Inverted track, it's more a normal track. though in this picture the bowtie point the white arrow, is very low. So the track starts near the thumb and flares toward the fingers.

But we'll have to see your pictures to know for sure