View Full Version : girl friend wants a bowling ball best ball for her?

08-13-2012, 03:28 PM
so she requested i get her one last time we went bowling. she is wanting to bowl with a 11lb-10lb ball. I read online that the lighter weight balls dont have cores well the anaconda didnt is this true of every ball? according to what i read some have generic cores and some have none at all. i thought about finding her a tornado or something less aggressive .she wants a bezerk but i duno if thats what she needs starting off then again i started with an aggressive ball. but i regretted it

08-13-2012, 04:00 PM
so she requested i get her one last time we went bowling. she is wanting to bowl with a 11lb-10lb ball. I read online that the lighter weight balls dont have cores well the anaconda didnt is this true of every ball? according to what i read some have generic cores and some have none at all.

For the most part that's true, below about #12 most balls use a generic core. There are a few that have a high tech core, but you have to research a lot to see which ones do.

IMO once you get that light in a ball, it doesn't make enough difference to worry about.

Also the Berserk the 13-12 has a different core and thinner shell than the 14-16 balls do.

08-13-2012, 10:55 PM
The Motiv Ascent uses a decent core in their 11lb balls . It is the Recon core. As my wife throws 11lb I just got her both the solid and the pearl. The Missing Link and Hooks from Global also use real cores rather than pancakes

08-13-2012, 11:41 PM
thanks so much guys you have been a ton of help

08-14-2012, 05:49 PM
Does she hook the ball, or is she going straight at it? If she's going straight, and not worried too much about scores, do what my wife did, pick out a pretty one. Maybe some day she will listen to my instructions, and learn to bowl.