View Full Version : I am devastated...

The German Shepherd
08-15-2012, 05:41 PM
well I got to my bowling house for my Wednesday league today - armed to the teeth and ready for battle. Before we started our practice throws, the owners of the bowling house called all of us into the bar area and announced that they were closing the doors the last day of August. That's right, they are shutting down. This is the first house I bowled in since I began bowling once again this past Winter.

I know this may sound silly to some of you, but I got choked up over the news. as a matter of fact, I was mentally shot for the entire three game set. Now I have to find a new bowling house and I don;t like the prospect...this hurts.


08-15-2012, 06:29 PM
Dang I'm so sorry to hear that man. Granted I've only started bowling recently its the only place I find enjoyment with work and college filling up the rest of my schedule. So I can't even imagine how bad I would feel if it closed.

08-15-2012, 06:42 PM
That sucks man, I know how you feel. My other hobby is racing RC cars, and the tracks around here keep closing. Last year, we had zero tracks that we could drive to without crossing a bridge and paying tolls. As far as bowling alleys, there's a lot around here, but if one of, or both my favorite houses closed I would be lost. Are there any other bowling alleys around by you?

08-15-2012, 06:46 PM
damn that sucks man hope you find a new house. Houses have been slowly closing here in bronx and theres one closing in harlem now also. Hopefully you could still bowl with all the same people at a different house and possibly it can even mean more to win.

08-15-2012, 07:30 PM
I went through this recently. The place I was on a league at closed it's door due to a problem between the property owner and the owner of the bowling alley. Yes it was a landlord/renter disagreement. Luckily the league had been around for years and a pretty close group of people. So the league secretary looked at the options for moving the league. The league found a new home for the summer Jubilee league and will probably stay there since it is the nicest one that is closest to where the other one was. It really is something that the members of the league needs to talk about in an official league meeting. Also emails and phone numbers need to be given to the league Secretary so they can notify people of where the league is moving to. I am sorry to see another bowling alley close it's doors. It really is a sad day when one of these places close their doors.

08-15-2012, 10:31 PM
I'm sorry to hear it. I can't imagine how devastated I would be if my center closed. I've bowled in many tournaments at different places but there is only one home.

08-15-2012, 11:31 PM
Sorry to hear that Jay. Hope you can find a new place that you feel at home at.

08-16-2012, 03:16 AM
That sucks dude. Good luck finding a new (bowling) home.

08-16-2012, 09:10 AM
Terrible news! Sorry to hear it. Any chance that another party will take the place over?

The German Shepherd
08-16-2012, 11:51 AM
The owners are thinking they will sell it for warehouse space. :(


08-16-2012, 01:30 PM
I feel your pain! I remember when Bowlerland(Van Nuys,Ca) closed their doors for good in 2001 I think. It was like 5-10 min from my house! Thankfully though I have several bowling houses(Matador lanes,Mission Hills Bowl,Corbin Bowl & Woodlake Bowl) that are with in 10-20 min from me. You will find 1 near you i'm sure so keep the faith and good bowling.
