View Full Version : loft

08-27-2012, 11:00 PM
Lately I have been throwing the bball with a considerable amount of little (air) on the ball. I can tell a difference with my ball speed and hook. Should I cut back on this before I get used to this? And I also have a blister on my knuckle on my thumb. Is this also something for concern??? Thank you

08-27-2012, 11:06 PM
The blister there is usually from squeezing the ball. With the thumb flexed and leaving the ball, the knuckle drags. Pitch and/or a hole too big are the biggest known causes.

08-27-2012, 11:17 PM
I use to loft the ball a good ways. I was told to stop because the ball will lose speed. Try to let the ball flow out of your hand instead of forcing it. Proper form is all it takes is how it was put to me. Also the blister issue i was told after bowling take a lemon and cut a hole on it and stick your thumb into the lemon for about 30 minutes and it should help dry it out. I dont know if that is true about the lemon but figured id post it.

08-27-2012, 11:26 PM
Thank you bill I really think I am gripping the ball... and putting too much force on my hand. And will. I don't think I will try the lemon thing. Lemon on an open wound? Sounds like it will hurt. Thanks for the input

08-27-2012, 11:31 PM
Lol ill never try it. But figured id share it.

08-28-2012, 12:51 AM
I use to loft the ball a good ways. I was told to stop because the ball will lose speed. Try to let the ball flow out of your hand instead of forcing it. Proper form is all it takes is how it was put to me. Also the blister issue i was told after bowling take a lemon and cut a hole on it and stick your thumb into the lemon for about 30 minutes and it should help dry it out. I dont know if that is true about the lemon but figured id post it.

They told you wrong, It's not a Lemon.

You cut a hole in a potato! and stick you thumb into it. That's a old bowlers trick. You can see it done in the bowling movie "Dreamer".

08-28-2012, 01:57 AM
theres nothing wrong with loft if your mika koivuniemi. the main problem with loft is can you land the ball, lets say 5'5'' down the lane, and on your mark every time. rather than just your mark, you also have to throw it to a certain spot. if you loft 5'4'' you could miss the pocket.

08-28-2012, 02:00 AM
theres nothing wrong with loft if your mika koivuniemi. the main problem with loft is can you land the ball, lets say 5'5'' down the lane, and on your mark every time. rather than just your mark, you also have to throw it to a certain spot. if you loft 5'4'' you could miss the pocket.


08-28-2012, 06:58 AM
Sounds to me like you're probably hanging onto the ball too long. I had one of my junior bowlers doing the same thing on Saturday. If your thumb is coming out late ( again the previous thread is right) because you're squeezing the ball, then your thumb and fingers may be coming out at the same time. Next time you practice, try to feel your thumb start to release the ball as your bowling hand is coming past your slide leg. That'll get your thumb out and allow you to lift and turn the ball with just your fingers. Your thumb is only there to help hang onto the ball. Let your wrist and fingers do all of the work for you.


08-28-2012, 12:43 PM
Thanks bob, next time I will practice that. I'll try to take a video of it and put it up on here! And i will also try the potato!

08-28-2012, 08:39 PM
Correct the thumb and the loft will correct itself. To loft properly, you adjust with knee bend. That adjustment starts with the "athletic pose" (start position). Gripping the ball can and will cause loft and pulling towards the slide side of the body.

08-28-2012, 10:11 PM
LOL....when I was a teenager (mannnnnny years ago !) I had thumb problems and a pro that came to put on an exhibition, Billy G, gave me the tip to try that. I was also lucky to shoot a game against him in the match and I beat him with a 220 something game. I remember telling my Mom, also a good bowler, about the potato and she thought I was nuts. But because Billy G had told me, she helped me core out a potato to fit and I slept with the darn thing on my thumb all night. Well, the next morning I woke up, soreness gone, and with a thumb shriveled up like a small prune. Never did it again because the soreness came right back. But it sure was funny looking and something I'll always remember.


08-31-2012, 02:55 AM
to tell you the truth, i think that the loft thing might help. i dont put alot on it and i hit my marks when i do. and i trust the ball to do what it can. I had a series tonight 22, 267 ,157 (my mental game sucked third game. Could have been my first 700 series easily) but i was putting a little loft on it so it wouldnt take off across the lane...

08-31-2012, 06:35 AM
If you are comfortable doing it and it sounds like it very minimal, I wouldn't be too concerned. I see a lot of things people don't donby the book and it seems to work for them. Everyone cant have the perfect and ideal form.

08-31-2012, 07:32 PM
Thanks florida. i always think i have to that perfect bowler...

08-31-2012, 10:52 PM
Your original post said you were getting a considerable amount of air. A loft of 12-18 inches past the foul line and an inch or so high is not only normal but desirable. So I guess I will ask what I should have in the first place; What is a considerable amount of air?

09-01-2012, 07:17 PM
it varies at times. It can land 2-3 feet from the foul line, almost to the arrows. and my air is about a couple of inches off the ground.

J Anderson
09-01-2012, 09:03 PM
Thanks florida. i always think i have to that perfect bowler...

I just finished reading "Focused for Bowling". Dean Hinitz has a lot to say about the dangers of being a perfectionist. Basically when you feel every shot has to be perfect you're operating out of fear which is only a good motivator if you're in a fight or being chased by something that thinks you'd make a nice snack. The muscles that you need to have relaxed tighten up, and any shot that isn't perfect sends you into a death spiral of self criticism.

09-01-2012, 09:12 PM
it varies at times. It can land 2-3 feet from the foul line, almost to the arrows. and my air is about a couple of inches off the ground.

The arrows are 15 feet from the foul line. 2-3 feet is fine. 10-15 feet should be reserved for special occasions. Learning to properly control loft does have advantages.

09-02-2012, 01:12 AM
i think i am getting to that point... and im learning to handle my thumb so i dont get that blister... and i tihnk the blister was from too much bowling... but i bowled 267 222 and 157... with my loft and going down and in... so i might just use it to my advantage

09-02-2012, 11:30 AM
and I think the blister was from too much bowling

How much are you bowling? I have bowled 40 games in a session without any pain or blisters to my hand. However, I will mess with the tape as my thumb swells, etc

09-02-2012, 09:40 PM
I know why I have had loft and blisters... I got a used Dark Encounter and i went to get it drilled... turns out my freeze's span was too small and that was why I was having problems... and i usually dont have a problem with a lot of games until now... i guess my hand span grew?

09-02-2012, 11:20 PM
Even after we are done growing it can change with changes in body weight.

09-03-2012, 08:28 PM
i think i am getting to that point... and im learning to handle my thumb so i dont get that blister... and i tihnk the blister was from too much bowling... but i bowled 267 222 and 157... with my loft and going down and in... so i might just use it to my advantage

itstyler, a couple of questions.
1. During the first game what were you shooting for a line ?
2. Did the line break down quickly at the start of the 2nd game or did you start off ok, then the shot started to go away half way through ?
3. What was happening with your shots and what changes did you make?
4. What in the world was going on in the third game, was it wrong ball, wrong shot, oil completely evaporated or what are your thoughts ?

Lets see if we can help you from having this happen again.


09-05-2012, 02:18 PM
bob, i have understood the problem... my span on my freeze was too small and that was why i was gripping the ball and lofting it... i have gotten a new ball (Dark Encounter) and got my freeze redone. I am now more consistent with my line and no more loft. So i think my problem might be solved. This new ball i got is really working well on being consistent.

09-05-2012, 08:02 PM
Good to hear that. I lived with my thumb problems for years until a pro shop guy that worked at the lanes for me redrilled one of my balls and changed the span and pitches. Years of problems gone in one drilling ! Good luck with the new ball.


serial bowl
09-05-2012, 08:53 PM
Good to hear that. I lived with my thumb problems for years until a pro shop guy that worked at the lanes for me redrilled one of my balls and changed the span and pitches. Years of problems gone in one drilling ! Good luck with the new ball.


I have a lot of problems with my thumb also, and I am curious as to what kind of thumb problems you had, and what changes were made to your drilling to correct this?

09-07-2012, 11:02 PM
I was "knuckling" the ball with my thumb to hang on to it. I used to have a BIG knot on the back of my thumb. My pro shop guy changed my thumb pitches and my span just a bit and problem gone. Still have some small remnants of the knot and it's a good reminder of what "knot" to do !!


serial bowl
09-08-2012, 12:23 AM
I keep my thumb hole pitches a secret too. LOL

09-08-2012, 08:21 AM
LOL...... I'm not keeping it a secret, in fact, whenever I drill out a new one, I give him one of my existing balls and tell him "Match it". It's been so long since I've looked at my measurements, I couldn't begin to tell you what I have. All I know is I never have any hand problems anymore. Find the right fit and keep it. That's the secret.


serial bowl
09-08-2012, 02:46 PM
Your right, that is the secret. I went through four slugs with different pitches and spans to find what works for me.

09-12-2012, 08:03 PM
Sometimes it takes a while to get everything right, but once you do you immediately can feel the difference. A great feeling of relief.


09-18-2012, 10:23 AM
Its been a while since I have updated this. But i have gotten to the point where I feel comfortable going up and rolling the ball down the lanes... I have the tendency to "throw" the ball down the lane. Other than that and a few other minor adjustments I think I am getting to where I am throwing a good ball. No more loft/lift

09-18-2012, 06:40 PM
Its been a while since I have updated this. But i have gotten to the point where I feel comfortable going up and rolling the ball down the lanes... I have the tendency to "throw" the ball down the lane. Other than that and a few other minor adjustments I think I am getting to where I am throwing a good ball. No more loft/lift

Great to hear you're doing better. We all have those moments that we have a 'brain fart' and throw something crazy int the mix while were throwing the ball. Don't worry about a bad shot now and then. Your consistency will come with more time and practice. Keep us updated.
