View Full Version : What do you consider the hardest spare shot in bowling?

09-02-2012, 01:24 AM
many say 7-10 but it's gotta be the 5-7-10 imo



09-02-2012, 08:22 AM
I would imagine that would be easier to pick up than the 7-10. I have been very close on a few occasions but never any where near on a 7-10

09-02-2012, 08:24 AM
What would you do? Deflect off the 5 into the 7 and hope the 5 goes into the 10?

09-02-2012, 08:27 AM
What would you do? Deflect off the 5 into the 7 and hope the 5 goes into the 10?


09-02-2012, 11:19 AM
accualy the 5-7-10 is easy i have made it 8 times but close 3 times on the 7-10 the 7-10 is harder cause u have to get the pin to bounce out of the backwitch dose not happen rarly but to hit the 5-7-10 u will throw a hook ball and if your a righty u will hit the left of the 5 to make it go into the 10 and the ball will skim the 7pin with the hook if your lefty u want to hit the right side of the 5 to make it go into the 7 and the ball hit the 10 best way to do this shot is to get as much hook on the ball as u can witch is going streght up with a med-high agressive ball dependsing on rev rate and speed for me i would have to use a med ball witch i got my track kinetic pearl.

09-02-2012, 11:25 AM
I've made both the 7-10 and 5-7-10 many times. I have yet to get the 4-6 so for me that would have to be the hardest spare.

The 5-7-10 I get my shooting the 5 from the corner of the approach to the opposite side of the pin. So I stand way left, hit the right side of the 5, the ball takes out the 10, the 5 takes the 7. I throw it hard at this so the 5 usually hits the corner of the pit and bounces out to get the 7. That's with my plastic ball. I've also done it the way Striker described above.

09-02-2012, 12:02 PM
That sounds easier the way you pick it up bill

The German Shepherd
09-02-2012, 04:20 PM
Never picked the 5-7-10 but then again I have only left it once in my entire life. I have picked the 7-10 a couple of times in leagues and also the 4-6-7-10. I have only picked the 2-4-8-10 once in my life so my guess is that this has to be one my most difficult.


09-02-2012, 05:23 PM
I would have to say the 7-10 is harder than the 5-7-10 because the 7-10 is more based on luck and it also depends on the house you are bowling at (some walls are bouncier than others). The 5-7-10 is definitely harder to leave though, lol

09-02-2012, 08:03 PM
bill you have never got the 4-6 split i got it on my first year of bowling 4 years ago at a single turnny and im happy i got it it got me my first 200 game a 205

09-02-2012, 08:05 PM
The side walls at my house are very soft and I haven't left it anywhere else yet, thankfully. I left the big 4 in back to back frames during practice today. Didn't convert either time.

09-02-2012, 10:54 PM
i converted the big 4 once and it was lucky i missed my target badly i was standing to the right shooting at the 4-7 and the ball hit the left side of the 6 pin and it made the 6 pin bounce off the wall and was spinning right over the the 7pin knocks it down at first i thought i missed then some how the 4pin fell i was lucky.

but you cna say that is a big miss of the target right aiming to the left of the 4 pin and hitting the left of the 6 pin lol

09-02-2012, 11:22 PM
Usually when I miss that bad I try to play it off but my laughing gives me away.

09-03-2012, 10:55 AM
I have only left the 5-7-10 once an missed it... the 7-10 ive made 3 times ....i think the greek church is harder ive come close though

09-03-2012, 11:44 AM
I don't know what spare (or split) is the hardest to convert. My feeling is that whatever spare I just missed probably seems the hardest to me at the time.

But here's another question for you guys. What spare is the hardest TO LEAVE?

I can think of dozens that would qualify for such a discussion, with the hardest (and in fact, impossible to leave) the 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10 (knocking over the 5 pin on the first ball...would require a helicopter ball). But here's one I captured on video that left me scratching my head. In this video, skip forward to 2:50. You'll see me (or my feet, anyway) on lane 30 bowling and leaving a 9 pin. But just as I begin to walk back, notice two lanes over to the left, on lane 28, some kid plucks out the 4-6-10 from a full rack of pins. That's right, he gets the 6 to topple over to the left and drop the 4, without knocking any other adjacent pins over (except for the ball taking out the 10). Can't say I'd ever seen that happen before. Here's the clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyGNQ5hmcfk

09-03-2012, 12:49 PM
Never had the 5-7-10 I believe. I have picked up the 7-10 once in a tourny. Couldn't believe it..