View Full Version : Switching from a 15 to a 16

09-03-2012, 02:45 PM
How much will I notice the difference? Is there a bigger advantage using 15? I've used 15 since I was little, just wondering if I should switch.

09-03-2012, 02:52 PM
Ball speed will decrease slightly. The wear and tear on your body will increase slightly. The difference in today's equipment leaves the balls on an equal level with neither having an advantage based solely on their weight.

09-03-2012, 03:24 PM
When I just got my new defiant I decided to go with 15. Im very glad I decided to drop down. I notice less fatigue and I feel I'm more accurate. I don't notice any loss in the way it hits the pins either. But that's just my opinion, if you feel you can do better with a 16 then you have to make that decision for yourself, although many will tell you to stick to a 15.

09-03-2012, 04:01 PM
I dropped down from using a 16lb. ball back to a 14lb. ball when
I started back bowling last fall after a 12 year layoff from bowling
because of back issues.

I have not noticed any great big drastic drop in my pin carry or the
hitting power of the ball, and yes my average is down a little but it
is starting to climb back up toward where it was 12 years ago as I
get back in the groove of bowling again.

The main thing I have noticed is I'm not hurting all over and not as
fatigued like I was back when I used to throw a 16lb. ball so I will
just stick with a 14lb. ball from now on.

09-03-2012, 11:06 PM
I have been told by my pro shop as well as reps for some of the ball manufactuers that the 15lbs balls are designed to hit harder then the 16. They based this on them selling more 15lbs balls then 16,so they some how make the 15's the premier balls.


09-04-2012, 01:25 AM
most of todays balls 15-16 isn't a big difference. as long as you can throw the fine. my virtual energy is 16lbs, and my frantic is 15. it will change your ball speed. I usually throw the energy around maybe 12.5-13mph. and the frantic about 14.5-15

09-04-2012, 03:06 AM
Thank you guys.. I think I will just stick with my 15. Reason I asked is because I have a 16 Brunswick Attitude III that I'm going to drill up for my hand. I'll also be in the market for a new ball in a week or 2.

09-07-2012, 02:12 PM
Fatal, you might hold off on buying that new ball! You will probably win one on this site! You being new, adds to that possibility! But make sure its the ball you want that week.
No one I know has won two, and when I won my first week on it was a plastic ball! They do give away some great balls, just know from my experience that what ever ball you do win that week, will in all likelihood be your last shoot! Good luck, I bet you get one soon!

09-07-2012, 02:52 PM
No one I know has won two,

I think they have a rule where you are only eligible to win once every 6 months or a year or something

09-07-2012, 02:58 PM
I think they have a rule where you are only eligible to win once every 6 months or a year or something

No rule like that I've ever seen. The has been someone who has won twice, Kev3nip has won two.

09-07-2012, 02:59 PM
I thought they did something like that to sort of spread the wealth around lol

09-07-2012, 03:28 PM
chrono have you won a ball yet cause i won mine in feb and know i just post for fun if i do win again i would ask them if i could giv eit to someone else mainly to someone who ahs been on here for abit and has not won yet because i just found out my taxes are a decent amount that i can go and buy a ball and give it to my jr bowling coachs to give to alittle kid and enoph to buy me a new bag and 4 new balls and still ahve alot left over to save.

the thing im trying to do is get up enoph posts to become a high roller i like that name but not sure how many posts i need to get to it.

09-07-2012, 03:50 PM
chrono have you won a ball yet cause i won mine in feb and know i just post for fun if i do win again i would ask them if i could giv eit to someone else mainly to someone who ahs been on here for abit and has not won yet because i just found out my taxes are a decent amount that i can go and buy a ball and give it to my jr bowling coachs to give to alittle kid and enoph to buy me a new bag and 4 new balls and still ahve alot left over to save.

the thing im trying to do is get up enoph posts to become a high roller i like that name but not sure how many posts i need to get to it.

no i haven't won one yet. but I have been posting a lot the last few days, so here's hopin!

09-07-2012, 03:56 PM
I would like to win too but its not the only reason im here. Its a little added bonus i guess..maybe ill get one eventually

09-07-2012, 04:42 PM
ohh that sucks guys both of you guys should win this week and next week would be good cause chrono you have been on here for awhile if i win i will see if i can let the win go to one of you guys

09-07-2012, 05:56 PM
I would love to win the IQ. I really hope they give away a purple taboo or lucid and i win. That would be optimal. Back to my original question tho. I have way better rotation using my 16 than my 15 and it's not even drilled to my hand. I went to the lanes last night and couldnt believe how good I was throwing the 16. I feel as though when i use my 15 i let go to late and get a lot of spin rotation, where as the 16 released perfect. I'm very confused..

09-07-2012, 06:59 PM
reason why u are able to spin the ball more with the 15lb ball is cause its abit lights and your able to get your hand unde rit mroe then the 16lb ball i went from a 15lb ball to a 14lb cause of wrist issues.

but about the releaseing late im not the person that can fully awnser that but my best guess at it is that youe timing might be abit off from throwing the 16lb ball unless you already had the problem before u threw a 16lb ball then if thats soo then i defently do not know.

09-09-2012, 08:06 PM
Ball speed will decrease slightly. The wear and tear on your body will increase slightly. The difference in today's equipment leaves the balls on an equal level with neither having an advantage based solely on their weight.

I was completely opposite of this. I was always getting told to slow my ball down, so I decided to move up to a 16 hoping the extra weight would slow my swing down. That didn't happen it actually increased my speed cause I was overcompensating for the additional weight. In the end I went back to a 15 and spent a lot of time working on getting the ball slower. I still every once in a while speed one down the lane and get the evil look from the lane owner as my ball smashes off the back wall.

From what I saw hitting a good pocketshot there wasn't to much of a difference in pin reaction from 15-16.

09-09-2012, 08:11 PM
What I think is that the ball (16) not being drilled for my hand releases my thumb early to create better rotation. I need to work on releasing my thumb sooner with the 15. Dave, I also think my speed increased with the 16.

09-09-2012, 09:03 PM
hey bill, while we're on the weight question. have you thought of going lighter for your record run? say get a 12-13lb ball in the mix to help with the fatigue factor?

09-09-2012, 09:40 PM
I plan on asking DV8 for a couple of 14 and 13s. I fiigure two of each and maybe a zombie ball of each weight too. Then donate them to the youth league after.

09-09-2012, 09:41 PM
My driller said he would drill them for cost of materials and also donate a ball to be raffled off to help raise funds.

09-09-2012, 09:54 PM
ah that's pretty cool. not a bad idea at all