View Full Version : Not a good night

09-07-2012, 05:37 AM
Tonight was just one thing after another. Had to work over cause of slow co worker and that was alright but I havent been bowling since monday and was wanting to bowl... i was all cool till I aw it was 11:30 and alley closes at one and I still had to go home and change clothes realy fast. I finally made it to the alley right at midnight and the guy who was suppoe to be working the front was just sitting there... I called for him but he walks away ERRRR!!!! So got on a lane and start putting on my dexter shoes which are no older than three months to realize that they had a split right at the bottomof the shoe and sole and its about an inch. Great so I till bowled and just couldnt hit anything really the dv8 was hooking too much right and so was the mission so I just said screw it work on form and brought out the track to see if it hit. it did and thats the only bright part of my night so far lol.. Just one thing after another tonight it seemed =\. Mamma always said that there would be days like this lol... So now I know I got to buy shoes before league sunday. sorry for the ranting and venting

09-07-2012, 06:20 AM
It happens to all of us. My last practice I was having problems, kept dropping the ball, bringing my arm across my body. Some days your just off. Best thing to do is look at what you may have been doing wrong and keep a positive attitude toward next time.

09-07-2012, 06:34 AM
Take pics of your shoes and receipt. E-mail dexter and they will replace them. When I did it I had my shoes in less than a week. Even if you buy another pair of shoes then you will always have a back up pair.

09-07-2012, 07:02 AM
it was just a bad night and i know the next one will be better... bill thats a great idea but i dont have my reciept im sure of it

09-07-2012, 10:07 AM
My Fav Saying after a bad night is
Thers always next week lol

09-07-2012, 02:48 PM
Take pics of your shoes and receipt. E-mail dexter and they will replace them. When I did it I had my shoes in less than a week. Even if you buy another pair of shoes then you will always have a back up pair.

this was gonna be my suggestion. say email them and hope they treat him as well as dv8 did with your problem

09-07-2012, 06:55 PM
My Fav Saying after a bad night is
Thers always next week lol

My favorite when times are tough comes straight from the Dec. of Indep. "Mankind is more predisposed to suffer." Those guys were smart :)

09-08-2012, 05:42 AM
Well I was going to take pics but I woke up late for work and get home tonight and cant find the damn digitall cam lol... i am going to have to wait til she wakes up to tell me where she put it lol but I am going to be emailing them about this and hope they will do something about it. I do not know for sure but talked to a fellow bowler and he said he hates dexters that they always tear up easily but that could be just his luck but I will see what happens.

09-09-2012, 06:49 PM
When Dexter replaced my SST5's I noticed a difference in how they were made. An obvious change in manufacturing design. It could be there was an issue with their process that was corrected which would make your friend correct. One question they asked me was how much I bowl. I answered "A lot. The shoes have over 3,000 games on them. Still being less than six month old with a one year warranty does this really matter?" They said no, that the question was strictly for research purposes. My shoe was the right shoe, where the sole and big toe meet. Absolutely no reason what so ever to come apart there other than a defect. When need be, I also remind companies that there are others out there whose products I could start using and use their logos for my teams, tournaments and business as well seeing as I don't want to endorse any company that doesn't truly stand behind their product. Defects happen, that's part of business. How those defects are handles, that's customer service. Any company that shows me poor customer service, I will replace them. I handle my business that way and my personal life. The local Marco's Pizza had such poor service I haven't eaten their pizza in three years, not even when it was free.
The point is, don't be afraid to let companies know that you are on bowling forums and bowl leagues and won't be afraid to share your experience, good or bad, with fellow bowlers about that company. Brunswick/DV8 and Dexter have been fair to well above with me. Storm/Roto-Grip have not even answered an e-mail yet. Now when people ask me to suggest a ball, what company do you think I steer them towards? Let's be honest, they all make balls to fit everyone and have close to the same quality. It's the after the sale service that separates them.

Oh, I was given a cracked Storm Too Fast last night. Best thing to do with a Storm ball is going to happen; cut it in half to show kids how a ball is constructed lol

09-09-2012, 07:34 PM
While I'm at it, bowlingball.com handled a problem for me well above my satisfaction level also.

09-09-2012, 09:00 PM

Oh, I was given a cracked Storm Too Fast last night. Best thing to do with a Storm ball is going to happen; cut it in half to show kids how a ball is constructed lol

I've got half a ball in my living room! lol. a friend threw his ball and it came back from the return cracked about half way around the ball (he apparently had one of the finger holes drilled partially into the pin)
so me and another friend took it to the bar with us and smashed it against the train tracks behind the bar untill it cracked in half. give the ball some credit though, that ****er took a good dozen throws to split it open

09-09-2012, 09:17 PM
My Fav Saying after a bad night is
Thers always next week lol
My favorite saying is posted right at the bar. "at least the beer was cold" :D

Also when I get in a funk I think about one of our older league bowlers, he always says "it's not a sprint it's a marathon".

09-10-2012, 03:42 AM
Well I was going to email them and then I paid attention to my bag and can not for sure be it was the shoes... I had a pair of scissors in there to cut my gfs grip tape with... I know dumb mistake and I learned a lesson so she was the one who pointed this out to me this morning and I looked... So I amnot going to say defect ill call it bad bag keeping in my part lol... Although I did get another pair of dexters today from the store about the same price as I paid for the otehrs ($40) . So I took the scissors out of the bag so if it happens this time I will sayit was a defect... I feel kind of dumb now lol...