View Full Version : What Now?? Loss of ball reaction do to lane issues

09-07-2012, 10:03 AM
We have a situation at the centre where I bowl and work

For a while now I’ve noticed some days I simply cannot get any ball reaction
I thought it was me but I’m now finding others with the same problem

The Long story

We went to a fizzion lane wash a few months ago on advice from one of our suppliers and where instructed to dissolve 6 tablets to a measured quaintly of hot water (cannot remember how much I just fill it up to the line)
This gave our back ends a big difference (Ball reaction)
Another problem this guy suggested was we were possibly not getting all the oil off the lane when we wash so we could have oil then detergent sitting on top then fresh oil on this
This sorted the problem out for a while

As we don’t oil every day we still get a lot of carry down and the bosses’ solution to this is less oil??

I started bowling Phantom league this season and bowl in the mornings
I decided to bowl Wednesday morning because the lanes are washed and oiled these mornings much to my discussed very little reaction I then bowled Tuesday mornings and got an excellent reaction (backend are just washed and a layer of oil applied on the reverse run on top of existing oil)

I asked why to be told there was theoretically 3 layers of oil on Tuesdays so the ball will have lest friction thought the heads and midlane

Now the centre is on a cost cutting exercise and we have been instructed to now use 4 Fizzions to the same quantity of water so the Tuesday morn reaction has gone
I originally thought it was my bowling mainly my release but others are having the same problem the top male house average is around 190

I get bowlers bringing me balls to deoil because there’s is no ball reaction very rarely does oil come out And also very rare to have oil rings when the ball returns

Putting more oil down is out of the question (cost cutting) as going back to 6 fizzions is
The answer is IMO to bowl across the lane abut Im not a high rev bowler

And Sorry no I don’t know my access tilt ball speed etc. But will measure next week I think the problems bigger than that

Is there a ball or surface and layout that someone could recommend in general

09-07-2012, 10:30 AM
Which brand of oil and machine are they using? were they having more pin out of ranges? As well as no backends?

If so they may need to change oil type (I bet they went to a cheaper oil). We had a similar prob. here. They started using a cheaper oil for a while and they started getting all kinds of backend issues.

They started hand spraying the pin decks with stripper before running the machine down. This stopped when they changed back to the better oil.

I believe you need a oil with a higher solids content/viscosity, so it will stay up front and control the carrydown (something Like Defense-S Lane Conditioner ). The lane machine may need to be serviced also, if it's not cleaning properly. Click for Defense-S Lane Conditioner info (http://www.kegel.net/V3/ContentModelC.aspx?ID=15)

Going to a better, more appropriate conditioner is cheaper in the long run saves on oil and cleaning.

Click for 10 Things That Everyone Should Know About Lane Conditioners (http://www.kegel.net/V3/ArticleDetails.aspx?ID=6)

09-07-2012, 11:44 PM
Thanks But your missing the point

I know how to fix the condition but management refuses to change

Its cost cutting we have already been instructed from suppliers how to get better conditions but the boss (Not a bowler) is only looking at financial side

What we have is what we have

09-08-2012, 11:37 PM
We have a situation at the centre where I bowl and work

For a while now I’ve noticed some days I simply cannot get any ball reaction
I thought it was me but I’m now finding others with the same problem

The Long story

We went to a fizzion lane wash a few months ago on advice from one of our suppliers and where instructed to dissolve 6 tablets to a measured quaintly of hot water (cannot remember how much I just fill it up to the line)
This gave our back ends a big difference (Ball reaction)
Another problem this guy suggested was we were possibly not getting all the oil off the lane when we wash so we could have oil then detergent sitting on top then fresh oil on this
This sorted the problem out for a while

As we don’t oil every day we still get a lot of carry down and the bosses’ solution to this is less oil??

I started bowling Phantom league this season and bowl in the mornings
I decided to bowl Wednesday morning because the lanes are washed and oiled these mornings much to my discussed very little reaction I then bowled Tuesday mornings and got an excellent reaction (backend are just washed and a layer of oil applied on the reverse run on top of existing oil)

I asked why to be told there was theoretically 3 layers of oil on Tuesdays so the ball will have lest friction thought the heads and midlane

Now the centre is on a cost cutting exercise and we have been instructed to now use 4 Fizzions to the same quantity of water so the Tuesday morn reaction has gone
I originally thought it was my bowling mainly my release but others are having the same problem the top male house average is around 190

I get bowlers bringing me balls to deoil because there’s is no ball reaction very rarely does oil come out And also very rare to have oil rings when the ball returns

Putting more oil down is out of the question (cost cutting) as going back to 6 fizzions is
The answer is IMO to bowl across the lane abut Im not a high rev bowler

And Sorry no I don’t know my access tilt ball speed etc. But will measure next week I think the problems bigger than that

Is there a ball or surface and layout that someone could recommend in general

Okay your wanting a a ball or surface and layout that you can use for the conditions there.

In the first part of your post you give the impression that the lanes are too oily. You talk of carrydown, the lanes not getting cleaned good. Making out theres oil all over the place.

But then you put in statements Like "the bosses’ solution to this is less oil" "very rarely does oil come out (of the balls) And also very rare to have oil rings when the ball returns" "Putting more oil down is out of the question" which are making it sound as if you think its too dry.

So which is it? is it too oily and too much carry down or too dry?

09-09-2012, 09:53 AM
So which is it? is it too oily and too much carry down or too dry?

Definitely not to much oil
Certainly too carry down and to dry

09-09-2012, 11:17 AM
Definitely not to much oil
Certainly too carry down and to dry

Okay so your saying you have dry heads and carry down.

I believe the conventional wisdom was to go to a harder ball, Like a Pearl to get through the heads and adjust the surface and line to help with the back end. But.....

Here's a post I made before with my thought on this.

When talking about carry down for the most part, it's looked at as just oil being pushed down from the heads to the backend. Now in the Oct.08 BTM they had article saying it's oil depletion because of oil absorption by the ball coverstocks rather than carrydown.

Click here for pdf (http://bowlingknowledge.info/images/stories/slowinski_oct_for_slowinski.pdf)

I think it's a combination of both depletion and carrydown. But it's where it's being carried too that's the thing. The graph in the article show's lot's of oil depleted from the first part of the heads and they found little being transfered to the backend.

But if you look toward the mid-lane area the oil is not being depleted there like it is in the heads. I think that's because the head oil is being pushed into that area, with very little making it to the backend. Because by the time the ball make's it there the coverstock has absorbed most of it.

So now you have a dryer heads, a mid-lane that still has oil and backend still relatively dry. So if you keep playing the same basic line, Your high friction aggressive ball will start losing power in the heads.Then hit the mid-lane oil skid and go a little longer and be doa down through the backends.

Now your low friction hard surface ball (which you'll likely be putting more speed on)will get through the heads, but then when hitting that mid-lane oil it will go long and over shoot the break point, Looking like it's carrydown not letting it come up.

Which is why it looks like neither ball is working.

Now this wouldn't be true all the time, it would depend a lot on who else is bowling on your pair of lanes and the balls and lines they used. Say a lot of plastic balls are used, they would tend to push more oil, rather than absorb it. Thus you'd have more true carrydown.

As for what to do, that would depend on the style of bowler. I find I can stay with my ball by moving right and changing my release some. Or sometimes I'll move right and change to my particle pearl.