View Full Version : Lining up your shot

09-07-2012, 08:27 PM
I line my feet up at 28 and I'm aiming for 13 on the lane, should my toe point at 13? And should I still end up at 28 on the foul line? Thanks

09-07-2012, 08:37 PM
I line my feet up at 28 and I'm aiming for 13 on the lane, should my toe point at 13? And should I still end up at 28 on the foul line? Thanks

In a perfect world, yes, if you could end up on the same board, you start on that would be perfect. Most bowlers will drift a little left but most will drift right. If you can stay within 1 to 5 boards thats very good and will increase your ability to keep a straight swing plane.


09-07-2012, 08:52 PM
In a perfect world, yes, if you could end up on the same board, you start on that would be perfect. Most bowlers will drift a little left but most will drift right. If you can stay within 1 to 5 boards thats very good and will increase your ability to keep a straight swing plane.

Thanks, now do I square up toward my target?, i just find it hard, I guess u have to walk straight with your feet slightly angled

09-07-2012, 09:01 PM
Yes, square up to your target. Crankers will usually walk more to the left on the approach. If you're a stroker or a twiner, a straighter walking pattern will definitely help. Think of it the=s way.....if you start on 25, say, and end on 25, when you make a 2 board adjustment to your left ( if the ball is hitting high) then you know when you finish sliding that you should be on 27, right ? If you drift 5 boards consistently, even when you make a 2 board adjustment, and still end up two boards to the left of your last shot, thats ok, because you're at least being consistent and not walking wildly across the approach. Are you a cranker or do you shoot straight up the boards?


09-07-2012, 09:06 PM
Yes, square up to your target. Crankers will usually walk more to the left on the approach. If you're a stroker or a twiner, a straighter walking pattern will definitely help. Think of it the=s way.....if you start on 25, say, and end on 25, when you make a 2 board adjustment to your left ( if the ball is hitting high) then you know when you finish sliding that you should be on 27, right ? If you drift 5 boards consistently, even when you make a 2 board adjustment, and still end up two boards to the left of your last shot, thats ok, because you're at least being consistent and not walking wildly across the approach. Are you a cranker or do you shoot straight up the boards?


I'm a cranker, I'm just stuck on how am I supposed to walk straight if my feet are angled?

09-07-2012, 09:14 PM
Ok, most of the crankers I bowl with ( and one kicked my *** last night !), will end up at the line with their foot pointed toward their target AND their shoulders open at the line. This position at the line is needed to be able to project the ball out to your breakpoint. A stroker doesn't have to do that and straighter is better. So in answer to your question, yes keep your toe pointed to your target, your shoulders open at the line and that should help increase your accuracy. Again, if you can end up on the same board great, but a small drift with your feet ( if consistent) isn't a big problem. If and when you go on tour and your doing it for a living, (LOL), then you can start worrying about ending EXACTLY on the same board.


J Anderson
09-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Most bowlers will drift a little left but most will drift right.


Huh?? I'm glad Al19067 understood you

09-07-2012, 09:19 PM
Sorry, John. Most "CRANKERS" will drift left and most strokers will drift right.


09-07-2012, 09:32 PM
Ok, most of the crankers I bowl with ( and one kicked my *** last night !), will end up at the line with their foot pointed toward their target AND their shoulders open at the line. This position at the line is needed to be able to project the ball out to your breakpoint. A stroker doesn't have to do that and straighter is better. So in answer to your question, yes keep your toe pointed to your target, your shoulders open at the line and that should help increase your accuracy. Again, if you can end up on the same board great, but a small drift with your feet ( if consistent) isn't a big problem. If and when you go on tour and your doing it for a living, (LOL), then you can start worrying about ending EXACTLY on the same board.


Sorry even tho I've been bowling for a while there is still a lot new to me, I use to just stand left and pick a target to the right lol

09-07-2012, 09:36 PM
Sorry even tho I've been bowling for a while there is still a lot new to me, I use to just stand left and pick a target to the right lol

what have you been averaging in your leagues ??

09-07-2012, 09:37 PM
I line my feet up at 28 and I'm aiming for 13 on the lane, should my toe point at 13? And should I still end up at 28 on the foul line?

There are two basic option's with your approach:

1-Walking Parallel to the Intended Path
If you start on 28 and are aiming for 13, your body would be angled toward 13 and you would walk toward your target. So your foot would not end on 28. But your foot wouldn't end on 13 either, it would be left of 13 some depending on your lay down point.

2-Walking parallel to the boards with the shoulders open to the intended target
Here you would start on 28 and your foot would end on 28. But your shoulders would be open facing your target.

09-07-2012, 09:42 PM
Some crankers actually use a crossover step. A 5 step cranker will take his second step (right foot) and put it directly in front of the left. Then when they slide/plant they do so at the angle needed to be square to the target. They make a little "c" pattern with their steps. When I crank, it's the only way I can accurately hit my target.

09-07-2012, 09:53 PM
what have you been averaging in your leagues ??

3 years ago b4 i took a lay off I was averaging 215 to 220, now after 3 years I bowl my first 3 games on Wednesday night and average 165, my ball was hooking way to much I used a old Rotor grip nomad that only has 25 games on it, I hope this week I can changed something to get back on pace, you van look me up on usbc, I have 801 seiers 297 298 games, I think my problem was I tried to stay in the same spot

09-07-2012, 09:57 PM
There are two basic option's with your approach:

1-Walking Parallel to the Intended Path
If you start on 28 and are aiming for 13, your body would be angled toward 13 and you would walk toward your target. So your foot would not end on 28. But your foot wouldn't end on 13 either, it would be left of 13 some depending on your lay down point.

2-Walking parallel to the boards with the shoulders open to the intended target
Here you would start on 28 and your foot would end on 28. But your shoulders would be open facing your target.

I think walking parallel with shoulders open would be better for me, I'm gonna give that a try, Thanks

09-07-2012, 10:05 PM
If you were averaging that high before, you'll get your stroke back. I've had to have layoffs before due to work shifts and it does takes some weeks before you get your "feel" back. A little bit of practice and you'll be back on track. Good luck.


09-07-2012, 10:11 PM
If you were averaging that high before, you'll get your stroke back. I've had to have layoffs before due to work shifts and it does takes some weeks before you get your "feel" back. A little bit of practice and you'll be back on track. Good luck.


Thank you, and I hope so because I feel so discourage now

09-07-2012, 10:20 PM
Your welcome........stay in touch with us and let us know your progress. I'm sure after a little practice the light bulb will go on and all of the muscle memory will return. Bowling is like riding a bicycle, you never forget.


09-07-2012, 10:25 PM
but you do wobble after getting back on after an extended time away

09-08-2012, 11:56 AM
i find myself bowling better with longer breaks ....once i get into the swing of things i bowl ok then lose all skill lol but i have never actually paid attention to my steps and ive been classified as a cranker but i do realize i drift left at times but i also make myself walk right sometimes to avoid opening up at the line

J Anderson
09-08-2012, 01:15 PM
Sorry, John. Most "CRANKERS" will drift left and most strokers will drift right.


I'm going to have to check this out next time I practice. Last season I bowled one game where I recorded how much I drifted bowling lefty. It averaged about 3 boards right. I didn't check right handed but I bet its the same three boards right.