View Full Version : First day of league bowling....

09-15-2012, 06:39 PM
So, i just got home after my first day of league bowling in about 6 months and well.... things were interesting.

i started off with a respectable 172 in my first game but then the wheels fell off a bit, i had a total of 8 splits in two games and when i wasn't getting splits i was leaving the 10 pin. I ended up with a 172,114,103 series. so ya not the best start to a season, but there's nowhere to go but up! (i hope)

09-15-2012, 07:41 PM
I started the first night of league bad also, my scores were 124, 124, and 215. i guess because i was a bit nervous and couldnt find my line

09-15-2012, 09:39 PM
lockwood dont feel bad the lanes today when i bowled they where oiled right to the pins i could not hook my most agressive bowling ball my DV8 hell raiser revenge and its drilled pin down for early rool and it did not even roll out it hooks at the last second at the pins and worst thing when i was throwing the ball streght awith decent revs the ball started to hook right and im a righty my games where only 105-108-90 a 303 series not that good i jsut left that bowling allie going to a different one i sead last year if this happens one more time im going to leave the bowling allie and it sut happened.

09-15-2012, 10:25 PM
Actually, it was a very good start. It quickly went downhill from there though. I really dislike days like that.

09-15-2012, 10:29 PM
Thanks guys, i feel like the excitement of getting back to bowling combined with the frustration of getting splits got to me a bit, but hey all that means is i need more practice! i plan on being at the bowling ally a few times this week to get practice in, and then next week ill be ready :)

Striker, what ally are you talking about? last time i was in Kingston visiting family i went to cloverleaf and felt that the oil went really deep on their lanes.

09-15-2012, 10:38 PM
If you can easily understand what Striker posts, IT'S A MIRACLE! The bigger question is; Does Striker know what alley he is talking about? lol

Striker, while I'm picking on you: If you threw the ball straight it would not have hooked right. That's a back-up ball if it went right. Maybe your issues aren't the alley but rather the way you're coming off the ball. Just saying, you could not be getting the rotation you think you are if all your balls all of the sudden don't work. You have several posts about your balls having something wrong because they don't hook like they did. They all have the same thing in common; the person using them. Get a session with your coach!

09-15-2012, 10:47 PM
it is cloverleaf there lanes suck they have not been touched in over 40 years and i was pissed i was throwing my ball fast and it was moving left on me and im right hander and on some shots no rev at all and that was my spare ball too.

prost is a good bowling allie but i cant bowl at it its abit to slippery on the approach soo im going to be going to bellville i like the lanes there i have to mvoe right 5 boards but the reaction on the backend is nice i can make my freeze hook from the 5board to the pocket at bellville but at cloverleaf if i dont stand over on the 30board its going to go past brooklin cause the lanes are worped

09-15-2012, 10:51 PM
If you can easily understand what Striker posts, IT'S A MIRACLE! The bigger question is; Does Striker know what alley he is talking about? lol

Striker, while I'm picking on you: If you threw the ball straight it would not have hooked right. That's a back-up ball if it went right. Maybe your issues aren't the alley but rather the way you're coming off the ball. Just saying, you could not be getting the rotation you think you are if all your balls all of the sudden don't work. You have several posts about your balls having something wrong because they don't hook like they did. They all have the same thing in common; the person using them. Get a session with your coach!

bill today was not me it was the lanes my HHR was hooking left when i put so much rev on it i shot a flat streght ball no rev at all jsut speed thats how i shoot most of my spare shots helps me from over hooking the pins but i shot it right at the pocket and it would slid left not hook slid like my HHR never rolled out just revs all the way to the pins i will get the single shot up on me throwing my normal shot at a 4pin when i go to spare it and u will see the HHR not hook untill its at the pins.

09-15-2012, 10:58 PM
lol, i did sort of read strikers post 4-5 times.... :)

keep calm and bowl on!

09-16-2012, 02:09 AM
yeah im going to keep bowling but im going to go to a different bowling allie that ik i can bowl good at and that will be decently oiled, cause cloverleafs oil machine is soo old that you would notknow this unless u see them do it and i have i seen them put water in the oil an i bowled on it cause it was dripping off my ball.

09-16-2012, 01:30 PM
Striker is English your second language by chance??

To the OP just forget last week and start next week new. Everyone has bad games and dwelling on them won't help you.

09-16-2012, 01:33 PM
Striker is English your second language by chance??

I've asked Striker this question before. Believe it or not, English is his ONLY language. And that's stretching it lol

09-16-2012, 01:40 PM
Wow!! I have almost given up reading any of his posts, because I just can't make heads or tails of them. Personally if I wrote like that I would spend some time with a tutor in English instead of at a bowling alley.

09-16-2012, 01:40 PM
davec yeah i'm forgetting about it but i dont like it where the lanes are oiled right to the pins once i get my moms computer i cna uplaod the video and its me throwing it streght up 5 board but u cant see much my brother phone doe not take that great of video.

09-16-2012, 02:32 PM
Striker is English your second language by chance??

To the OP just forget last week and start next week new. Everyone has bad games and dwelling on them won't help you.

Ya, i forgot about and now i'm pumped to go bowling again lol.

anyway, it seems this thread is more about strikers inability to articulate his thoughts via typing now.... lets see if dv8 can understand him once he works out emailing them :p

09-16-2012, 04:27 PM
Ya, i forgot about and now i'm pumped to go bowling again lol.

anyway, it seems this thread is more about strikers inability to articulate his thoughts via typing now.... lets see if dv8 can understand him once he works out emailing them :p

they are going to understand my email i had someone else type it up for me reason for my bad english caus eof my brain ingury i have lost alot in my learning and forget alot but my spelling is a major problem form my brain injury i use to beable to spell perfectly when i was younger but when i became 6 never went gone other then my math i had college math when i was growing up.

09-16-2012, 05:08 PM
I See, i'm sorry to hear about your injury, what happened? and besides with that information in account you spell rather well :)

09-16-2012, 06:09 PM
when i was 6 was out side for recess (think thats how you spell it) and the bell went for us to go in and i was on my way in and my sight went white where everything around was white soo thnk when this happens too you, you get scared and mostly when your younger and i ended up running around and when my sight came back i was a foot away from a climber and ended up running into it and knocking my self out after that everything else that has happened to me to get it worse thats a blur i ont remember much when it happens only small parts but im able to put the pieaces together.

another thing i colect ODSP its for my disability cause i do the funcky chicken some times(no clue how to spell the real word thats just my short form of it 'siesheres')(there's my best go at it) but i get $900-$1000 a month and from what my doctors say i cant do much jbos but i do them anyways with out them knowing soo im able to go bowling more offten when i feel like it but was planning on going to college this year but ant there a 15person waiting list and normaly noone drops out in the program in going into 'mechanic' but i will be next year this year im reading over everything we get tought in class then we go in the feild.

09-16-2012, 09:03 PM
Striker, having seizures, can you legally drive? I know people who have seizures and are not allowed to drive. As a mechanic you would be required to road test vehicles. I'm not trying to "steer" you away from it but don't want to see you spend the money and then not be allowed to use that education. Also, there's a lot of reading and math involved, just so you are prepared.

09-16-2012, 11:52 PM
Striker, having seizures, can you legally drive? I know people who have seizures and are not allowed to drive. As a mechanic you would be required to road test vehicles. I'm not trying to "steer" you away from it but don't want to see you spend the money and then not be allowed to use that education. Also, there's a lot of reading and math involved, just so you are prepared.

yeah i got my G1 going for my G2 in augest i have been seizure free for a year but if i do have a seizure then i lose my licence for 3-6 months i already went for my mechnic licence caus ei ahd to when i did my co-op soo i dont have to spend anymore money on that.

but i can handle math easly i have always been good at that the reading will take some time cause i read slow soo i can understadn it and if i dont understand it like soemthing posted on here i say i dont understand it ad try to get a easyer way to get told it.

09-17-2012, 06:22 AM
I am an auto technician and a co worker of mine has seizures. He takes medicine for it and has not had one for a couple years. He is allowed to drive but in the case of him having one he told me they take his license away for 6 months.

09-17-2012, 08:55 AM
I am an auto technician and a co worker of mine has seizures. He takes medicine for it and has not had one for a couple years. He is allowed to drive but in the case of him having one he told me they take his license away for 6 months.

yeah i take pills too called sandoz-carbamazepine they are a altornet for tagrotal because in canada we dont get tagrotal no more then i also take this other pill for my sight cause a couple years ago i was watching a movie and i was laying down on my couch and i was watch from th elft of my tv 3 tiems this happened where my sight will be at the other side of the room watching the tv from the right and i could not move my body at all.