View Full Version : Cup vs cock vs inside ball

09-17-2012, 10:17 AM
Can anyone help me distinguish between what cup, cock and playing inside (fingers at 7/8 o'clock) do? Affect on revs? When to use one but not the other?

J Anderson
09-17-2012, 10:42 AM
Can anyone help me distinguish between what cup, cock and playing inside (fingers at 7/8 o'clock) do? Affect on revs? When to use one but not the other?

Cup: The more the wrist is cupped, the more revolutions on the ball.

Cock: Cocking the wrist determines the axis rotation.

Playing or working the inside of the ball: Keeps the hand under and behind the ball at release, imparting more energy to the ball.

Editorial note: As cool as it is to watch your ball swing out toward the gutter and snap back into the pocket to shred the rack, bowling is still a game of accuracy and consistency. The guy who throws consistently at 250rpm hitting his target and making his spares is going to beat the cranker whose rpms vary from 300 to 500 and is +or - four boards at his target.

09-17-2012, 10:51 AM
Can anyone help me distinguish between what cup, cock and playing inside (fingers at 7/8 o'clock) do? Affect on revs? When to use one but not the other?

distinguish between
The Cupped wrist: Hold your ball like your going to throw it, with just your fingers in no thumb. See how your hand and wrist "Cups" the ball to hold it. That's cupping the ball a lot. Cupping makes a stronger roll and can add some rev's.

The Cocked wrist: Is like throwing a frisbee, your wrist goes from cocked to uncocked. This adds spin and can change tilt.

The Inside of the Ball: when holding the ball at your side, the side of the ball toward your body is the inside of the ball, the side toward the gutter is the outside. Working the inside will up your revs,

This is a good quote:
Why is working the inside generally better? Generally the hand being on the inside of the ball creates more opportunity for changing the release, less grip pressure, more rpms, and improved accuracy. A very common technique to work on getting your hand to the inside is to lead the swing with the ring finger rather than the middle finger. When the hand is on the inside of the ball, the ring finger will closer to the pins while if the hand is on the outside of the ball, the middle finger will be closer to the pins.

See this page also:

09-18-2012, 08:19 PM
great videos for a great explanation !