View Full Version : Understanding ball strength

09-28-2012, 01:56 AM
I throw the ball pretty slow unfortunately, between 12-13mph sometimes 15mph. Sometimes I have good shots but mostly lately I've been missing left of the head pin.

I have a Modern Marvel and DV8 Misfit. It seems like they lose their energy and roll out too quickly so I'm thinking that I underestimate the level of oil they need, or my speed is just too low. What do you think?

09-28-2012, 03:41 AM
well it could be your throwing to slow but at 15mph it should get down the lane good and get close to its break point.

but the other thing that could be is the oil is shorter like for ex: 'you are use to bowling on 39in oil with say 20-25units'. but this time you where on 34in with 15units like that kinda thing it could be same units but the length could be different.

but also you might be on a dry line where there is not much oil not fully sure it could be any of those maby something else.

09-28-2012, 07:10 AM
Yeah I'd imagine so :/ I've seen it much oilier
It did feel short too.

09-28-2012, 02:44 PM
yeah the thing i found out that works best on short patterns in find a nice oiled line up the right side and use a urathane/entry lvl ball cause on shorter patterns its harder to play threw middle cause your ball will come out of it sooners then probly you normaly play on and it will prevent you for getting your ball all the way out to where u wanted to like say the 5board form standing on 35 thats jsut a ex

09-28-2012, 07:57 PM
Uh, what about your accuracy ? You didn't mention that you were hitting your spot perfectly on those shots that went left of the pocket. First thing I'd say is, you're potentially lifting your eyes off of your spot a "micro-second before release" and your hand, "WILL ALWAYS' follow your eyes.

Before you start floating around between shots, make absolutely sure you are nailing that target. If you can throw the ball and come back off of the approach and say the "exact" spot you hit, then you can safely start to move your feet and target out on the lane. Also try to follow the ball all the way down the lane. See where the ball begins it's transition and where the actual break point is. Adjust from there.

Accuracy, first, make sure you're nailing it, then make your moves.


09-28-2012, 08:09 PM
Bob and Striker are correct. One other thing though; there is a huge difference between 12 & 15mph. If you're hitting the pocket at 13.6 (example only) then you can't expect to change nothing else and hit the pocket a 12.0. The effect speed will have is determined by oil, rev rate, etc. If everything else is the same but you just don't have the speed that day to stay at 15 consistently, then move left 3 boards and adjust from there.

09-28-2012, 08:19 PM
Tampabaybob is RIGHT ON THE MONEY! When the people i bowl with ask me who many boards they should move the first question i ask them is "Did you hit your mark?" most the time the answer is no. You cant make adjustments off of bad shots, it will more then likely just get worse.

09-28-2012, 11:01 PM
Tampabaybob is RIGHT ON THE MONEY! When the people i bowl with ask me who many boards they should move the first question i ask them is "Did you hit your mark?" most the time the answer is no. You cant make adjustments off of bad shots, it will more then likely just get worse.

BINGO !! Most people will absolutely swear that they hit their target because they "THOUGHT" they had seen the ball rollover it, but that split/micro second prior to release the eyes come off and they look towards the pocket. That split second is all it takes to pull a shot. We all do it and no matter how many years you've been bowling or how good you average it still happens from time to time.


09-29-2012, 12:11 AM
I've been catching myself lately looking closer to the foul line. I start targeting the arrows but end up looking about 5' closer. Strange but it's been working so I haven't messed with it. Wes Malott looks at the foul line so I figure I can look a little further out than him lol

09-29-2012, 05:11 PM
Yeah, one of the lady Pros also watches the foul line dots. It really looks strange seeing that but it helps them get their ball down sooner and get it into an earlier roll.

Ball9999....You know, I'm wondering....both of those balls are pretty aggressive and I'd like to know what you're shooting for a typical starting shot. Are you deep inside (3rd arrow) or are you outside of two ? With the slower speed, aggressiveness of the equipment, that is definitely going to give you problems. If you have any balls that might be less aggressive and you're shooting outside, try one of those balls. It might be that the oil is going away in the mid lane ( just past the arrows to the first hash marks ) and the ball is hooking up too early. The other thing you could try is to take one of the balls into the pro shop and ask him to polish it up for you. That should help get it to slide a little further before it hooks up. It'll store up the energy it's expending early and give you more back end. You may have to still move left, but the ball won't roll out on you.

Try it and let us know.


09-30-2012, 08:13 AM
Crap it just deleted all I wrote.
Well I think I said

the balls both seem aggressive/heavy hook balls and I just hadn't seen it before since either the lanes didn't have as much oil as I thought, or because of my previous problems with axis rotation/hook (should now be fixed) and ball speed.

But I'd also like to learn how to create different degrees of axis rotation since doesn't that change how far it goes down the lane?

I try the Norm Duke shot, but usually shoot between 2nd-3rd arrow and move far left.

09-30-2012, 08:15 AM
Uh, what about your accuracy ? You didn't mention that you were hitting your spot perfectly on those shots that went left of the pocket. First thing I'd say is, you're potentially lifting your eyes off of your spot a "micro-second before release" and your hand, "WILL ALWAYS' follow your eyes.

Before you start floating around between shots, make absolutely sure you are nailing that target. If you can throw the ball and come back off of the approach and say the "exact" spot you hit, then you can safely start to move your feet and target out on the lane. Also try to follow the ball all the way down the lane. See where the ball begins it's transition and where the actual break point is. Adjust from there.

Accuracy, first, make sure you're nailing it, then make your moves.


My accuracy, given I use no muscle and don't pull my arm as I seem to tend to do lately trying to get more speed, is, for a beginner, pretty damn good. Picking out good spots to throw is a different story.

So I'm thinking I might have to 'throw' the ball a little and then re work on accuracy.

09-30-2012, 01:39 PM
I try the Norm Duke shot, but usually shoot between 2nd-3rd arrow and move far left.

Huh? What moves far left? I've never seen Norm left of 20. Second arrow is 10 board, third 15 boards. 11, 12, 13 & 14 in between them. Know which one you're aiming at and which one you are actually rolling over. You have to know this to know your accuracy and knowing it will help improve accuracy. There is a big difference between hitting board 12 or 14.

09-30-2012, 06:25 PM
Also keep in mind that ball speed at most centers is measured at the pins. More aggressive balls will slow down faster and result in lower speeds on the display. Where you are playing on the lane can also have an effect on ball speed based on oil volume in the ara you are playing. Being someone with ball speed similar to you and a medium to higher rev rate on shorter or lighter patterns i'm forced to throw weaker equipment inside out to my break point. . You may want to move in with your misfit swinging the ball inside out to your break point down lane

09-30-2012, 11:13 PM
Stormed..... Just cid out your photo bucket and all I can say is I'm envious. I know being in a pro shop you get them wholesale, but wow. I used to buy several a year when I ran a bowling center, but never had an arsenal like that.


The German Shepherd
10-01-2012, 09:43 AM
Tampabaybob is RIGHT ON THE MONEY! When the people i bowl with ask me who many boards they should move the first question i ask them is "Did you hit your mark?" most the time the answer is no. You cant make adjustments off of bad shots, it will more then likely just get worse.

Amen to that NAD i might add that you should only make one adjustment at a time...
