View Full Version : Good Arch, metatarsal and phalanges support!

10-11-2012, 09:22 AM
If I could find a GOOD pari of shoes that at least had good arch support, and metatarsal support, (bowling shoes that is), I would get them in a HEART Beat!!
Its hard to find a place that even sales bowling shoes, other then the cheap non-support type! Any help!! I would drive 1000, maybe 2000 miles to get a a pair! I have serious feet issues, Agony of de-feet, does affect my bowling, and quest for that Perfect 300 game.

serial bowl
10-11-2012, 01:15 PM
I feel your pain Michael, I suffer from the flat foot syndrome. It is a major contributor to my back issues.
Is there a custom orthotic insert or perhaps even an over the counter type of orthotic insert that your podiatrist could recommend for you to use in your existing shoes?

10-11-2012, 04:27 PM
I use an arch support that I transfer from reg shoe to bowling shoe. I would recommed going to your local pro shop and take a look in their shoe catalog.


Doghouse Reilly
10-11-2012, 04:36 PM
Seee if you hav e a Dexter oulet stor near by. I got my bowling shoes at one for a great price and they fit good too.