View Full Version : Ok, getting a new ball Friday at 5:30 pm... I have a question... QUESTION!

10-12-2012, 01:36 AM
I getting a new Lucid bowling ball! My question is what weight! They have a 16, and 15 lb! I can handle either? I have read on this site that there is little difference, but have been told a 16lb with carry better then the 15. I need to figure out how I want it drilled? What would you recommend in regards to weight, and how I should get it drilled? I am a stroker, but getting better rev’s now that I have worked on a better release! What suggestions can any of you give me on this ball. I will have the Vise thumb insert installed so that It will fit in with my other balls! Can a person be MORE accurate with a ball that’s heavier, maybe keep the arm from coming across the body! The weight is not and issue, my fist ball I purchased 3 years ago is a 16lb ball.
I keep thinking of a cranker guy I know that has a 230 average, (house patterns). He said that going from a 15, to a 14 is what increased his average!!??? Which way to go!!

10-12-2012, 03:27 AM
Most bowlers use a 15lb ball! Most balls sold are 15lbs. Drilling,well that depends on what conditions your going to be bowling. You might consider pin down(early roll),pin up(Goes longer). I would suggest talking to the pro shop and see what he recommends. Make sure you bring your current ball so he can give you drilling options for what your using it for.

Good luck &good scoring!


10-12-2012, 04:00 AM
I getting a new Lucid bowling ball! My question is what weight! They have a 16, and 15 lb! I can handle either? I have read on this site that there is little difference, but have been told a 16lb with carry better then the 15. I need to figure out how I want it drilled? What would you recommend in regards to weight, and how I should get it drilled? I am a stroker, but getting better rev’s now that I have worked on a better release! What suggestions can any of you give me on this ball. I will have the Vise thumb insert installed so that It will fit in with my other balls! Can a person be MORE accurate with a ball that’s heavier, maybe keep the arm from coming across the body! The weight is not and issue, my fist ball I purchased 3 years ago is a 16lb ball.
I keep thinking of a cranker guy I know that has a 230 average, (house patterns). He said that going from a 15, to a 14 is what increased his average!!??? Which way to go!!

I don't think so. Go with 15 lb.

The German Shepherd
10-12-2012, 12:02 PM
I just received my Lucid - a 15 pounder with a 3.5-4 inch pin buffer and 3oz. of top weight. I have used a 16 since I was 12 years old and figured that I would never go back - NEVER. Last year I switched to a5 and I like it so much I will stick with it. The new reactive resin balls hit so hard there is no reason to use a 16. I like the added mph and added revs from using a lighter ball. If I were a stroker, I would avoid going to a 14...


10-12-2012, 12:14 PM
Thnks for all the advice, I will go 15lb. I am now, ( I have been told) a power stroker)! thanks,,, offf to get my wife a bag, and me a ball! lol Plus my meeting with The Dude for our weekly bowl off for the hair cut!!

10-12-2012, 09:42 PM
My new favorite lay out 50X4X30 P3 weight hole. Try it Mike, you'll like it.

10-12-2012, 09:50 PM
My new favorite lay out 50X4X30 P3 weight hole. Try it Mike, you'll like it.

This is how I imagine Mike after reading that


10-12-2012, 09:55 PM
LMFAO, I know right. He doesn't need to understand it just copy it and tell the driller lol

The German Shepherd
10-12-2012, 10:46 PM
My new favorite lay out 50X4X30 P3 weight hole. Try it Mike, you'll like it.

What kind of characteristics does this give you, Bill?

10-12-2012, 11:15 PM
Tons of versatility. It picks up fairly soon so I can use a simple release on the right side. It revs up easily. If I want to play deeper I just change my rev rate and axis rotation. High revs with a 90 degree axis rotation for the deep. About 350 revs with a 40 degree axis rotation on the far right. Either way, it goes deep and then has a nice, sharp hook into the pocket. Of course the ball is designed to go long with a strong back end so that helps.

10-13-2012, 12:33 AM
This is one remarkable ball, drilled by a pro that knows his STUFF!! Fist thing he did, ( Bruce, X pro bowler, and then driller for the pro’s,,, and mean BIG NAME PRO’s, and he gave me a list of them with proof that he did indeed drill for , Jim Woodlots, Jack Jockless, Ralph Riggins, William Hook, and Mary tweeter, Wilma Pimplelick just to name a few,,, Did I mention Norman Duke!!! Yes he drilled for the Duke also!!

Anyway he took me to lane 13,,,, which I thought might not be a great number due to the fact that 6 and 7 make 13!!! But he had me throw the ball and he had a piece of tape I inch by 1/1000! It was a circular piece of tape! It would have me throw the ball then move it to another location until it looked to stay in one spot on the ball! He then used that information to drill the ball for my style of bowling!

I must say he did one hell of a job!! That Lucid can do it all!! It is a very aggressive, not at all like the Vivid that never did work for me!! Was it drilling//// cover//// whatever it was like a plastic ball! This ball is very interesting,,, sure it need oil, but it gave me many different angle to get the ball into the pocket, unlike any other ball I have including the terror, or marauder! I was standing on the last dot left, and throwing between the second and third arrow on medium oil, and it read the lanes like it had a gps for a core!!

I was able to pick the 10 pin up twice!!! (2 out of 2)! It only left it 2 times out of several throws! I was on practice time son did not take the time to turn the score on! Only had an hour before free practice was over!

I can’t wait to try it on fresh oil Sunday! I am very,,, VERY impressed with its movement, and more importantly its SMELL!!! My God,,,, Watching it rev down the lane, and then that citrus vanilla smell that proceeds it coming through the ball return is almost more than a super hero can take,,,,, it makes me weak in the knee’s just holding in next to my manly chest!!

10-13-2012, 12:39 AM
My new favorite lay out 50X4X30 P3 weight hole. Try it Mike, you'll like it.

Bill he did even better then the above, he used his skills to make that ball do its most for ME, and my type of bowling style. He is amazing, he said after watching me throw it a couple times, that I would GET that 300 with This Lucid....... I said in my dreams!! (I expect you to get it bill),,,, dreams ,,,Lucid... anyway... later!

10-13-2012, 01:24 AM
so michael, can i get the terror off of your hands? :D

10-13-2012, 11:26 AM
so michael, can i get the terror off of your hands? :D

LOL,,,, no,,, angelo,,, its one of my babies now!! Would you give up one of yours??? LOL....

I must say right out of the box, after the drilling, its the best ball I have on medium oil,,,, have not had a chance to try it yet on
fresh oil, but will Sunday. Can't wait to roll that puppy!!! (when I say best out of box, I mean the Lucid)! The Terror is a fine ball, just dosen't have
the magic the Lucid has in my hand!!

10-13-2012, 04:45 PM
This ball was drilled to your PAP. That's what the tape was about. That's the first step and one that should have been done every time you bought a ball. Glad to hear it was done right and to fit you!

10-14-2012, 10:38 AM
thanks Wild Bill!!! This was the FIRST time a driller has taken the time to do that! Bruce, here in Independence Mo, AMF is GOOD! Anyone that drilled for Norm Duke can't be that bad!! lol I will be using it for the first time tonight in league,,,, CAN"T WAIT!!!!! Go Chiefs, and come on 6pm!!!! lol

10-14-2012, 10:51 AM
Jason/The Dude informed me that I am not a power stroker,,,,, (((just a stroker!))) If I am not a power stroker, then why do those pins explode when my ball hits them!!! Answer that Mr Dude!!!! Sometimes they have to replace the pins after I finish a dozen games or so!!!! (((just a stroker,,,, right,,,, mayber a better name for my style of bowling would be (domination stroker), or (command stroker), or (mastery of stroker) or (mighty stroker) or whatever!! I am not a(( just)) anything Dude!!

10-14-2012, 02:00 PM
The pins go flying because of the energy stored up in the ball at the time of impact. I throw ball about 15-16 and have a rev rate around 250. The pins fly off the deck and I even had 1 fly up into the pin setter. My balls are 14 & 15 pounders!


10-14-2012, 02:32 PM
Not to take anything away from Bruce but prior jobs do not dictate ability. Flip it around. If he was that good a driller he would still be doing so! Doing something for years doesn't make on good at it, just experienced. Some bowler's have been bowling for years and still aren't any good at it.