View Full Version : Coaching a friend

300 lefty bowler
10-20-2012, 12:36 AM
Is there a USBC rule prohibting coaching during league play? Helped a friend last night and the person she beat complained to a league officer about it.

10-20-2012, 05:31 AM
I wouldnt think so but I also do not know the whole rule book.

10-20-2012, 08:34 AM
I don't think they can say much about it, even in the televised PBA events, you can often see the bowler discussing with the coach between shots. of course if your out on the lane demonstrating that's a no no lol. in any case, the person she beat seems to be a sore loser

I wouldnt think so but I also do not know the whole rule book.

i too am just speculating, can bill/bowl confirm?

10-20-2012, 09:05 AM
Really? Wow, you talk about a poor sport. Just another crybaby who can't stand losing, so they need to make an excuse. I have 3 teammates, who I coach all night, every night of our league. Heck, sometimes I even coach members of the other team. As far as an actual rule, don't know, but 90% of the people in leagues don't know the rules anyway. I had a lady last year complain cause I don't use my thumb, she said it was not a legal delivery. There is a two hander in our league, and the same lady nearly blew a gasket. She was yelling at the guy, and the officials that he was cheating. She swore up and down that it was a rule that you could only use one hand. A few weeks later she was at it again. This time the two hander threw a spare one handed when he was playing against her team. Again, she came up with a rule that doesn't exist. This time claiming that you could not switch back and forth. If you threw you first ball two handed, you couldn't throw the spare one handed. Some peple just flat out suck at life.

10-20-2012, 09:38 AM
Really? Wow, you talk about a poor sport. Just another crybaby who can't stand losing, so they need to make an excuse. I have 3 teammates, who I coach all night, every night of our league. Heck, sometimes I even coach members of the other team. As far as an actual rule, don't know, but 90% of the people in leagues don't know the rules anyway. I had a lady last year complain cause I don't use my thumb, she said it was not a legal delivery. There is a two hander in our league, and the same lady nearly blew a gasket. She was yelling at the guy, and the officials that he was cheating. She swore up and down that it was a rule that you could only use one hand. A few weeks later she was at it again. This time the two hander threw a spare one handed when he was playing against her team. Again, she came up with a rule that doesn't exist. This time claiming that you could not switch back and forth. If you threw you first ball two handed, you couldn't throw the spare one handed. Some peple just flat out suck at life.

Haha calm down there mister, just don't worry about stupid people lol, free radicals that situation, show her a video of osku palermaa, and ask her if the product bowler on tv is "cheating" some people are so ignorant.

10-20-2012, 10:11 AM
That's is in fact what we did. When she said two handing was illeagal, we tolf her about Belmo. When she said you couldn't switch, we told her about Osku. She didn't care, still though everyone was cheating.

10-20-2012, 11:17 AM
That's is in fact what we did. When she said two handing was illeagal, we tolf her about Belmo. When she said you couldn't switch, we told her about Osku. She didn't care, still though everyone was cheating.

One of those "If you are beating me, you must be cheating." people. So pathetic.

I coach my friend every week at league. I don't get on the lanes and show her anything, but I'll talk to her between shots about adjustments and stuff or whether she threw across her body or her arm going out.

10-20-2012, 11:18 AM
As far as I know , there is no rule against coaching someone during league.

As for the the 2 handed bowling, shooting a spare with one hand is not against the rules. It's covered under rule 118b.

J Anderson
10-20-2012, 01:28 PM
Haha calm down there mister, just don't worry about stupid people lol, free radicals that situation, show her a video of osku palermaa, and ask her if the product bowler on tv is "cheating" some people are so ignorant.

Rules for PBA events are slightly different than USBC rules. For example pros can switch which hand they throw with at any time. Amateurs need permission from the leagues board of directors to switch back to the original hand.

10-20-2012, 02:05 PM
I believe the only rule is that the coach can't be on the lanes with the player. Their is a rule about switching from right handed bowling to left handed bowling. Rules state you have to choose right or left hand and whatever you establish with is what you bowl the whole season,unless you have a severe injury,then it will be up to the league weather you can bowl with opposite hand. 2 hand bowling(Belmo & Osku)is allowed and the bowler can use 1 hand like Belmo & Osku to pick up spares.


10-21-2012, 12:23 AM
I often coach teammates and clients during league. Nobody complains and as far as I know, there is no rule against it as long as you're not on the approach with them. My best call tonight was "7 right with feet, same target". She did and converted the 4-9 split to perfection. If only I could follow my own instruction as well.

J Anderson
10-21-2012, 05:51 PM
I often coach teammates and clients during league. Nobody complains and as far as I know, there is no rule against it as long as you're not on the approach with them. My best call tonight was "7 right with feet, same target". She did and converted the 4-9 split to perfection. If only I could follow my own instruction as well.

Isn't that a great feeling when you make a suggestion and it works?

10-21-2012, 07:17 PM
John, it's great because she doesn't even question me anymore. When you can perform with confidence it really makes a difference.

10-21-2012, 09:56 PM
My best call tonight was "7 right with feet, same target". She did and converted the 4-9 split to perfection. If only I could follow my own instruction as well.

haha i can relate so much, i always make suggestions and they work out lol but when its me i always know what to do but can never do it :(

10-21-2012, 10:03 PM
If only I had the athletic ability and hand-eye coordination of my youth. I really wish I found bowling as a kid and not waited until I was 36!

10-21-2012, 10:07 PM
If only I had the athletic ability and hand-eye coordination of my youth. I really wish I found bowling as a kid and not waited until I was 36!

Yea.... i can't use this excuse lol i just do stupid things after i get on the approach.

10-21-2012, 10:13 PM
Don't worry about it too much. I didn't stop doing stupid stuff but it's hasn't been the majority of the time since I turned 43 lol
I laugh out loud thinking of the shots I use to try to make. I thought I could do anything and defy physics in the process.

10-21-2012, 10:16 PM
Don't worry about it too much. I didn't stop doing stupid stuff but it's hasn't been the majority of the time since I turned 43 lol
I laugh out loud thinking of the shots I use to try to make. I thought I could do anything and defy physics in the process.

wait... your saying as bowlers we're not supposed to try to deify the laws of physics!?!?!

10-21-2012, 10:18 PM
We are suppose to but the reality is, most times we can't.

10-21-2012, 10:21 PM
lol, fair enough.

I like how we're having multiple conversations bill. :cool:

10-24-2012, 06:24 PM
Is there a USBC rule prohibting coaching during league play? Helped a friend last night and the person she beat complained to a league officer about it.

Interesting thing is couldn't find any ruling the the USBC rulebook
But The TBA (Australia) rule books states
(we are told our rules are based on the USBC ones)

A bowler participating in a current line-up may be coached during competition, providing:
a) the coaching is not carried out on the lanes.
b) the coaching does not cause any delays in the normal rotation of play.

In reality if someone is bowling and a spectator yells out move over 2 boards right is this deemed as coaching???

Are you an accredited coach??

10-24-2012, 06:36 PM
Can there be a no crying rule? If there's no crying in baseball there should be no crying in bowling either.

10-24-2012, 08:07 PM
Can there be a no crying rule? If there's no crying in baseball there should be no crying in bowling either.

If there is a no crying rule, I know a whole lot of people who break that rule constantly. They want to draw in more bowlers into leagues, and try to get more interest in bowling, but people constanty whine and complain, and turn people off. My girlfriend doesn't even want to come down on league nights cause she's tired of hearing people either complain about my style, or call me a sandbagger. There are som many people who think there is only one way to bowl, or think because you bowl 30 pins above your average your sandbagging.

10-24-2012, 08:18 PM
If there is a no crying rule, I know a whole lot of people who break that rule constantly. They want to draw in more bowlers into leagues, and try to get more interest in bowling, but people constanty whine and complain, and turn people off. My girlfriend doesn't even want to come down on league nights cause she's tired of hearing people either complain about my style, or call me a sandbagger. There are so many people who think there is only one way to bowl, or think because you bowl 30 pins above your average your sandbagging.

Three weeks ago in our youth league a 15 year old girl bowled a strike...on the wrong lane. As per USBC rules, I deleted the strike and she had to bowl on the correct lane. After she made her spare she literally started crying.
Two weeks ago in the bumper league, a boy started crying because his TEAMMATE and classmate in first grade, was picking on him because he was losing. He wound up beating him by 1 pin but I had to explain that they were on the same team and not competing against each other. That one was more tolerable with their lack of age and experience.

When they say you have been sandbagging, just tell them "No but I was smart enough to get a coach. What's your excuse for your average?"

10-24-2012, 08:25 PM
When they say you have been sandbagging, just tell them "No but I was smart enough to get a coach. What's your excuse for your average?"

I tell them that they don't know me, and they don't see those games 40 pins below average, and how upset I get. Either I'm a great actor, or I bowl bad games and get frustrated. Also, if they can't see that I am just getting better, then they are blind. I could show them video of me from 2 years ago, and how I was just flinging the ball down lane, and video now, where i am super smooth. Despite being just a "clueless two finger bowler" I've learned about the game, and how to use what I have. I've also switched to a ball that was more effective for me, and as soon as I did that my average went up.

10-24-2012, 08:40 PM
There are people who say it's not the ball it's the bowler. That's crap. It's so much easier with the right ball, drilled right, when matched to the bowler and the conditions. Yes, the pros could clobber all of us with a plastic ball on a sport pattern and we got to use any ball we want, but they are the exception not the rule.

10-24-2012, 08:54 PM
I also forgot to mention that I cut back, a lot, on drinking during bowling. It's amazing how well you can bowl when you can actualy see the pins.

10-24-2012, 09:09 PM
I also forgot to mention that I cut back, a lot, on drinking during bowling. It's amazing how well you can bowl when you can actualy see the pins.

Aw now you're taking all the fun out of it... ;)

10-24-2012, 09:34 PM
I bowled blind for a season and a half. It was difficult but I did average 190 during that time.

10-24-2012, 10:04 PM
as long as dont you step up there and show her and you just tell her your fine league bowling should fun yes its fun to win but it shouldnt be made that serious