View Full Version : Our Goal, NOT to Lose more then 10 games all season!

10-25-2012, 10:46 AM
[B]The dream team has a goal this season! The Dude, Iceman, Manic, Super Chad, and Biker Larry! We decided not to lose more then 10 games all league season. We only have four losses so far into the season. Started out with two 4-0,s last two, (one a role off}, we won all 8! 5 person teams. We seem to be able to come through when ever one is down, another steps up. Its a great team, and we have a lot of Fun!
Tonight We Bowl!!! What do you think the odds of Dream Team achieving GOAL??

10-25-2012, 11:40 AM
well iceman i cna say this it is close only 6 away and it is jsut the start of the bowling season alot more to go so the dream team might have 1 bad night and not take all points again making that gap smaller soo my guess is 50% chance of doing it

10-25-2012, 12:19 PM
What is the league handicap if there is one and what is your team's averages and handicaps approximately? I give you a 5% chance if the league gives bowlers 90% of anything above 210. Good luck with your endeavor.

10-25-2012, 12:53 PM
Good luck, my goal is just to not come in last. We lost 10 games by week 4.

10-25-2012, 01:03 PM
Good luck guys! i don't think you will have any trouble with your goal as long as Michael stops saying he's old, wait..... well good luck anyway!

10-25-2012, 04:27 PM
League handicap is 80% of 220 I think... might be 80% of 210...

Averages: Chad is at about 233 right now, 231 for me, Larry about 210, Mike I think is in the 180-189 range (should be getting better now that he is breaking out of his slump and has a new ball), and I think Joyce is in the 150-155 range.

There has been nights we've given away 250-290 pins of handicap and still taken all 4.

I'll admit, I think it might be impossible, but it will be fun to see if we can do it.

J Anderson
10-25-2012, 06:12 PM
League handicap is 80% of 220 I think... might be 80% of 210...

Averages: Chad is at about 233 right now, 231 for me, Larry about 210, Mike I think is in the 180-189 range (should be getting better now that he is breaking out of his slump and has a new ball), and I think Joyce is in the 150-155 range.

There has been nights we've given away 250-290 pins of handicap and still taken all 4.

I'll admit, I think it might be impossible, but it will be fun to see if we can do it.

The basis is 220 and you have two bowlers over 230? No wonder you're nearly unbeatable. Even at 100% handicap the lower average teams would be spotting you 24 pins a game! Your league needs to to raise the basis to 240.

10-25-2012, 07:02 PM
The basis is 220 and you have two bowlers over 230? No wonder you're nearly unbeatable. Even at 100% handicap the lower average teams would be spotting you 24 pins a game! Your league needs to to raise the basis to 240.

Those exist? I've never even heard of a percentage based off 240. Highest I've heard of is 230.

10-25-2012, 08:51 PM
The percentage is suppose to be based of off the highest average in the league. My Sat night league currently has the same issue with four bowlers over the set average.

10-26-2012, 01:57 AM
The percentage is suppose to be based of off the highest average in the league. My Sat night league currently has the same issue with four bowlers over the set average.

Well the highest average last season wasn't 220 or higher for what it's worth...

10-26-2012, 01:59 AM
Well, we did it again tonight. Won 4, lost 0.

Chad nearly shot 300 the first game, left a 10 pin the last ball for a 299. I kinda struggled tonight. Took the wrong ball out of the bag to start, shot 201, 222, 247 for a 670. Mike did the same as I, struggled out of the gates, but did pretty well the next 2. Joyce did awesome tonight! Over her average all 3 games.

10-26-2012, 10:48 AM
Remember two bowler's, on a 5 person team have a 230 average. They may settle down to a 220 in the near future. Some good days got them there. We shall see if they can keep it up! Chad, had a 299 last night. Jason did well, but did have an off day for him!

I did not do that well, Joyce beat her average, and was RIGHT on in regards to that 10 pin!! She hit it all night long!!, Larry our anchor had a 179 last game, ( his average is 210 I believe). But ONE or two of us always seems to come through when one of our better bowlers is down. I didn’t have a great night, but in the last game had a good enough game 211, and Joyce went over her average 3 games , even in spite of a off final game by Larry 175, Jason had his best game of the night when we needed it also. Many of our games are decided in the 9 and 10 frame! We give so many pins, last night it was almost 200.

Last week I had a 244,,,, and a 639 scratch score, Joyce had a 171 high score and a 470 scratch score. We could lose, easy! It comes down to the last few frames almost every week. We are bowling some good seasoned bowlers that can on any given night beat this team. It’s a five person team, and two of our bowlers not 3, have ((AT THE MOMENT a 230 plus average. The rest of us have our good and bad games like most mortals.

The strange thing about OUR TEAM is how one of us comes up to the plate when Needed! Again last night none were wash-outs! Close to the end! Its a fair system with the way our team is put togerther! We JUST KEEP WINNING!! LOL

10-26-2012, 03:20 PM
Congrats once again guys, you seem to make one heck of a team. how many more games left this year?

10-26-2012, 04:35 PM
Congrats once again guys, you seem to make one heck of a team. how many more games left this year?

I'd guess about 100, including total pins as a game.

10-29-2012, 07:13 PM
[B]The dream team has a goal this season! The Dude, Iceman, Manic, Super Chad, and Biker Larry! We decided not to lose more then 10 games all league season. We only have four losses so far into the season. Started out with two 4-0,s last two, (one a role off}, we won all 8! 5 person teams. We seem to be able to come through when ever one is down, another steps up. Its a great team, and we have a lot of Fun!
Tonight We Bowl!!! What do you think the odds of Dream Team achieving GOAL??

my team in our couples league bowl every other week are pretty much on par with you we are in first and only dropped 3 points in 4 weeks it helps my girl only has a 133 avg but we still just gave up 118 pins to start (80% of 200) my team avgs are 133/182/168/212

10-29-2012, 07:17 PM
wouldnt let me edit my last post my dog made me hit enter and it posted wanted to add good luck to you and your team

10-29-2012, 09:38 PM
wouldnt let me edit my last post my dog made me hit enter and it posted wanted to add good luck to you and your team

THANKS!!! We wish you a great season too!!! The main thing that I will not let myself forget is,,,,,, HAVE FUN,,,, ITS a game!! lol

10-29-2012, 09:54 PM
THANKS!!! We wish you a great season too!!! The main thing that I will not let myself forget is,,,,,, HAVE FUN,,,, ITS a game!! lol

thats my problem i have a need to be the best and not to lose so for me i am little to serious about everything but like i told my girl if i set my mind to it ill get it done and i told her by the end of the season i want a 800 series ( would be my frist) she just started making fun of it so i went and seen a coach Tom Reid one session with him and my game jumped 20 pins consistently it was awesome i plan on going back to him once i get the 3 things he wants me to get down then ill go back for some more