View Full Version : What was one of your best nights like in bowling?

10-26-2012, 08:14 PM
Ever have a night bowling that seemed like a dream? When I was in my 50s somewhere I had a season I couldn't believe. All of my 3 game series were above 500 and I had a few series over 600. One night I had all three games over 200. On that night it seemed like somebody carved a groove on the left side of the alley for me. I am a lefty by the way. Everytime I threw the ball it would get strikes most of the time. I had no opens in any of the three games. I felt like I could throw the ball blindfolded and get a strike. The team we bowled against wasn't too happy. Everytime it seemed like they had a chance near the end of a game I would string 3 or 4 strikes together to dash their hopes. My dream game was a game that I had all strikes except for the 8th frame in which I had a spare. It was one of those deals where I made my approach and as I swung down to the release the ball just fell off my hand. I didn't get my fingers into the ball at all. I didn't know what happened there because I didn't feel nervous that whole game. I remember being in what sports guys call the zone. Whatever it is those kind of nights are dream-like and sure nice to go through. What was your good night like?

10-26-2012, 09:11 PM
My best night bowling was not my highest scoring. After my injury I was on bed rest for a month. My idea of bed rest meant having my head face down so the retina would heal. It worked and allowed my to go places, like the bowling alley, so I wasn't always alone. Anyway, the whole month I couldn't wait to bowl and finally I did...and it was awful that first night, three games in the 120s. That was my first night allowed to do some things and bowling was the only exercise the doctors approved. I practiced all week, blind as a bat. Then Monday came and I went to league. My wife laughed when she dropped me off. I asked someone to change our line-up. No reason letting a blind man that couldn't possibly hit his average bowl anchor. The other teams anchor didn't realize that was why I was wearing the big, black, blind people's glasses inside and started talking trash. Even his own teammates were telling him to shut up but he didn't hear them or listen. The macho in me kicked in and I bowled anchor. First game was a real adjustment. Not for me but for my teammates. I needed to be walked to the approach, my ball handed to me and told where I was lined up, where my ball went, what was left and of course me asking how the ball went through each phase. Shot a 181. Lost my point and was pissed about that. What I didn't know at the time was I gained the respect of the other 59 league members. The next two games went much better. I even converted a split, the 6,7,10 the second game and went clean for a 237. What was shocking to me was how easy I went from a pre-injury stroker to a post-injury cranker. I knew I would need all the margin of error I could get. Game three was real nice. 289. Left a ringing ten, I'm told, on the second ball of the tenth frame. Once I was confident during practice that week that I wouldn't go over the foul line, fall and get hurt, I was good to go. I had some good nights that way and some bad games. It was funny how many splits I all of the sudden was getting. One other thing; it was during this time that I converted my first 7-10 split.

10-26-2012, 10:24 PM
I had the best bowling back in 99/2000 when I averaged 210 for 6 months had several 700 & 800 series and a had a 290 and 298 game. Now after coming back from a 10/12 yr layoff I can only dream of those days. Though after spending a yr relearning to bowl i'm glad i'm bowling a consistant 560+ series.


10-29-2012, 07:08 PM
well it wasnt a night it was a youth city tournament i was like 13/14 he was 16/17 me and my team mate shot a 1321 i know he beat my series but we also won the tournament on lanes nether of us have ever bowled on it was like we couldn't miss on anything i know i had 2 clean games in a row sadly as a team we didn't do to good but hey we had fun (btw that was handicap)