View Full Version : How do you deal with arthritic knees when bowling?

11-01-2012, 04:24 PM
I have osteoarthritis in both knees. One isn't bad but my right knee which is my sliding knee has more pain in it. I was taking Advil 3 times a day for the inflamation. Sometimes I take 2 pills at once and other times one. I picked up a knee brace that is one of those velcro jobs to see if the support would help out. Does anyone here have a sure fire way that works for this problem so I can continue to bowl on my league?

11-01-2012, 04:36 PM
Not arthritic (at least not officially diagnosed as such) but painfull knees. I usually take a double dose of ibuprofen and use a neoprene knee brace with the metal supports on each side. I make sure the brace is tight and that my foot doesn't stick on the approach. The motrin and heat buildup from the knee brace usually works for me for as many as 7 practice games.

Good luck.

11-01-2012, 04:56 PM
My uncle (an avid cyclist) has arthritis in both knees,he wear's a nice tight brace on each knee to help keep support, but when it rain's he tends to have a lot of issues, try keeping heat on the knee when you can and rest as much as possible. a knee brace would definitely be a good investment.

11-01-2012, 04:57 PM
I ice my left knee after I bowl when it's bad

11-01-2012, 05:08 PM
Not arthritic (at least not officially diagnosed as such) but painfull knees. I usually take a double dose of ibuprofen and use a neoprene knee brace with the metal supports on each side. I make sure the brace is tight and that my foot doesn't stick on the approach. The motrin and heat buildup from the knee brace usually works for me for as many as 7 practice games.

Good luck.

I saw that knee brace at Wal-mart a couple hours ago when I was there. I didn't get that one but the next one down below it. I think it was a couple dollars less. My doctor told me not long ago that a cortizone shot to that knee would probably help it to be less painful. The bad part is that when I move my leg a certain way now it pops at the knee. A woman at work said that she can hear it when I make it do it. I see knee surgery in my future darn it. Maybe the shot could make me last until the end of league bowling which is in April. It sucks to get old.

11-01-2012, 05:53 PM
I have a friend who had this problem (bad knees). The cortizone shot will help for the short term, but the long term answer is surgery, at least it was for him. He was taking Vicodin for pain, but too much of that (or ibuprofen) can damage your liver. If it were me I'd ask the doc if a cortizone shot would hold me over until leagues were done, then get the surgery done and over with. He said after the surgery was done and he had recovered he felt like a new man, so it's worth it to have it done.

11-01-2012, 06:06 PM
I have a friend who had this problem (bad knees). The cortizone shot will help for the short term, but the long term answer is surgery, at least it was for him. He was taking Vicodin for pain, but too much of that (or ibuprofen) can damage your liver. If it were me I'd ask the doc if a cortizone shot would hold me over until leagues were done, then get the surgery done and over with. He said after the surgery was done and he had recovered he felt like a new man, so it's worth it to have it done.

I wonder how long recovery is for knee surgery. If I get it done after league bowl is over in May will I be able to bowl league when it starts in September?

11-01-2012, 06:25 PM
I wonder how long recovery is for knee surgery. If I get it done after league bowl is over in May will I be able to bowl league when it starts in September?

He was off his feet for about a month or so if I remember right. He did say that the physical therapist was an expert in torture though, lol. Your doctor will be able to tell you for sure on the recovery time but it's something that you should do sooner rather than later. Having a knee replaced when you're in your 40's is a much quicker recovery than having it replaced in your 60's.

11-01-2012, 06:54 PM
i remember when i had knee problems when i did track and field in high school know i dont have it as much anymore so i dont have to wear my knee brace as much all i do most of the time is sit and relax and take a walk once and awhile and my knee seems to be getting better reason for walk so my knee dose not lock up where it will get worse.

11-01-2012, 07:53 PM
He was off his feet for about a month or so if I remember right. He did say that the physical therapist was an expert in torture though, lol. Your doctor will be able to tell you for sure on the recovery time but it's something that you should do sooner rather than later. Having a knee replaced when you're in your 40's is a much quicker recovery than having it replaced in your 60's.

Unfortunately I am going to be 66 in February next year. The good part is that I am in pretty good shape. I am at a good weight of 150 pounds at 5'6" tall. No high blood pressure or blockages in my arteries around my heart. I got too much weight on me once which was 180 pounds. Doc talked me into eating healthy and exercising. I was doing cardio and dumbbell weights from 3lbs to 25lbs. Had a chinup bar and did those also. The only pills I take are certain supplements. I don't drink soda and cut down a lot on the sweets. Eat more fruits and veggies then I use to to keep things moving along lets say. If it wasn't for this darn arthritis I would have it made bodywise.

11-01-2012, 08:18 PM
Hammer, my mother is your age. She had her knee replaced and was feeling better the next day pain wise. About a month later she was back to normal including going to the gym. Her hip replacement took a little bit longer. Knee surgery is a breeze (I've had ten total) but recovery depends on what exactly is getting done. Personally, I'm almost looking forward to when I get my knee replaced. Doc said to deal with the pain for as long as possible. That was 21 years ago.

11-01-2012, 08:45 PM
You know you are old when someone here tells you that you are their father's or mother's age on these boards. Thanks Bill me lad. Recovery is not fun I hear for knee replacement. They have to keep bending the knee after the operation so the knee gets back flexibility and scar tissue doesn't freeze your leg in one position. They bend
it until you start to scream for your mother. Or is it until you scream that your therapist is a ------ ------?

11-01-2012, 08:48 PM
take tylenol+codein or morphine before bowling, that will sure make the pain go away haha!

11-01-2012, 09:01 PM
You know you are old when someone here tells you that you are their father's or mother's age on these boards. Thanks Bill me lad. Recovery is not fun I hear for knee replacement. They have to keep bending the knee after the operation so the knee gets back flexibility and scar tissue doesn't freeze your leg in one position. They bend
it until you start to scream for your mother. Or is it until you scream that your therapist is a ------ ------?

What will make you feel old isn't that my mother had that surgery but that I turn 44 in three hours.

11-01-2012, 09:07 PM
What will make you feel old isn't that my mother had that surgery but that I turn 44 in three hours.

you and my mother has the same birthday! haha

11-02-2012, 02:06 PM
Yikes! My oldest daughter will be 43 this January and my youngest daughter will be 40 in March. Oh no, say it ain't so. Well Bill I can say you are around my daughters ages. God, I am old. Plus I am your mother's age. Boo hoo boo hoo, waaaah!

The German Shepherd
11-03-2012, 01:02 PM
I will give you some advice that you will not regret heeding - try Osteo Biflex. At the end of last season y knees hurt so badly I thought about retiring or surgery. A parishioner of mine suggested Osteo Biflex and so I tried it. The difference is amazing. It takes 7-10 days to begin feeling the effects, but I can bowl 6 games now without pain.


11-04-2012, 12:43 AM
I bought a neoprene knee support at Wal-mart Friday. It is by a company called Mueller. It is a 4-way adjustable compression knee brace. You velcro it above the knee
and below the knee and then it has two velcro straps at the top part and two at the bottom part to adjust it as tight or loose as you want it. It has a hole in the middle for the knee cap. It seemed to give me the support I needed tonight at league bowl.

11-04-2012, 05:47 AM
I'm 66 too and have arthritis in one of my hips. Since I only live about 20 minutes from the Houston Medical Center, I've been to see some good doctors. I got a shot in the hip joint twice and it does help with the pain. The first shot lasted about 6 months.Eventually, I'll have to have the hip replaced but maybe not for a year or so. The surgeon who'll do it says a hip replacement isn't nearly as bad as a knee. Get the shot and I hope it helps for a long time.

11-05-2012, 11:54 AM
I wonder how long recovery is for knee surgery. If I get it done after league bowl is over in May will I be able to bowl league when it starts in September?

I had a partial knee replacement in August of 2010 on left leg and it was winter of 2011 before I could join a league. It's a real ***** but worth it. I had tons of pain and swelling before the surgery, it wasn't an option for someone as active as I am. But be very, very careful you get an excellent surgeon. It will be stiff but if you exercise and do all the stuff they tell you, it does improve.

05-12-2013, 01:03 AM
I work out at the gym every other day, take supplements, and stay away from food that cause inflammation in my body! As a result I lost 70lbs, and feel better ever year!!

Natural is the best way to go... I take no pain medication, don't need the stuff anymore! I can honestly say, life style changes and certain supplements, and exercise has make my life great now! Especially when you have the list of all the things I was told I have! Hey bowled a 300 in league 3 weeks ago!!

SUGER/fructose is one of the main fuels for cancer, and inflammation!! Only use Stevia as a sweetener,,, stay away form sugar, aspartame, and splenda!! These three items are the root of most problems we have today! We are finding out that they alone, contribute to much of the health issues we have today, along with GMO's!!

05-12-2013, 07:28 AM
I got my new hip on December 28th. and I'm planning on starting back bowling at the end of May. That's 5 months for recovery. A man at my alley got a knee replacement and was back after 4 months. Every person is different and every recovery is different so don't base your plans on someone else's experience. I'm 66 too and put off the surgery for a year, had two steroid shots in the hip, had physical therapy and exercised every day in a heated pool. Even so, the first two weeks after surgery were "taxing" to say the least.

05-12-2013, 07:31 AM
BTW Don't go to the alley while you're recovering. It makes you want to get up there and throw!

05-12-2013, 11:34 AM
I have osteoarthritis in both knees. One isn't bad but my right knee which is my sliding knee has more pain in it. I was taking Advil 3 times a day for the inflamation. Sometimes I take 2 pills at once and other times one. I picked up a knee brace that is one of those velcro jobs to see if the support would help out. Does anyone here have a sure fire way that works for this problem so I can continue to bowl on my league?

If you think you got it bad remember there always someone out there who always got it worse like my dad he had no cartilage in his knees both of them it was bone on bone he didn't take any pain meds except Advil he worked out in the yard every day he was a workaholic and continued to work on those knees in pain with a big limp and plus he had arthritis also he takes Celebrex for that and me I have a Bulging Disc that makes my legs feel like they on fire I am on a pain patch for that and pain meds Hydrocodone its called Norco I think that how you spell the specific type of Hydrocodone I take for my Bulging Disc. If I didn't take those meds my legs would be hurting so bad I would wish I was dead I would be in bed and in the hospital all the time instead of bowling. Anyway I don't want to offend anyone here but I thank god for sending me to my doctor that I have now he is a life savor if it wasn't for him I wouldn't know I had a Bulging Disc or why my legs hurt so bad and my back and I would be with a doctor who thinks I just thinks I am prescription pain killer attic when I am really am in pain and would do anything not to be in pain anymore and yes anything well almost anything I won't sell my soul that I won't do but that were I draw the line. But dad he does still has a knee yet to get done and he still doing everything on it and he going to be our sub in bowling cause one of our team mates may not show up too often cause his of his dad if this kid our teammate he does something he not suppose to at home or doesn't do something at home his dad starts taking privileges away and Bowling is one of those privileges, so my dad might have to sub quite a bit. Anyway doctor said its ok so its ok for him to.

05-12-2013, 12:17 PM
I have osteoarthritis in both knees. One isn't bad but my right knee which is my sliding knee has more pain in it. I was taking Advil 3 times a day for the inflamation. Sometimes I take 2 pills at once and other times one. I picked up a knee brace that is one of those velcro jobs to see if the support would help out. Does anyone here have a sure fire way that works for this problem so I can continue to bowl on my league?

Hammer, you might want to look into a supplement called Vitalzym...my stepson plays basketball and has numerous injuries. Coaches are all surprised he is ready to play as quickly as he does after an injury. Dad makes sure he always has Vitalzym after an injury. I suggested it to a friend of mine that suffers from RA and he swears by it. My stepson's Mom also takes it on a regular basis. I wasn't able to do that as it bothered by digestive system after a few weeks or so (I took it for elbow joint inflammation), so now I take a Serrapetase supplement daily (it's one of the ingredients in the Vitalzym.) Check out both and see if you think they would be good for you.

"Vitalzym works to break down fibrin in the body. Fibrin is a hard, sticky protein that has been associated with scar tissue, inflammation and pain, among other symptoms and conditions. Additionally, Vitalzym can help reduce viral load and regulate the immune system, reduce toxins and impurities in the blood, promote cellular detoxification, reduce internal inflammation, and promote overall better health."

It's well worth the cost, IMHO.

05-14-2013, 11:10 AM
I also have osteoarthritis in both of my knees and at least 2 ruptured
discs in my lower back the L4 and L5 discs along with arthritis in my

For my back issues I have to take my pain med Hydrocodone which
also helps out some on my knees.

I went to a orthopedic doctor in 2011 when I first came back and started
bowling again and had the cortizone shots in both knees but they just did
not help all that much.

The doctor decided to try the hyaluronic acid or the viscosupplementation
(Rooster Comb) shots in both of my knees and they helped out quite a lot
but they do not last forever as it is about time to get them done again.

I also use a neoprene knee brace on my left knee which is my sliding foot
and it helps out quite a bit I have two different types of braces. I have just
the regular wrap around type brace and I also have the one with the metal
supports on each side it just depends on how bad my knee feels before I go
off to the bowling alley to bowl.