View Full Version : League night tonight was a disaster....... YIKES!

11-04-2012, 01:04 AM
I started off good with a 192. The second game I was getting real good revs which is unusual for me. I couldn't control it and couldn't get a decent line and bowled a 116. The third game I started with 4 opens and then added more speed to make the ball hook later down the alley. I started getting strikes and spares and bowled a 154. WHOOPIE! I was getting more revs then usual because I wasn't grabbing the ball with my thumb on the way down
to release. Sometimes I felt like I was throwing a boomerang. I am going to put in some practice time to get use to the higher revs. When it is hooking hard I will just have to get used to adding more speed to the ball. This Raw Hammer Anger can really hook. I need to get a second ball that doesn't hook as hard. I wonder what I should buy? It will have to be a ball for dry to medium alley oil. I think a hybrid would be good.

11-04-2012, 01:28 AM
you had a bad night to :(

11-04-2012, 02:31 AM
I would suggest the Karma solid,Roto Grip Shatter,Hammer Vibe,Storm Frantic or Maniac or even the new !Q Gold Pearl(Dec release).


11-04-2012, 07:14 AM
I had a bad night Friday at league too. I was thinking too much and missed a lot of spares. Also I am throwing my ball way too fast and not giving it enough time to read. I was hummed yesterday all day and couldn't get the bad night off my mind. Today I'm gonna try to go practice and just chalk it up to one of those nights.

11-04-2012, 08:43 AM
I had a bad night Friday at league too. I was thinking too much and missed a lot of spares. Also I am throwing my ball way too fast and not giving it enough time to read. I was hummed yesterday all day and couldn't get the bad night off my mind. Today I'm gonna try to go practice and just chalk it up to one of those nights.

Even though I bowled like you know what it didn't dampen my spirits too much. We still won 2 out of the 3 games and took series. So my 192 first game helped to win the first game and added pins we needed to take the series. It doesn't bother me to have a bad night as long as we take most of the points for games won and series.
The way I see it is my average will go down which means a higher handicap the next league night. So I will go practice this week and see if I can iron out my rev and hook problem. It will be getting use to adding more speed and different hand positions to cut down the hook and the revs. Actually it was kind of thrilling to see that hook come in from the gutter on the left side and still get to the brooklyn side of the head pin. I was going to try and set up for coast to coast bowling but I haven't practiced that and my teammates would have kicked my butt experimenting on something when the games count. I will leave that for practice.

11-04-2012, 10:14 AM
Good luck in practice and have fun with it, coast to coast is an amusing way to play, I'm rather bad at it, but its fun to do when I'm not there the score high

11-04-2012, 02:53 PM
Save your time and revs. An increase in revs allow a further skid, more push and a harder hook on the backend. Instead, adjust the axis rotation. Keep your line and speed and reduce the amount of turn on the ball (reduce side roll, increase end over end roll). Being a lefty you probably play either 6-9 or if you use the inside part, 5-7. Cut down on that and just use a little pressure on your middle finger. That should cut down on the side roll adequately.