View Full Version : Bowling lessons?

11-09-2012, 05:08 PM
I was wondering how many members here have taken up bowling a little late in life? Even thought I just picked up bowling at the ripe age of 45; I am having a lot of fun with it. I purchased a DV8 Misfit, some shoes and all the other necessary accessories to bowl. While it's really an enjoyable sport/lifestyle; there are moments when it's a little frustrating. I'm generally averaging in the 130's; today I shot one game at 170; but had other games in the same series that were barely 100. Thanks in advance for any comments and/or recommendations.

11-09-2012, 05:19 PM

you need to gain consistency and be able to hit your target every time! also, at your average working on spares is vital, the difference between 130 and 180-190 is spares! if you make every spare you will do great!

11-09-2012, 05:20 PM
I started back up after a 13yr hiatus and will be 50 in March! I had to relearn everything because of how the new stuff reacts compared to back in the late 80's-2000 when I left. Couple of lessons can only help you improve!


11-09-2012, 05:33 PM
What Zothen said. Sure you can practice your butt off, but if you are practicing the wrong things you are just building bad habits that you'll have to break later (like me, squeezing the ball). A lesson or two with a pro will help you understand what you need to work on and how to do it right so you don't end up like me lobbing bowling balls into the ceiling tiles sometimes, lol....

11-09-2012, 05:44 PM
Many thanks for all the quick and helpful responses to my post regarding lessons! I just called the pro shop that I bought my ball from and am going to take some lessons starting sometime next week. Thanks again for everyone's help! I'll keep you guys posted on my progress.

11-09-2012, 07:47 PM
Lessons will help you out a lot. They will show you the proper approach, how to correctly hold a fingertip ball and the correct way to release one in the swing. They will show you how to adjust your targeting to hit the pocket. You will learn hand positions to hook the ball more or less. Once you know the correct way to do this stuff then you will be able to practice correctly the different phases of the game. Good luck to you.

11-09-2012, 07:59 PM
Set a goal! In order to get better you need something to strive for. Set yourself an attainable goal for the next year. Maybe a New Year's Resolution. Then take steps to get there, like getting lessons and then lots of practice. Lots and lots of practice. Also put yourself in competitive situations. Leagues and Tournaments are a great way to challenge yourself and get better.

11-09-2012, 08:27 PM
I started bowling seven years ago at the age of 37. Best thing I could have done. The lessons will help you tremendously. In life knowledge is power and bowling is no different. The more you can learn about the sport the better you will be (understanding the lanes and your equipment). Accuracy is the foundation for all good bowlers. Purposeful practice (no scoreboard watching) will go a long way once you know what to practice.
One thing that has helped me is coaching. Going through all the hoopla to get certified and showing people countless times (without a ball in hand) helped with the muscle memory to perform the actions correctly with the ball. There are many things that can be done at home especially if you have a full length mirror to see yourself. That's another thing. Whatever you feel like you're doing, the videotape will show what you are really doing. Keep that in mind when a comment is made about something you are or are not doing but think you did.

11-10-2012, 02:14 AM
Many thanks to even more helpful and insightful responses to question that I asked earlier. I'm definitely going to be taking a series of lessons, set an achievable goal for myself that I want to reach in a certain time frame and to definitely learn more about this amazing sport. I really like what billf said about purposeful practice (no scoreboard watching); which I'm guilty of being too concerned about my score at times.

11-10-2012, 09:04 AM
Many thanks to even more helpful and insightful responses to question that I asked earlier. I'm definitely going to be taking a series of lessons, set an achievable goal for myself that I want to reach in a certain time frame and to definitely learn more about this amazing sport. I really like what billf said about purposeful practice (no scoreboard watching); which I'm guilty of being too concerned about my score at times.

Good luck, and have FUN with it! if your not having fun then whats the point?

11-10-2012, 04:47 PM
Another tip that I picked up from John Anderson on here: first shot aim for the corner pin that gives you the most trouble then pick up the spare. This ensures two throws each frame giving you the most bang for your dollar.
I also will shoot JUST the corner pins for entire games. First the ten then the seven. The lower the score the better. My lowest ever so far is a 29 I believe.

11-10-2012, 04:56 PM
Another tip that I picked up from John Anderson on here: first shot aim for the corner pin that gives you the most trouble then pick up the spare. This ensures two throws each frame giving you the most bang for your dollar.
I also will shoot JUST the corner pins for entire games. First the ten then the seven. The lower the score the better. My lowest ever so far is a 29 I believe.

nice, but do you add 10 to your score for every gutter? :D

11-10-2012, 04:59 PM
Gutter? Who throws gutters? Have you been spying again?
No, I haven't been doing that. I'm just thankful they come back on the ball return. Just imagine if you had to walk to the back and retrieve your own gutter balls. Nobody would play the twig then.

J Anderson
11-10-2012, 06:08 PM
Another tip that I picked up from John Anderson on here: first shot aim for the corner pin that gives you the most trouble then pick up the spare. This ensures two throws each frame giving you the most bang for your dollar.
I also will shoot JUST the corner pins for entire games. First the ten then the seven. The lower the score the better. My lowest ever so far is a 29 I believe.

I'm feeling guilty. I got the tip from when Nelson Burton Jr. did the "Tip of the Week" as part of the Pro Bowlers Tour telecasts back in the 70s.

11-10-2012, 06:15 PM
Don't feel guilty. You paid attention and passed that information on and that was great of you. Sharing the possibilities of improving with others is part of what makes this game great.

J Anderson
11-10-2012, 06:52 PM
Don't feel guilty. You paid attention and passed that information on and that was great of you. Sharing the possibilities of improving with others is part of what makes this game great.

I don't really feel guilty, but I don't like to take credit for other people's ideas. The tip of the week was my favorite part of the show. I'd love to see them bring it back with someone like Norm Duke or Brian Voss.

11-10-2012, 06:54 PM
As long as it's not Randy Pederson. He is so cocky it's annoying. It's like, dude, if you were as good as you think you were how come you're not the all-time winner?