View Full Version : Jackpot!!!!!!

11-10-2012, 07:37 PM
So, i have been looking at the local pro shops for a DV8 Marauder, and the cheapest i had found was $235... until now! i just found a proshop about 10km away that is selling the ball for wait for it.... 159.99!!!!! WOOOT! :D

its not open again until Tuesday so... now i pace back and forth dramatically for 3 days! :cool:

11-10-2012, 08:23 PM
is it cause youre in Ontario? cause that is expensive

11-10-2012, 08:23 PM
Awesome! You will have yours before my madness arrives! I should have asked if I could have paid for rush shipping. But I am kind of glad I am getting it Wednesday as it gives me a few days to practice and figure it out. Even my wife told me to wait patiently so I don't get discouraged trying to learn the new ball during league play.

I am going to have them remeasure me for fit, and then check it against my other ball to make sure I am using the same grip.

11-10-2012, 08:35 PM
That would be real cheap if it includes drilling

11-10-2012, 08:49 PM
is it cause youre in Ontario? cause that is expensive

yea lol it seems that because all of balls are shipped here from the states they tend to cost more......

Awesome! You will have yours before my madness arrives! I should have asked if I could have paid for rush shipping. But I am kind of glad I am getting it Wednesday as it gives me a few days to practice and figure it out. Even my wife told me to wait patiently so I don't get discouraged trying to learn the new ball during league play.

I am going to have them remeasure me for fit, and then check it against my other ball to make sure I am using the same grip.


That would be real cheap if it includes drilling

It didn't specifically say that it did so i sent an email asking, but even if it doesn't its still $50 cheaper :cool:

11-10-2012, 09:44 PM
You Canadians aye,need to move to California aye,we ave cheap prices aye! ;)

Seriously our prices are hard to beat in California! Thats about what the pro shops charge here and no charge for drilling.


11-10-2012, 09:47 PM
California has their own economic pace. A $1 hamburger here costs $3.50 there. What's minimum wage? I'm guessing about $12 an hour?

11-11-2012, 08:13 AM
is it cause youre in Ontario? cause that is expensive

Awesome! You will have yours before my madness arrives! I should have asked if I could have paid for rush shipping. But I am kind of glad I am getting it Wednesday as it gives me a few days to practice and figure it out. Even my wife told me to wait patiently so I don't get discouraged trying to learn the new ball during league play.

I am going to have them remeasure me for fit, and then check it against my other ball to make sure I am using the same grip.

California has their own economic pace. A $1 hamburger here costs $3.50 there. What's minimum wage? I'm guessing about $12 an hour?

Minimum wage here is 10.75 :(

everything is extremely expensive lol

11-11-2012, 02:07 PM
Minimum wage here in CA is either $8 or $8.50

11-11-2012, 04:20 PM
lockwood at my proshop the maruder is $162.95 + tax and if u get finger grips and a thumb slug comes up to $220 compared the the rotogrip defiant edge that was is worth more not even drilled or with taxes the defiant edge is $222.95 and with taxes and other stuff $282

11-11-2012, 05:14 PM
Good find, now you can be a deviant too.

Have you ever thought about taking the drive down to the US and picking one up?

11-11-2012, 07:13 PM
Good find, now you can be a deviant too.

Have you ever thought about taking the drive down to the US and picking one up?

Yes, but given the cost of gas and the time, its not cost effective. now if i'm in the states for other reasons at some point, that will be a different story, and i will definitely be going shopping :cool: