View Full Version : The Game Changer by Mark Baker

11-15-2012, 02:20 PM
Almost done reading this book and it is really interesting reading! Learned quite a bit on footwork,form and timing. I highly recommend reading this book as I think it could help some of you understand what we talk about on these boards. He does not talk about release,so I thought i'd tell you!

I put some of his concepts to the test in practice and in leaguse last night and for the 1st time this year I actually had back-back 200 games(224 & 214)before lanes dried up and had miserable 3rd. I'm very happy with I learned from this book so far.


11-15-2012, 02:27 PM
Almost done reading this book and it is really interesting reading! Learned quite a bit on footwork,form and timing. I highly recommend reading this book as I think it could help some of you understand what we talk about on these boards. He does not talk about release,so I thought i'd tell you!

I put some of his concepts to the test in practice and in leaguse last night and for the 1st time this year I actually had back-back 200 games(224 & 214)before lanes dried up and had miserable 3rd. I'm very happy with I learned from this book so far.


Argh something else to read! bowling has more reading than English class! lol

11-15-2012, 02:27 PM
ill have to look into that

11-15-2012, 02:30 PM
I heard that book calling out to me from my pro shop operators shelf. I had to tell it I already have a lot of material to digest, including bowling this month soon.

11-15-2012, 03:09 PM
Thanks for the reccomendation Zothen - will check this book out

11-15-2012, 04:36 PM
I go to the pro shop tomorrow (FINALLY) to have the Matrix ball drilled. I have a feeling that if I see this book there, it'll end up going home with me along with the newly drilled ball. :) Thanks for the tip!

11-15-2012, 07:18 PM
No problem!


11-15-2012, 07:36 PM
Would you say it geared toward all levels or just intermediate and lower?

11-15-2012, 11:20 PM
Everyone! It has a chapter about Tommy Jones and Chris Barnes and the issues they faced.


11-16-2012, 12:25 AM
I've read this book 3 times, and I've referred back to it on multiple occasions when I noticed something weird with my swing to diagnose the root cause of the issue.

I HIGHLY recommend it.

11-16-2012, 09:10 AM
$10 on amazon for the kindle edition. I may be buying this. Does anyone with the real book reccommend to get paper version. Not sure if it makes a difference . Possible diagrams?

11-16-2012, 10:06 AM
Argh something else to read! bowling has more reading than English class! lol

I never understood how you could learn English by reading English. Don't you need to know the language before you can learn it?

Seriously, I just started reading bowling books myself. I just finished Bowling Execution-the one with Chris Barnes demonstrations throughout the book. As I follow this forum I begin to understand the language a bit more (hence my silly opening puzzler). I was recently disappointed to find absolutely nothing in the sports section at my local Barnes and Nobels, Out of 48 shelves of sports books, nothing on bowlilng. 8 shelves for baseball, almost as much for football (American football, as opposes to soccer), one shelf on soccer, nothing on bowling. The few times I have found anything it is very rudamentary, such as bowling for dummies.

Feeling neglected here.

11-16-2012, 01:06 PM
Geoles did you check the self help section? Jk,I would ask and see if they carry it.


11-18-2012, 01:56 PM
This is a great book, I would recommend it to anyone. I bought the Kindle edition, and am on my 3rd read-thru since I bought it in June. Excellent information in the book.

11-19-2012, 09:58 AM
I never understood how you could learn English by reading English. Don't you need to know the language before you can learn it?

Seriously, I just started reading bowling books myself. I just finished Bowling Execution-the one with Chris Barnes demonstrations throughout the book. As I follow this forum I begin to understand the language a bit more (hence my silly opening puzzler). I was recently disappointed to find absolutely nothing in the sports section at my local Barnes and Nobels, Out of 48 shelves of sports books, nothing on bowlilng. 8 shelves for baseball, almost as much for football (American football, as opposes to soccer), one shelf on soccer, nothing on bowling. The few times I have found anything it is very rudamentary, such as bowling for dummies.

Feeling neglected here.

I've read that book like 5 times. I just lent it out to someone I see at the lanes often. I was really kicking butt that day, and he said a complement like how the noise coming off my lane was depressing him.

11-19-2012, 02:06 PM
OK y'all can stop twisting my arm now, I just bought this book on Google Play. :) I prefer ebooks as they are generally cheaper and you can read them on your computer which is where I spend most of my time at work - now I have something to read between service tickets muwahaha...

11-20-2012, 11:20 AM
I've read that book like 5 times. I just lent it out to someone I see at the lanes often. I was really kicking butt that day, and he said a complement like how the noise coming off my lane was depressing him.

I hope this isn't developing into a habit by quoting myself. But I reached for my book this morning to look something up, but it wasn't there. I hope the guy I lent it to is using it. I can't remember now what I was gonna look up either. I think it had something to do with revs and cover stocks.

11-20-2012, 11:52 AM
I hope this isn't developing into a habit by quoting myself. But I reached for my book this morning to look something up, but it wasn't there. I hope the guy I lent it to is using it. I can't remember now what I was gonna look up either. I think it had something to do with revs and cover stocks.

If you think of what it was PM me and I'll be glad to look it up for you. It's the least I can do for you recommending this book. :)

11-22-2012, 04:51 PM
Definitely recommend and I'm not done reading it yet!

11-28-2012, 08:57 PM
I hear ya GeoLes, the Barnes and Noble here is the same way. I was looking for some bowling literature and out of all the stuff on golf, baseball etc. there was one book on bowling. I looked at the magazine section and there was stuff for everything but bowling in the sport section there. When I asked a woman employee there about getting something on bowling she said that the only way they get something on bowling is to oder it if someone asks about it. Give me a break. That sounds like discrimanation to me.

11-29-2012, 07:13 AM
If you think of what it was PM me and I'll be glad to look it up for you. It's the least I can do for you recommending this book. :)

I got my book back, the guy I lent the book to left it with the manager at the ally. I can't believe he was done with it in a week, there's no way he read the whole thing.

11-29-2012, 11:38 AM
I got my book back, the guy I lent the book to left it with the manager at the ally. I can't believe he was done with it in a week, there's no way he read the whole thing.

LOL, I read thru it the first time in one day! I'm now on my second pass through it where I pick a certain thing from it to work on when I practice, so that will take considerably longer. Definitely a great book to have - if you only get one book on bowling, as the saying goes, this is the one to get.

11-29-2012, 03:29 PM
Its a great book, Mark Baker is a wrath of knowledge when it comes to bowling~! Excellent!!! Camp Bakes is one of the best bowling instructional courses/camps out there! Its amazing how you game can change in 4 days~!!

11-29-2012, 04:48 PM
Its a great book, Mark Baker is a wrath of knowledge when it comes to bowling~! Excellent!!! Camp Bakes is one of the best bowling instructional courses/camps out there! Its amazing how you game can change in 4 days~!!

OK, I love bowling, don't get me wrong but a GRAND is a bit spendy for me. I could see it if I were a pro bowler - at that point it's an investment - but for recreational purposes or the occasional tournament, I just can't justify spending that much money. Is there anything like this out there for folks like me who can't afford to spend $995 on bowling camp? I might be able to justify a hundred or so on lessons, but if I went to my lovely GF and told her "I'm gonna spend $995 on bowling camp" she'd come back with "Is your life insurance paid up?" because she'd be ready to kill me.

11-30-2012, 12:32 AM
OK, I love bowling, don't get me wrong but a GRAND is a bit spendy for me. I could see it if I were a pro bowler - at that point it's an investment - but for recreational purposes or the occasional tournament, I just can't justify spending that much money. Is there anything like this out there for folks like me who can't afford to spend $995 on bowling camp? I might be able to justify a hundred or so on lessons, but if I went to my lovely GF and told her "I'm gonna spend $995 on bowling camp" she'd come back with "Is your life insurance paid up?" because she'd be ready to kill me.

Yes there is. Go to www.mybowlingcoach.com there is a tab for upcoming clinics. If there isn't one in your area, request one. They are fabulous.

I read the book on my flight to my mother's funeral. Excellent book. I was glad to see that some of my views are supported my another coach. Add Mark Baker to my list of coaches whose philosophies I believe in (with Joe Slowinski and Ron Clifton). As the game evolves, the coaches have to also.

11-30-2012, 04:53 AM
Thanks Bill, I'll check that out!

11-30-2012, 11:54 AM
I got my book back, the guy I lent the book to left it with the manager at the ally. I can't believe he was done with it in a week, there's no way he read the whole thing.

Why not in a week? I read it in less than six hours. Of course I read a lot and usually read a book until I finish it. That's why I don't read big books on work nights.

11-30-2012, 02:48 PM
LOL~ I understand totally. I guess its an individual choice, but you have to consider all that comes with the $995, I mean you get 3 bowling balls, 2 shirts, instructional manual, 2 meals a day, DVD with your game analysis broken down and instruction from the Top Pro Bowler's of today, not to say the 1 on 1 you get with each of the pro's on the lanes. IMO, Its a steal. But as I said its not for everyone. If you are a tournament bowler, it would more than pay for it self with your winning after the camp!! I went straight from camp this past Oct., to the storm national mixed tourney, and won more money than I could even imagine~! Paid for that camp and the next one I plan on attending, with quite alot to spare. Santa came early~ LOL

But if lessons are an option, I say use Josh Blanchard, he's an excellent coach as well. I visit him monthly or 2'x a month, he's great~

11-30-2012, 03:16 PM
Oh wow I didn't know you got all that with it, I thought it was just a grand for a week of "yer doin' it wrong" type stuff. :) That changes my opinion on the price, but I still can't afford it. Maybe someday...

By the way, I notice your location says Arizona! Are you located here in Phoenix too? If so can you recommend a good league for my GF and I to join? And also, welcome to the boards!

11-30-2012, 04:19 PM
Why not in a week? I read it in less than six hours. Of course I read a lot and usually read a book until I finish it. That's why I don't read big books on work nights.

I guess it was the way I was reading it. If I saw something I wasn't familiar with, I spent like a day working on it, and I was mostly unfamiliar with everything. I didn't work on everything in the book, but there were some things in it like cranker style, I just left alone.

11-30-2012, 05:59 PM
LOL, speaking of the bowling camp I jokingly suggested to my GF that once we get married we should go to bowling camp for our Honeymoon. She says she's going to have to come in here and make a comment about that. Sounds like I'm in trouble you guys, LOL!!! :)

11-30-2012, 06:56 PM
Give her a BIG diamond and hopefully she'll say YES!


AZBowla's Girl
11-30-2012, 09:21 PM
Yes...he actually suggested that as our Honeymoon. I think the idea of bowling camp sounds fun and a great time, but as our Honeymoon....I'm not so sure....LOL

The big diamond on the other hand also sounds nice...hmmmmmm...what do I choose.....LOL

Bowling camp with BIG diamond....or....my idea of a Honeymoon....???? Decisions, decisions... ;)

12-10-2012, 11:41 AM
Well we can talk about this... first I need to know what is your idea of a BIG diamond and what your idea of a Honeymoon is... :D

(runs out to buy lottery tickets - my only hope of pulling this off)

12-10-2012, 11:48 AM
Well we can talk about this... first I need to know what is your idea of a BIG diamond and what your idea of a Honeymoon is... :D

(runs out to buy lottery tickets - my only hope of pulling this off)

Big Diamond:


AZBowla's Girl
12-10-2012, 03:39 PM
See...Lockwood knows what I am talking about. LOL You know what I want love, and as far as the honeymoon....as long as I am with you I don't care too much as to where we are. You know that. :*

12-10-2012, 03:47 PM
See...Lockwood knows what I am talking about. LOL You know what I want love, and as far as the honeymoon....as long as I am with you I don't care too much as to where we are. You know that. :*

Sweet! Bowling camp it is! :D

(I'm joking, I'm joking!)

12-11-2012, 07:37 AM
WOW.........a marriage ceremony on the Boards !! Another first ???



AZBowla's Girl
12-11-2012, 12:27 PM
Sweet! Bowling camp it is! :D

(I'm joking, I'm joking!)

You are very funny honey. All I have to say is I love you. ;)

12-11-2012, 12:29 PM
LOL! having you two around is so funny :D

12-11-2012, 10:12 PM
You both enjoy bowling so what would be so bad about a bowling camp honeymoon? I'm sure you could extend it a couple of days and take in the sights. Most of us aren't loaded so combining two great things makes sense. To love, honor and bowl!

12-12-2012, 12:27 AM
my brother can marry u guys not sure if he can do it on line but he can marry people in the state of ohio =D if that helps and i just so happen to know a great coach some good lanes =D dont forget the big ring so what does he get if he gives u a big ring anyways i am just wondering

12-13-2012, 10:07 AM
Wow, marriage arrangements by bowling blogs ! Pretty soon we'll be seeing this turn into a dating site for bowlers !! LOL


12-13-2012, 12:16 PM
I do want to read this book, but I have a question:
Does Mark Baker talk about his own footwork in this book? If I remember right he had issues with his footwork back in the '80s. I watched a youtube video of him and Marshall Holman bowling for the title in the TOC ('87, I think) and his footwork wasn't very pretty. His steps had unusual rhythm and length and he often fell off to the right after delivering the ball. Is this one of those "those who can't do, teach" things or did his footwork get a lot better over time?

12-13-2012, 01:53 PM
I do not recall him talking about his footwork! I do know he said at a seminar he had back issues,so that may be why his footwork was funny.


12-13-2012, 02:09 PM
He doesn't talk about his own career much (other than a back injury ended it) but he does talk about footwork quite a bit in the book.

12-13-2012, 08:54 PM
What's wrong with "those who can't do, teach"? Bill Bellichek never threw a touchdown pass but is considered a future hall of fame coach. Did Phil Jackson play in the NBA? I don't know so if he did he wasn't nearly the player he is a coach.
Coaches have the same love for the sport as the players, maybe more. Coaches usually had something, whether it's ability, injury or whatever, that kept them from being a good player or player at all. They are usually not the better players so they had to work harder, study more and still came up short. So those coaches understand what it takes, ability-wise and work ethic-wise. It also drives them to come up with things not before previously thought of and they end up revolutionizing a sport. Mark Baker's way to check timing is revolutionary.

AZBowla's Girl
12-13-2012, 10:11 PM
my brother can marry u guys not sure if he can do it on line but he can marry people in the state of ohio =D if that helps and i just so happen to know a great coach some good lanes =D dont forget the big ring so what does he get if he gives u a big ring anyways i am just wondering

That is for me to know and him to find out and you all to use your imaginations. ;) I will just say this though...there will be a lot more than bowling going on... ;)

12-13-2012, 10:19 PM
For the first week or two anyway. Then it's all back to normal lmao

J Anderson
12-13-2012, 11:14 PM
Did Phil Jackson play in the NBA? I don't know so if he did he wasn't nearly the player he is a coach.
Coaches have the same love for the sport as the players, maybe more. Coaches usually had something, whether it's ability, injury or whatever, that kept them from being a good player or player at all. They are usually not the better players so they had to work harder, study more and still came up short.

If I remember correctly, Phil Jackson played for the NY Knicks in the 70s. While he didn't put up hall of fame numbers as a player, when you consider the number of professional teams and the relatively small roster size for basketball, he was certainly an above average player.

It seems like very few star players are as successful as coaches or managers as they were on the field or court. It's like the way that most of the best teachers weren't straight A students for whom things came easily. The great teachers tend to have been the ones who had to work really hard get Bs. Because they had to really think about things, they can explain them more clearly than the genius who just intuitively got everything.

12-27-2012, 01:08 PM
I am more than halfway through the book and really like it! It is an easy read, and he makes things easy to understand. I am going to try and finish the book tonight before I go do some practice.

The best part about the book for me is him actually explaining why certain things effect your game, or the fact he doesn't want to rip your whole game apart to try and fix it. Just make small changes here and there. The other part I like is just reading the book and realizing what I am doing right and what I need to work on without even seeing myself bowl.

I would recommend this book to any bowler after they have the basic game down. This is definitely not for a beginner bowler as it would confuse them if they didn't know what they are doing or much of the lingo yet.

04-20-2013, 12:30 AM
I just finished this book. I found it pretty enlightening on many of the mistakes I do. The way it was written made it for me a pretty easy read that I plan on revisiting. I like how he was breaking everything down. Now I know I have a lot to work on but I know how to tackle it more efficiently. I also like how he would add about what angle to look at and videotape the bowler for certain aspects of the overall game.

04-25-2013, 08:33 PM
I literally just picked this book up. 10 pages in and already have had an "aha" moment!

04-25-2013, 08:34 PM
What took so long lmao

04-25-2013, 08:46 PM
I was including the forward maybe... :p but truthfully I'm reading it on my kindle app for my phone and it doesn't include page numbers! Could've been page 2 for all I know! LOL

04-27-2013, 09:05 PM
That book answered a lot of questions for me. There were a lot of aspects that made sense to me but not the old school coaches around this area. After that book I grew a pair and have been e-mailing Joe Slowinski regularly. Turns out that my outside the box thinking is thought of as correct by a few Gold coaches. Plus he has all the research to back up a hypothesis.

04-29-2013, 08:13 AM
I bought the book for iphone haven't got to the part where it explained anything yet except I know my footwork and my swingpath is off I found that out about myself but I haven't learned how to fix it yet so now I am taking a break from it I am going to start back reading it again soon.
