View Full Version : New Ball drilled. Pro Shop experience

11-17-2012, 11:29 AM
So I got my DV8 Marauder Madness drilled. And all I can say is wow, I am happy and I haven't even bowled a whole game with it.

So I stopped by the proshop and the guy was busy drilling a ball for someone and I kept thinking, maybe I should just wait and come back tomorrow or something. I really didn't want to wait but I did anyway. So he finally finished up the ball and it was my turn! I gave him the ball and my old ball to show him what I had drilled before. The next thing he said made me such a happy guy. In his exact words "This ball is too nice for me just to drill, we are going to get you set up right." He proceeded to mark up my old ball putting some tape on it and then had one of the lanes turned on and had me throw a bunch of frames. At this point he is commenting on how he knows exactly what he needs to do and i don't want to stop I have a 79 in the 4th during just these practice throws. So he takes my ball in and starts measuring it all out and getting the new one set up. The whole time mentioning what he was doing. He finally gets the thumb about right and the fingers too. I am smiling as this is awesome, that I didn't even have to ask the guy to work with me he took it upon himself to figure out exactly what I needed. We get the fit about right and he has me go back and they turn another lane on to throw some. Thumb gets stuck first couple times, he makes a few tweaks and bam perfect! So I am lining up and throwing a good line, well what I thought was a good line. I am hitting the pocket well and got a few 10 pins standing. So he says move right 2 boards and throw between first and 2nd arrow instead. Very slight move from my 2nd arrow mark. I do what he says and wow, hitting the pocket great. At this point he tells me to keep throwing as we aren't stopping until I don't strike. I had 3 in a row before I left 2 standing. But I was happy, the layout felt good, so we go back and he takes my old ball in to the spinner and cleans and polishes it up for me and then cleans off my new Madness..... then he checks to make sure my new baby is "street legal"! It made it and was good to go. In the process he sells me on trying their in house brand cleaner and I then start doing the math for what his price board says. Drill ball brought in $50, grips $12, cleaner $9. So I am cool after my experience paying this. I figured it out in my head and of course say "so what do I owe you boss", he replies........ $50. I didn't stop to let him think and pulled out $60 and told him to keep the change and that I appreciate what he did for me. I packed up my stuff and headed home with an awesome experience. I can't wait to go give it a few games now.


11-17-2012, 11:35 AM
congrats man glad you had such a good experience and i hope you bowl well with it =D

11-17-2012, 01:29 PM
Glad you had an awesome experience, when i get my marauder next week i hope to have the same great experience!

as for the stupid spam bot, gtfo

11-17-2012, 07:27 PM
Makes me jealous. I need that kind of experience

11-17-2012, 07:40 PM
Went and bowled a few games after I posted it. The same pro shop guy was there and watched me bowl half a game and gave me pointers with the oil and how it is a bit different than my league shot is. After the first feeler game of a 116 I found my line. 195 205 156, I bowled a few after that but was getting tired I believe they were all around 160. But anyway even with getting tired at the end the ball did its job. I am going to write a ball review when I get a little time, but I have learned a great lesson that I got lucky with this time. The lesson being find a pro shop guy who first wants to help you and will spend time with you. And secondly after he helps you and has gotten paid he is still interested in your game and helping. Win win for both of us, he gets my continued business and I get someone who I can trust.
Ok so DV8 marauder Madness ball review coming soon!

11-17-2012, 07:48 PM
That ball looks awesome all drilled up! Congrats again on the new addition to your arsenal!

11-17-2012, 07:48 PM
Nice, glad to hear about good pro shop experiences. Sound like u got a keeper there. Tell us who u used, and where he's located, so anyone in your area can use that guy.

11-17-2012, 09:22 PM
Much success with you newly drilled ball!


11-17-2012, 09:53 PM
I would love to find a driller that takes time like that, your a Lucky guy

11-17-2012, 10:05 PM
Prime Time Pro Shop in Brad Angelo Lanes, and they have another pro shop at Rapids Bowling Center. Rich and Eric are both great guys.

11-17-2012, 10:30 PM
As a favor to the driller, grab some of his business cards and tell anyone that will listen how great he was in all that he did. I wouldn't mention the discount as that's between the two of you and not everyone's business. Spreading the word about the good shops is the only way as bowlers we can weed out the bad shops.
Glad to hear you're so happy with the ball and the shop!

11-19-2012, 09:29 AM
I had a similar experience with my pro shop two weeks ago. A drill costs 55 bucks, and finger grips 15 per ball. After he was done drilling my ball, he asked to see my other balls. Then he said I could use some finger grips in them, so I said sure I have the money for them. He changed me 50 on the mark also. My waiting experience was similar also. My pro shop operator said to show up at 4 because he had to do some bowling lessons. I showed up at 3 because there wasn't any traffic on the road (which was odd). Anyhow, he didn't finish bowling lessons until 430.

11-19-2012, 09:31 AM
As a favor to the driller, grab some of his business cards and tell anyone that will listen how great he was in all that he did. I wouldn't mention the discount as that's between the two of you and not everyone's business. Spreading the word about the good shops is the only way as bowlers we can weed out the bad shops.
Glad to hear you're so happy with the ball and the shop!

Oh I do this, and my operator knows it. I've had people who want to buy my balls, and I'd tell them where to go. I've sent many people down to his shop.