View Full Version : Wtf

11-23-2012, 12:02 AM
tonight was the strangest night of bowling i have ever had. meaning my ball. I started the last game with 3 strikes and then a force field formed around the 10 pin i had 5 frames in a row with the 10 pin left not even touched. I started up the 5 board and went to the 20 then came back and every shot left that 10 pin the 9th frame i hit the pocket and left 2 pins then in the 10th the 10 pin is back and that was even with a brooklyn shot. And on the last throw I was pissed and whiped it threw the head pin at 25.24mph and low and behold the 10 pin

11-23-2012, 01:12 AM
Lol, i've had this happen in practice before, i had tried everything from moving left/right to changing lines to changing release, but every frame (17 FRAMES IN A ROW) i left the 10 LOL i finally said the heck with it and started knocking the 10 down before throwing a strike ball just to pretend i would have got it LOL

Hey, its good practice!

11-23-2012, 02:15 AM
it happens i take a 1/4 step back or forward to help change the entry into the pocket

11-25-2012, 05:38 AM
It means you are hitting it too far to the right squeezing the six out to the right around the 10, in most cases. Move a little bit right.

11-25-2012, 11:26 PM
I usually move back about 6-8 inches if i start leaving the 10 pin.