View Full Version : Putting a Picture in your signature

11-23-2012, 10:42 AM
About putting pictures and having a signature image in your signature.

The way it was supposed to work was. Once you had so many posts in, it would give you the permissions to do it.

But back when V Bulletin got updated on here, it reset a bunch of the settings (to the defaults I would guess) and it must have turned it off.

That's why you haven't been able to add any.

I'll add this to the list of stuff they need to fix, when they get around to it.
(Don't hold your breath)

Note: The maximum size of your custom image is supposed to be 500 by 100 pixels or 9.8 KB (whichever is smaller).

if you ever put one in

11-23-2012, 02:30 PM
ty bowl for being super mod =D

11-24-2012, 02:00 PM
Thanks for the info :D bowling boards being run by the awesome people they are will totaly fix this *wink* *wink*