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View Full Version : Going to The USBC? This is the Premier Tournament for All Bowlers!

The KingPin
07-05-2008, 11:40 PM
Going to The USBC? This is the Premier Tournament for All Bowlers!
By Jimmie Newell (http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jimmie_Newell) http://ezinearticles.com/images/platinum-star2.jpg

This annual tournament runs every day from January to June each year in a different host city. The venue will usually be in a convention center, except when the tournament is held in the National Bowling Stadium in Reno, Nevada. The lanes are completely assembled and installed at the tournament site.

More than 10,000 teams of bowlers will participate in a typical year, bowling a team set, singles set, and doubles set. Some of these teams bowl the same 2 days each year, in fact whole squads can be the same from year to year. Many bowlers make this an annual event, with many of them receiving longevity awards of 25 and more years.

The action starts outside the squad room where each bowler must submit each ball that he is going to use, to be weighed, balanced and checked for proper size before it can be taken to the squad room. If a ball fails any of the checks, it could be adjusted on the spot, or taken out to one of the vendors in the shopping area. If a ball does not pass, it cannot be used in tournament play.

Once in the squad room bowlers will find where their team is to sit according to the lanes they are assigned to bowl on and assemble for the announcements and introductions. Team pictures will be taken, bowlers can enter brackets and side pots if they wish.

The first time you march in a long continuous line out to the lanes to the accompaniment of music with the lights dimmed is truly a thrill you will not soon forget. Bowlers are introduced to the audience, the national anthem is played, the lights come up and practice begins. You will usually only get 2 balls per lane, so try to pick up the line quickly.

The shot will be challenging, however the oil pattern that is being used is depicted in the mezzanine area, and also on the USBC website, you should be sure to study it just to get a clue to where you will start and how you should expect the ball to react.

If you do find your line quickly, you could score well, if you do not, you may be in for some frustration. Many bowlers will average 20-30 pins lower than their typical league average, almost what you might expect from a sport league shot. However there are almost always some national honor scores rolled at this tournament. The shot is fair but challenging and everyone bowls on the same condition.
Conduct on the lanes is closely monitored with no smoking or eating allowed, and the only thing you can drink in the water that is provided. You cannot use powder anywhere in the bowling area and nothing can be applied to your shoes.

So after you finish your team event, and depending on when your singles and doubles event is scheduled, you should have time for meals and time to take advantage of local entertainment. The cities that the USBC tournament travels to enjoy a huge economic boost, and many merchants will have special deals for bowlers, be sure to keep an eye out for them.
All of the major bowling equipment manufacturers will have booths in the vendor area, this would be a good time to buy new bowling balls, shoes, bags or whatever, selection and pricing is usually outstanding.

The USBC tournament, or the ABC tournament as it was previously known has been conducted every year, except during World War 2, every year since 1901. Visit the official USBC website at bowl.com for historical information, records and much more information.
If this year will be your first USBC, good luck and enjoy the ride. If you have been there before, congratulations on another one and have a great time.

Jim Newell publishes http://www.BowlingInfo101.com (http://www.bowlinginfo101.com/) Start Here to Improve Your Game!
Visit us at http://www.BowlingInfo101.com (http://www.bowlinginfo101.com/) for expert articles, instruction and tips to make your bowling more enjoyable.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmie_Newell (http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jimmie_Newell)