View Full Version : Bowling from the Outsde

11-25-2012, 08:06 PM
Over the summer, the lanes I bowled at were really tough and I had to bowl from the outside. The pattern they used seemed to be much wider than normal. I bowled on the five board and was able to be consistent there.

At the place where I'm doing my winter league, it's more of a normal pattern, but kind of short. I normally bowl the ten board there and I've had mixed success. My coach told me to try going to the five board. While I did better this Wednesday than I have the past few ones, I still didn't like it. I felt like I was very inconsistent. I wasn't REALLY that inconsistent and other than some splits, I was making all my spare shots.

I just feel uncomfortable when I throw that far outside. Also, a LOT of people seem to throw from the outside. Probably about 1/3 of the people in the league. I'd say the other 2/3 are part straight ballers and people who throw those hooks from the left to the right then into the pocket.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get comfortable with that? I'd have a couple close encounters with the gutter then I'd be nervous for a few frames (I did manage to ride half of the one board near the gutter when it really came back and nailed the pocket. But I just get nervous with it.

11-25-2012, 08:12 PM
Just keep doing it and realize that whether the ball stays on the lane or goes in the gutter, it comes back via the ball return. It's a mental battle and that's it. I know that at the end of the night neither a 100 or 300 will change my life.

11-25-2012, 09:15 PM
being uncomfortable is common you are flirting with disaster and that scares people. If you are uncomfortable with it, perhaps throw your normal line in league and the outside line in practice until you are confident in it.

11-25-2012, 10:15 PM
I threw three gutters in the same game today. I still didn't move, just stopped screwing up.

11-25-2012, 10:46 PM
Keep throwing outside it is a risk reward type situation. I see this myself as I have played farther outside lately. More angle into the pocket but a bigger chance at the gutter. I would say if you aren't comfortable playing outside try and compensate and throw the 7 board. It may be a little better to play out of others lines but to play a bit more outside than the 10 and flirt less with the gutter.

I did see a big difference last week in my league when we had a sub who throws left. My line on the left burned up slower. Any ideas on changing lines from my teammates? Or might it be too much to adjust all the time?

11-25-2012, 10:48 PM
Just keep practicing throwing down 5 board. I also had problems,but,the more I practiced bowling the 5 boards the more comfortable I got.


11-26-2012, 02:42 PM
On my strike ball I am always between the 3 and 7 boards. I was always scared of that right gutter and had many good games ruined by placing ball right in the gutter. Took awhile but I final realized that if I keep my form, arm straight and not break my wrist over I don't gutter, I will if I lose concentration, almost guaranteed.

11-26-2012, 08:29 PM
If you are playing the 5 board make sure you keep your shoulders square to the foul line and also keep your swing straight back and straight forward. I bowl over the 5 board and also over the 10 board. I get the gutter ball sometimes when I am not focused and I make my approach with my shoulders somewhat open. Somewhat open is okay if your sliding foot is near the center dot and you are bellying the ball over the 10 board or between the 5 and 10 board. I have had times even using the 10 board where I have my shoulders too open and the ball bellys out to the 2 board but comes back to the pocket because it has enough revs to keep it from going into the gutter.

11-26-2012, 11:18 PM

So who has the balls to do this?

11-26-2012, 11:22 PM
That's the line i play on our 52 foot soup shot

11-27-2012, 04:49 AM
I practice that shot but haven't gotten it to hit the pocket consistently enough to do it in league.

11-27-2012, 07:39 AM
I tried that line on a broken down lane for a few shots before moving to another line. I think it takes more balls to play outside and then have the ball break within the 5 board, now that I chickened out last time.