View Full Version : How often do you change your target?

12-04-2012, 07:42 AM
After you've been playing a line for awhile that is striking, and the line breaks down. How often do you change your target board? I find myself not changing my target that often and I probably should do it more. Why do it at all should be the first thing I should know. I should also mention that I do move my feet, but I usually move my feet to make up all the difference and when I aim at the same target, I naturally miss left in a good way.

12-04-2012, 09:22 AM
once i find my strike spot i normally dont have to change my mark just my feet but if u end up having or wanting to change ur mark do the 2/1 or 4/2 2 feet 1 board

12-04-2012, 09:28 AM
Maybe I should elaborate a bit more. If you were bowling in a league where someone else was playing your line, or you were bowling like 6 games by yourself. When would you go from only feet adjustments to target adjustments also, this question is for anybody. Maybe, by using target adjustments with feet adjustments gives you more shots that have oil on them, but I hear that if you can get your ball in a small grove created by lane depletion can increase your carry before the line completely breaks down.

12-04-2012, 09:35 AM
On a league night it's rare for me to change my target more than twice.

12-04-2012, 12:02 PM
I will adjust my feet 1st and continue to play my target line or I will adjust both my feet and target line depending on how much or little oil is on the lane. On rare occasions I will just adjust my target line if the lanes are bone dry.


12-04-2012, 01:43 PM
if my line got brunt up id switch balls keep the same mark most likely i dont like changing my mark lol

12-04-2012, 04:36 PM
Maybe I should elaborate a bit more. If you were bowling in a league where someone else was playing your line, or you were bowling like 6 games by yourself. When would you go from only feet adjustments to target adjustments also, this question is for anybody. Maybe, by using target adjustments with feet adjustments gives you more shots that have oil on them, but I hear that if you can get your ball in a small grove created by lane depletion can increase your carry before the line completely breaks down.

When you start leaving a 4 pin or the 4 is the last one to fall because it's a bit of a heavy hit that's the time to move. Maybe 2 boards left (for a righty) at least. That's an indication that the oil is drying up. By moving 2 - 3 boards, it means your lay down area should be that much more left or deeper into the head oil. If you find that the mid lane area is drying up, i.e., your ball is hooking too early, then you need to do a 3 and 2 move ( 3 with your feet 2 with your target) or possibly even a deeper move. This is the main reason I teach bowlers to watch the path of your ball after it rolls over your target. The ball and its reaction to the lane, will tell you what you have to do. If you just look up at the pins after hitting your target, you're missing out on gaining a lot of valuable information.

If you have several guys in a league shooting the same are at the beginning of the night, be prepared to move as soon as you see someone hit their target and leave a 4 pin. How many times have you seen the lead off bowler get up and leave a 4 pin and by the time the anchor man gets up, if he hasn't moved, may possibly leave a split, because now they're even drier. Don't fear moving and doing it quick. The worst thing I see is guys leaving a couple of 4 pins in a row and then a couple of splits because they weren't paying attention.


12-04-2012, 05:21 PM
i never knew that bob thanks =D lucky for me not many people around here play the 10-13 board lol

J Anderson
12-05-2012, 11:19 AM
After you've been playing a line for awhile that is striking, and the line breaks down. How often do you change your target board? I find myself not changing my target that often and I probably should do it more. Why do it at all should be the first thing I should know. I should also mention that I do move my feet, but I usually move my feet to make up all the difference and when I aim at the same target, I naturally miss left in a good way.

A lot depends on which league I'm bowling in. Mondays bowling right handed I usually have to move at least once each game. Wednesdays bowling left handed I usually don't have to move more than once. Right handed on Wednesdays I usually have to move at least twice. Both nights are four bowlers per pair.

12-05-2012, 09:18 PM
I once changed balls, target and feet after a 6 bagger. I noticed the others leaving 4 pins and a split in front of me so I moved everything way right, played the twig and stayed there the rest of the night. I use my gut and as soon as the thought enters my head, I move. I use to over think it and wait. Doing that cost me plenty of pins. Move too early and get an easy spare, wait too long and get an ugly split.

12-05-2012, 10:23 PM
Depending on the reaction i am getting i will usualy move my target forward or back on the lanes. I typically like to look past the arrows at my target. I feel alot more comfortable looking there then i do Looking at the arrows, and i find my ball reacts alot nicer

12-06-2012, 11:46 AM
On wood lanes, if I hit high flush, I take it as a sign that I should start moving. The amount that I move depends on how fast I've moved from solid pocket hits to high flush. Generally it's a 2 and 1 move left for me. 2 boards with my feet left, and 1 board left with my target. I have used 3&2 if the lanes seem to be transitioning faster.

12-06-2012, 12:25 PM
Depending on the reaction i am getting i will usualy move my target forward or back on the lanes. I typically like to look past the arrows at my target. I feel alot more comfortable looking there then i do Looking at the arrows, and i find my ball reacts alot nicer

SS: That's my usual target as well, shooting about 3 feet past the arrows. I find it helps the balls go a little longer and it also helps on extending your arm for a better follow through. With the new ball that I won here, the Roto Grip Shatter, That thing goes longer than any ball I've ever drilled. Sometimes on new fresh oil, I'll bring my spot in closer, until the lanes start to break down and then move out past the arrows again.


12-08-2012, 11:31 AM
bob i love my shatter i forget my excat drilling but this baby goes long then hooks very nicely and its the same hook every time even if i throw a bad ball i love it lol i can throw down the middle and it will still hook

12-11-2012, 07:59 PM
I usually do not have to move. When i do it is mostly 2-3 boards left or right with my feet and i keep the same target.

12-13-2012, 10:13 AM
bob i love my shatter i forget my excat drilling but this baby goes long then hooks very nicely and its the same hook every time even if i throw a bad ball i love it lol i can throw down the middle and it will still hook

Yes, this ball will seem to come back from everywhere on the lane. I did have to put it away last Thursday after 5 frames because I left 4 out of 5 10 pins. It was a combination of where the oil was and the others guys I was bowling with moving the oil around. Took out the Evil Siege and finished out the nite with a 696. Sometimes you gotta put 'em away.


12-14-2012, 08:17 AM
When you start leaving a 4 pin or the 4 is the last one to fall because it's a bit of a heavy hit that's the time to move. Maybe 2 boards left (for a righty) at least. That's an indication that the oil is drying up. By moving 2 - 3 boards, it means your lay down area should be that much more left or deeper into the head oil. If you find that the mid lane area is drying up, i.e., your ball is hooking too early, then you need to do a 3 and 2 move ( 3 with your feet 2 with your target) or possibly even a deeper move. This is the main reason I teach bowlers to watch the path of your ball after it rolls over your target. The ball and its reaction to the lane, will tell you what you have to do. If you just look up at the pins after hitting your target, you're missing out on gaining a lot of valuable information.

If you have several guys in a league shooting the same are at the beginning of the night, be prepared to move as soon as you see someone hit their target and leave a 4 pin. How many times have you seen the lead off bowler get up and leave a 4 pin and by the time the anchor man gets up, if he hasn't moved, may possibly leave a split, because now they're even drier. Don't fear moving and doing it quick. The worst thing I see is guys leaving a couple of 4 pins in a row and then a couple of splits because they weren't paying attention.


I never seem to have trouble with the 4 pin. If my line starts to break down, it's almost always the 10 or 7 being left. Anyway, I've been sick for almost 2 weeks and have not bowled, but I hope I can do some practice next week.

12-14-2012, 12:10 PM
For every two boards you move with your feet you should be moving your target one board. If you are on a sport shot, 1 and 1 moves are usually better. I change my target multiple times per game. Consider the fact that every time your ball rolls down the lane it changes the line. After 5 shots on the same line, the shot changes. Each ball soaks up oil, pushes it down lane and disperses it to the side as well so I don't think it is very prudent to try to force yourself to be on the same line for very long.

12-14-2012, 01:11 PM
It depends on where your target is. If you target down lane at the break point then it is very likely that it would be unnecessary to change that target during a league session. You might have to move your feet, but the break point would stay the same. I personally line myself up by looking down lane and imagining the entire shape of the shot, but then I move my eyes down quite close to the foul line in front of the dots. I do this in an attempt to actually see my lay down point. I have been working on making sure my swing stays in and I don't turn early over the top of the ball. Looking at my lay down point helps keep my swing from popping out. I think picking a target so close might actually lose me some accuracy and that is why I envision the shape of the shot to compensate. Ideally I will solve my swing problems and be able to return to spotting further down the lane. I had 693 on league last week and that included two gutter balls on the first shot. I made both spares.

12-16-2012, 12:34 PM
I rarely mess with 1-2 board moves anymore. I move in zones. For instance, I start out playing say 5 board for break point, maybe 12 at arrows. I find myself eventually looking at 10 for breakpoint by the end of the night. Rarely on a THS do I need to switch balls because of the zone moves. If I am on a pair where there is a bowler that is deep inside of me to start, I find myself never having to adjust. They are pushing oil out into my area it seems, thus creating hold. Not sure if it will work for you, but just another option.