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View Full Version : big smooth getting smoother

11-28-2008, 05:23 AM
[B]style change: smooth getting smoother. if you have seen my previous videos, you have noticed that
i have a bit of loft when delivering the ball. my ball was hitting the lane 1 foot behind the arrows. now i have a lot less loft. check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmNNoK1mNmY :eek:
tell me what you think.

11-29-2008, 12:00 AM
[B]style change: smooth getting smoother. if you have seen my previous videos, you have noticed that
i have a bit of loft when delivering the ball. my ball was hitting the lane 1 foot behind the arrows. now i have a lot less loft. check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmNNoK1mNmY :eek:
tell me what you think.

Ya know.... I'd never really thought anything of it, because even with the loft, you were so consistent with it, I figured it was just your style. I could never do that and maintain consistency, but then again, the only consistency I'm guaranteed is being consistently inconsistent.

I've debated the loft quite a bit, myself. You're a really good bowler, with or without the loft, and I'm CERTAINLY no one who could tell you either way. But the one thing I can tell you is the lanes, and your ball will appreciate you!!! http://www.beginnerbikers.org/images/smilies/new/thumbsup%5B1%5D.gif

AND, I still want to train in your dojo....

12-01-2008, 12:31 PM
thanks bro'. consistancy is one thing, but, versatility is a whole different animal. this is something that i needed to fix. it is not over, i am still striving to improve, eventually to the point where you can't hear the ball hit the lane surface. this improvement is a BIG step in the right direction for me. now, the COACH can be more effective in demonstrating different techniques that are being discussed. coaches need coaches.

good bowling bro'.:)

btw, i would be honored to train with you in my dojo.

12-08-2008, 12:55 AM
thanks bro'. consistancy is one thing, but, versatility is a whole different animal. this is something that i needed to fix. it is not over, i am still striving to improve, eventually to the point where you can't hear the ball hit the lane surface. this improvement is a BIG step in the right direction for me. now, the COACH can be more effective in demonstrating different techniques that are being discussed. coaches need coaches.

good bowling bro'.:)

btw, i would be honored to train with you in my dojo.

That's a good goal to strive for. I've always marveled at those who release the ball so cleanly you don't hear it hit. I've seen people who throw it halfway (not really) down the lane before it hits, and those who put it down so smooth it's as if they were putting an infant down to bed. I guess my style is somewhere inbetween. I'm not the smallest of men (don't own a scale, but I'd estimate I'm around 260ish), so getting all the way down to place it on the lane doesn't suit me. I probably release the ball about a foot from the ground or so...

I dunno... I think what you're doing is neat. Good bowling, to you!