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12-12-2012, 03:26 AM

I noticed most of the better bowlers in my league typically put the ball down really softly. It seems like the ball doesn't even make a sound when hits the lane. While I have had some good scores, (my highest was a 276) I am extremely inconsistent. I imagine that putting the ball down softly would contribute to a little more consistency but I am unsure how to do this. Does anyone have any recommendations?


12-12-2012, 07:24 AM

I noticed most of the better bowlers in my league typically put the ball down really softly. It seems like the ball doesn't even make a sound when hits the lane. While I have had some good scores, (my highest was a 276) I am extremely inconsistent. I imagine that putting the ball down softly would contribute to a little more consistency but I am unsure how to do this. Does anyone have any recommendations?


Casey, Probably your best best is a deeper knee bend and a little more bend at the waist. You'll have to get lower to the floor to accomplish this.
There's a great article in this month's "Bowling This Month" by Ron Clifton, if you can find some one with a copy. It's the first article on page 5. Actually if you log on to their web site [URL="http://www.bowlingthismonth.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12&Itemid=52"]
you'll be able to see the first three pages and that may be enough to get you started.


J Anderson
12-12-2012, 08:05 AM
In addition to Bob's good advice on getting lower, another key is releasing the ball at the right spot in the swing. Too early and the ball nose dives into the lane, wasting energy. Too late and the ball is lofted up, again wasting energy. These inconsistencies also affect the accuracy of the throw and the rev rate.

Ideally, the release occurs as the ball passes the ankle of your slide foot. You can probably find some drills in the FAQ section that would help. Maybe the Norm Duke one where you kneel on the approach so you isolate the swing from everything else would help.

12-12-2012, 11:50 AM
Maybe the Norm Duke one where you kneel on the approach so you isolate the swing from everything else would help.

I tried that. Dear God did that hurt my knees.

I have trouble getting low. My coach was mentioning how your starting position should technically be an athletic position. I related it to my time play football, got into a stance similar to how I played safety, and holy crap did I get lower.

I also tend to release the ball early. I'm focusing on trying to release the ball when it gets passed my toes. As a result, I still release it early than that, but I'm not releasing it at the correct time.

12-13-2012, 09:52 AM
People with bad backs and knee problems will always have problems getting lower to the line. At my age, that is the one thing I continually have to remind myself to do ( bend my knee at the line) because I tend to stand too upright because I'm favoring my knee. When I do bend consistently, I am able to throw a much better ball. Of course I pay dearly for it a couple of hours after bowling, and the next day, but it's just old age telling me to slow down. I have to remember my body isn't 40 anymore and can't take the abuse it used to. Any increase in bend, whether from the was it or preferably from a knee bend will help in maintaining balance and therefore create a better delivery position.


Big Nick
12-14-2012, 10:43 AM
I think that instead of worrying about setting the ball down softly that you should just work on releasing it consistently. If you've ever watched Mika Koivuniemi bowl, you'll know that he uses quite a bit more loft than most of the American players. In fact, I've seen him thrown shots where the ball actually bounced, and he's one of the top players in the world.