View Full Version : Wrist position--the "LightBlub" came on

12-17-2012, 02:15 PM
When I first joined this forum about a month ago, I had just rolled my best series in league(600+) A week later I started to struggle and have been on a roller-coaster of scores. Couldn't figure out why my ball would not finish at the pocket. So...I got a new ball (Seismic Desperado LE) and that fixed it for about a week. Then I got on the roller-coaster again... I didn't know where I was going wrong. I tried everything, moving boards, moving up, back, walking faster, slower, lofting, increase speed, decrease speed. I was getting about one strike and having to pick up 8 or 9 spares a game just to make average. I was working really hard to just break even. Not enjoyable...

I read almost every topic and every post in this section over the last few days

TODAY, "LightBulb", I focused on my wrist position after reading a post about the index finger staying behind the ball through the swing. So I go bowling today and focus on that. I noticed when I was standing at the beginning of the approach, I had my correct wrist position with index behind the ball, I started my steps. During my swing I noticed I was already rotating the ball and at the release I had no rotation left.

Anyways, thanks to this board and all those involved, except spammers, for helping me figure out my issue.


12-17-2012, 02:52 PM
Anyways, thanks to this board and all those involved, except spammers, for helping me figure out my issue.


As a spammer, I take offense at that remark :(

12-17-2012, 02:53 PM
I have to say the same thing about so many minute aspects of my game. I take them to my personal practice and once they become routine, I bowl better. When I falter it is because I have slacked off on some basic thing.

12-18-2012, 09:14 PM
ssciary.......Great to hear about the light bulb coming on for you. Suzie Mineshaw, one of the coaches that's a monthly contributer to Bowling this Month magazine, wrote an article several months ago about keeping a little pressure on the index finger through the delivery. I had never tried it before and after reading her advice, tried it and it does affect the roll of the ball 'just a bit'. I now regularly use it as part of my approach and release and it does help with that index finger pointing straight to the pins with a bit of pressure on the tip of the finger.


12-18-2012, 09:27 PM
I find that keeping a little bit of pressure helps to prevent early turn. Trying to describe it without being able to show it is a bit more difficult.

12-18-2012, 09:51 PM
Early turn sounds about right. I was coming through my swing with my index pointed at me, because of this I was also pulling the ball trying to muscle out a proper rotation. Thanks again for all the tips and knowledge that this forum provides.

12-18-2012, 10:45 PM
You're welcome. It's a pleasure to be able to offer advice and tips to help you and the others bowl better and promote the sport. We need to build the game back up to where it used to be and bring new bowlers into the game. Good luck and let us know how you're doing.


12-19-2012, 01:24 AM
Still feeling better about what I am doing. 5 games and a 190 average. Low 160 - High 225
The next thing is my arm swing, need to work on a more free swing. I was told that my arm stays a little bent throughout the swing and that makes me push the ball... I don't know enough to say that I do or don't push the ball. I know if I consciously make my arm straight I feel like I will lose the ball during my upswing.