View Full Version : Worst night ever!

12-19-2012, 02:31 AM
I felt great going in tonight. I had just recovered from a car accident a few weeks back. I was nailing it in practice. The league starts up and I'm just bowling OK. I'm standing towards the back part of the lanes watching my teammates bowl. Then, I hear some weird sound and what do you know? My whole back is soaked with water and it's all over my shoes and the floor. I look up and see a lady who had thrown her bag near the edge where a cup of water was. I am so ticked off, look up at her and she does nothing. I yell out an expletive and then she says sorry. The water was spread out covering the back part of three lanes. So I ask for a cleanup because I'm concerned about the other bowlers getting their shoes wet. So I go back to the front desk and ask for a set of rental shoes because I needed a shoe to slide with. I tried about 2-3 frames and threw 2-3 gutters. I finally gave up on those and tried to clean off my shoes. This never has happened to me before. Anyway, I get it cleaned up, but then the shoe was still sticky and I bowled horrible the rest of the night. When I looked up at the scoreboard, I had an 80 in the 8th frame (my average is in the 190s). I got lucky and punched out for a 140 which is my lowest game of the season. My whole night was ruined as I had to keep fanning my shirt in hopes it would dry out and waited to get to a point until I could trust my shoes would work properly. I was at a complete loss. I have now hit a new low in my bowling career.:eek:

12-19-2012, 07:14 AM
I felt great going in tonight. I had just recovered from a car accident a few weeks back. I was nailing it in practice. The league starts up and I'm just bowling OK. I'm standing towards the back part of the lanes watching my teammates bowl. Then, I hear some weird sound and what do you know? My whole back is soaked with water and it's all over my shoes and the floor. I look up and see a lady who had thrown her bag near the edge where a cup of water was. I am so ticked off, look up at her and she does nothing. I yell out an expletive and then she says sorry. The water was spread out covering the back part of three lanes. So I ask for a cleanup because I'm concerned about the other bowlers getting their shoes wet. So I go back to the front desk and ask for a set of rental shoes because I needed a shoe to slide with. I tried about 2-3 frames and threw 2-3 gutters. I finally gave up on those and tried to clean off my shoes. This never has happened to me before. Anyway, I get it cleaned up, but then the shoe was still sticky and I bowled horrible the rest of the night. When I looked up at the scoreboard, I had an 80 in the 8th frame (my average is in the 190s). I got lucky and punched out for a 140 which is my lowest game of the season. My whole night was ruined as I had to keep fanning my shirt in hopes it would dry out and waited to get to a point until I could trust my shoes would work properly. I was at a complete loss. I have now hit a new low in my bowling career.:eek:

You say you hit a new low, but you did nothing wrong. It was tough luck, and not even the typical "I kept leaving 10 pins" luck. Don't sweat it, you did what you could do in a touvg situation. I bowled a 109 a few weeks ago, and no one poured water on me, I just sucked. My avaerage is in the 190's as well. Just forget it, come back hard next time out, and stay dry.

12-19-2012, 01:03 PM
The house I bowl at on Mondays deceided to have a kids party at the same time my sport league was bowling. So all I hear is kids screaming,dropping balls,etc and was so pissed off after thrwoing several gutter balls due to ringing in my ears,that I stormed off and shouted GoD damn fing kids need to shut up. Their were complaint about my attitude and I said that the house was wrong for having a group of kids bowling during leagues and I was'nt the only 1 who told the house that.


12-19-2012, 11:24 PM
The house was wrong but so weren't you. Unless those kids asked to have a party during league they did what kids are suppose to do..have a good time. Being an *** in front of the kids didn't solve anything either. So two wrongs didn't make anything right. I've done it myself before and felt like a complete idiot after.

12-19-2012, 11:28 PM
Well atleast it was to reasons of equipment and distractions of water and not cuz your form, lane or ball was messing you up. Btw your low is almost my average lol

12-19-2012, 11:53 PM
The water is a tough break, but that's all it is... I wonder if the reason she didn't say anything right away was because she was scared you were mad and already horrified at what she did. A little kindness and understanding can go a long way. I look forward to league every week, and I can understand how that would ruin your night, but... I just think things like Sandy Hook are wake up calls to how lucky we are in life. Those kids wish the worst thing that happened to them would have been spilled water. I think I may have reacted the same way you did. I'm not sure. It's hard to say, but I do hope you can perhaps take a couple deep breaths and keep things in perspective next time. Even if she didn't say sorry right away because she was just a spoiled brat kind of jerk, just be happy you weren't raised that way and you understand common courtesy.

The house I bowl at on Mondays deceided to have a kids party at the same time my sport league was bowling. So all I hear is kids screaming,dropping balls,etc and was so pissed off after thrwoing several gutter balls due to ringing in my ears,that I stormed off and shouted GoD damn fing kids need to shut up. Their were complaint about my attitude and I said that the house was wrong for having a group of kids bowling during leagues and I was'nt the only 1 who told the house that.


This one, though... You're not on the PBA, man... Sorry. I golfed with someone, once, who complained that Grapevine Municipal Golf Course (A MUNI, for Christ's sake...) was in, "horrible," shape and the greens were completely unplayable. Well... First that's a compliment to Grapevine Muni because it's normally in excellent shape, but second... This isn't Sunday at Augusta!!! Keep it in perspective! They're kids, and they don't know any better. You can only hope the parents are watching them and keeping them safe (and you safe in the process), but chances are that's not the case... The truth is they don't know how important your league is to you, they're just there trying to have fun the way kids have fun, and we need to HOPE they have fun because if they don't, then they won't pay to bowl when they get older and alley's could struggle. Bowling is considered an old person's sport. That's not good!

I hope you can control your emotions next time. I once saw something I thought was really cool. During open bowling the guy on the lane right next to me was having a helluva time with some kids who were always on the approach (they never sat down) just screwing around, and they were truly a danger to him. The parents didn't seem to think this was a problem at all. Instead of saying anything to anyone he went over and kindly said, "Hey kids, want to see something really neat? Watch what this ball does!" And he bowled as they watched him hook it. And he said, "See how it made that awesome curve, maybe you can do that some day!" And he kind of parlayed that into teaching them to watch the bowlers next to them as they bowl and the people next to them will wait their turn and watch the kids when they bowl. The kids bought the whole thing and the problem couldn't have been handled better. I was incredibly impressed. Good for him!

12-20-2012, 07:30 AM
People have looked at my bowling bag and wondered, "What the heck are you carrying two pair of bowling shoes for?" Well, similar things like the vgw had happen, has happened to me years ago. ALWAYS come prepared, you never know. And yes I've pulled out my spare pair more than a few times.


12-20-2012, 04:17 PM
People have looked at my bowling bag and wondered, "What the heck are you carrying two pair of bowling shoes for?" Well, similar things like the vgw had happen, has happened to me years ago. ALWAYS come prepared, you never know. And yes I've pulled out my spare pair more than a few times.


Spare shirt, socks and everything? I don't think I could fit all that stuff.

12-27-2012, 12:21 PM
Spare shirt, socks and everything? I don't think I could fit all that stuff.

If you ever have the opportunity to travel to tournament a fairly long distance from your home, shirt(s), socks(s), and extra pants, should be a part of your inventory before you leave the house. Ever heard of "MURPHY'S LAW" ?


J Anderson
12-27-2012, 08:57 PM
If you ever have the opportunity to travel to tournament a fairly long distance from your home, shirt(s), socks(s), and extra pants, should be a part of your inventory before you leave the house. Ever heard of "MURPHY'S LAW" ?


You're Murphy? You @#$%^$% @##$ SOB! ;)

12-29-2012, 09:01 AM
Be careful John......you'll never know when I might show up for your next bowling series !!!!!!!!!

J Anderson
12-29-2012, 10:32 AM
Be careful John......you'll never know when I might show up for your next bowling series !!!!!!!!!

Well, next time you visit Nutmeg Bowl in Fairfield, CT, please ask them to announce which lanes you're bowling on so we can stay far away from you!

Seriously, If you're ever back up this way, stop by and say hello.

01-03-2013, 08:16 AM
Haven't been back in CT since 2007 when my Mom died. I used to shot the summer traveling league that went to all of the houses in the Hartford area, Bloomfield, etc. If there's a bowling center in CT I've shot there at one time or another. Besides, you guy's are getting way too much snow, and since moving to FL my hands no longer fit a snow shovel !!

My Son and Grandson came down a month or so ago and couldn't believe it was still warm. Told him there's still room for a couple more people here in FL, but he'd better hurry before we have to close the borders !!

J Anderson
01-03-2013, 09:14 AM
Haven't been back in CT since 2007 when my Mom died. I used to shot the summer traveling league that went to all of the houses in the Hartford area, Bloomfield, etc. If there's a bowling center in CT I've shot there at one time or another. Besides, you guy's are getting way too much snow, and since moving to FL my hands no longer fit a snow shovel !!

My Son and Grandson came down a month or so ago and couldn't believe it was still warm. Told him there's still room for a couple more people here in FL, but he'd better hurry before we have to close the borders !!

A month or so ago it was still warm up here! I do admit its only 16ºF right now.

11-09-2013, 10:58 PM
and shouted GoD damn fing kids need to shut up. Their were complaint about my attitude

Ya think? :confused: :(

Okay…first…I feel ya. I don't have a problem with kids…of matter of fact, I hammy best game of practice ever on Monday right next to the most rambunctious group of 7 year olds I've ever seen. At one point, one of them was laying in the lane slipping and falling in the oil and three others had made their way 3/4 of the way down the other lane to try and retrieve a ball that was stuck in the gutter. It was COMIC GENIUS!!

I do feel ya though…I let a fellow drunk, female league bowler get under my skin a few weeks ago…making noise during my backswing…intentionally. B**ch. But…I brushed it off. Last night, the teenagers next to us on league night thought our rosin bags were hackey sacks and started kicking them around before one dude realized they weren't "toys"… and they might want to "put them back".

But dude…ya can't drop F bombs in front of children. In some states (like Mudpuppy's favorite state of Michigan)…it's illegal to swear in front of women or children.

Some anti-profanity laws were passed to shield women and children from foul-mouthed men. Consider this Michigan law: “Any person who shall use any indecent, immoral, obscene, vulgar or insulting language in the presence or hearing of any woman or child shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Don't believe me…ask this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tJ84Q0qQSo)! And even if it WAS…and you did that in front of MY kid…well…lets hope cooler heads prevail…but I wouldn't be happy. Now, I'd like to think I'd have more control over my kid and teach them bowling etiquette…but kids are idiots…they tend to do all kinds of stupid stuff. And the closest I've come to fights in public over the last 10 years were related to adults cursing at or in front of children.

But…that wasn't why I wanted to post here. I wanted to post here…because I'm coming off my most terrible week of bowling in recent memory.

Now, in early October…3rd week of leagues…I did "technically" have a worse week. Bowled a 319 on Thursday then a 411 on Friday. But THIS week…I bowled a 449 on Thursday…but then followed it up with a 402 to "make-up" the last week where our team missed a game. Then Friday (yesterday), I bowled a 387. Now, sure…the 402 was better than the 319….but only because the 2nd game I bowled a 179. The other two games in that series were a 113 and a 110!! And yes, "technically" the actual score on Thursday was 449 which is actually my second best series in that league…and YES…I actually raised my average in that league by 2 pins DESPITE what I felt was a horrible night. BUT…

…the real reason I'm mad…is Friday. A 387!!? A 387!?? On low oil wood lanes where Monday I threw 168-144-160-197-177-189-184-169-184….for some reason last night I threw 129-131-127. I single handedly cost my team 3 points out of 4. Despite sanding/scuffing my ball a bit…it didn't want to hook into the pocket. My spare shooting was at about 40% instead of 80%. More splits than usual. I was keeping it online…hitting near the head pin…no gutters or dumb stuff like that…but I was just "off" or "aw(of)ful!" This was the FIRST week I threw worse on Friday League than on Thursday League. Back in week 5 I shot a 470 on Thursday then a 495 on Friday…which was the closest. All the other weeks till now…the difference has been 90-150 pins.

So this is "one of those weeks"…one of those weeks where I just get sooooo frustrated that I re-think bowling as an activity. I know it'll pass…it always does…but to bowl a 113 and a 110 on Thursday and embarrass myself…then not 24 hours later bowl on a team that really needs me to perform and drop a 387 series…114 pins below my average?? Disappointed isn't strong enough a word to describe it.

11-10-2013, 02:16 AM
Well atleast it was to reasons of equipment and distractions of water and not cuz your form, lane or ball was messing you up. Btw your low is almost my average lol

oh how time flies....

11-10-2013, 07:07 PM
oh how time flies....

Yeah, apparently you're quite the sandbagger.

11-10-2013, 07:21 PM
Yeah, apparently you're quite the sandbagger.

lol indeed. How else would i win games???

11-11-2013, 03:38 PM
Ya think? :confused: :(

Okay…first…I feel ya. I don't have a problem with kids…of matter of fact, I hammy best game of practice ever on Monday right next to the most rambunctious group of 7 year olds I've ever seen. At one point, one of them was laying in the lane slipping and falling in the oil and three others had made their way 3/4 of the way down the other lane to try and retrieve a ball that was stuck in the gutter. It was COMIC GENIUS!!

I do feel ya though…I let a fellow drunk, female league bowler get under my skin a few weeks ago…making noise during my backswing…intentionally. B**ch. But…I brushed it off. Last night, the teenagers next to us on league night thought our rosin bags were hackey sacks and started kicking them around before one dude realized they weren't "toys"… and they might want to "put them back".

But dude…ya can't drop F bombs in front of children. In some states (like Mudpuppy's favorite state of Michigan)…it's illegal to swear in front of women or children.

Some anti-profanity laws were passed to shield women and children from foul-mouthed men. Consider this Michigan law: “Any person who shall use any indecent, immoral, obscene, vulgar or insulting language in the presence or hearing of any woman or child shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Don't believe me…ask this guy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tJ84Q0qQSo)! And even if it WAS…and you did that in front of MY kid…well…lets hope cooler heads prevail…but I wouldn't be happy. Now, I'd like to think I'd have more control over my kid and teach them bowling etiquette…but kids are idiots…they tend to do all kinds of stupid stuff. And the closest I've come to fights in public over the last 10 years were related to adults cursing at or in front of children.

But…that wasn't why I wanted to post here. I wanted to post here…because I'm coming off my most terrible week of bowling in recent memory.

Now, in early October…3rd week of leagues…I did "technically" have a worse week. Bowled a 319 on Thursday then a 411 on Friday. But THIS week…I bowled a 449 on Thursday…but then followed it up with a 402 to "make-up" the last week where our team missed a game. Then Friday (yesterday), I bowled a 387. Now, sure…the 402 was better than the 319….but only because the 2nd game I bowled a 179. The other two games in that series were a 113 and a 110!! And yes, "technically" the actual score on Thursday was 449 which is actually my second best series in that league…and YES…I actually raised my average in that league by 2 pins DESPITE what I felt was a horrible night. BUT…

…the real reason I'm mad…is Friday. A 387!!? A 387!?? On low oil wood lanes where Monday I threw 168-144-160-197-177-189-184-169-184….for some reason last night I threw 129-131-127. I single handedly cost my team 3 points out of 4. Despite sanding/scuffing my ball a bit…it didn't want to hook into the pocket. My spare shooting was at about 40% instead of 80%. More splits than usual. I was keeping it online…hitting near the head pin…no gutters or dumb stuff like that…but I was just "off" or "aw(of)ful!" This was the FIRST week I threw worse on Friday League than on Thursday League. Back in week 5 I shot a 470 on Thursday then a 495 on Friday…which was the closest. All the other weeks till now…the difference has been 90-150 pins.

So this is "one of those weeks"…one of those weeks where I just get sooooo frustrated that I re-think bowling as an activity. I know it'll pass…it always does…but to bowl a 113 and a 110 on Thursday and embarrass myself…then not 24 hours later bowl on a team that really needs me to perform and drop a 387 series…114 pins below my average?? Disappointed isn't strong enough a word to describe it.

Thanks for including me in your well thought out brief post. You the man. I learned something new today - about profanity in Michigan. Yes it is my favorite state (well at least in your best assumption).

11-11-2013, 07:00 PM
Thanks for including me in your well thought out brief post. You the man. I learned something new today - about profanity in Michigan. Yes it is my favorite state (well at least in your best assumption).

No...thank YOU for allowing me to mention you. Just having you referenced in one of my posts is the greatest of honors.