View Full Version : All i want for Christmas is.....

12-19-2012, 04:30 PM
So, what does everyone want for Christmas????

Personally, i want a 3 ball roller with a nice spare ball in it :D

12-19-2012, 04:35 PM
i would love a roller lol. Getting gf a san diego charger double roller + slingshot.

12-19-2012, 04:35 PM
I already have a misfit drilled and ready to go... :D
the wife won't let me use it untill Christmas though :(

12-19-2012, 06:07 PM
I already got what i wanted for Christmas(thanks bowlingboards), now i just need a 3 ball roller now.

12-19-2012, 06:40 PM
I need so much, it's a long list Santa. A new ball or 2, either a Marauder, or Track 503T. A new bag, cause mine is falling apart. Ummm, new shoes, cause mine aren't in the best shape. Other than that I'm set.

12-19-2012, 06:52 PM
A new job that will pay enough and allow me the time to still bowl and coach the high school team next year!

12-19-2012, 07:39 PM
A more aggressive ball than my Freeze hybrid...I would like to stick with Columbia 300, but DV8s look really tempting. Any brand though really...I'm not picky yet!

12-19-2012, 08:47 PM
Completely off topic, but... JBeck, if your name is in any reference to the GREAT Jeff Beck, then I have mad respect for you!


12-19-2012, 09:18 PM
Haha! No Beck is shortened for my last name, and although my family tree has white down the line I'm actually black. Lol!

12-19-2012, 09:40 PM
Just take credit! Jeff Beck is/was an exceptional guitarist! hahahaha.

Okay, sorry... Back on topic. All I want for Christmas is to figure out my new ball before league starts back up! Hopefully I can get some quality practice in....

I've been pretty lucky. I bought myself a new ball, I won an iPad at our work Christmas party (completely caught me off guard. I'm STILL shocked, but very grateful. I would never buy myself an iPad, so this was a great gift), and I had to use my $25 Best Buy coupon so I bought Halo 4. I haven't touched the iPad or Halo 4 yet so they will still be a nice new thing for Christmas.

I'd like the Storm Rolling Thunder 3 ball roller, but there's nothing wrong with my current bag, and i have one of those spare ball add-on's so I CAN carry 3 balls, it's just not ideal. I don't need to spend that kind of money for that, so I'm controlling myself.

12-19-2012, 09:42 PM
All I want for Christmas is an infusion of bowling ability. LOL

The German Shepherd
12-19-2012, 09:47 PM
I would love to get a Roto Grip Wrecker....

12-19-2012, 10:54 PM
I would like something new in my arsenal, but everything I have right now is fine. I told people that if they want to get anything for me, get gift cards for my local bowling center.

12-20-2012, 03:15 AM
A girlfriend who likes to bowl!


12-20-2012, 03:35 AM
Well I wouldnt mind a new ball for christmas but then it comes to what one lol... I also wouldnt mind getting some new clothes or shoes lol.. but I am grateful for anything I get

12-20-2012, 05:36 AM
I gave my daughter a list. At the top was The Game Changer by Mark Baker. I need to be a better bowler and I'm not sure that a new ball would help. I already have a Storm Tropical Storm, a Hammer Sling Blade and a 900 Global Wisdom that I'm not consistant with.

12-20-2012, 09:17 AM
I would like in no particular order:
1. New double roller (current one is on it's last legs, or should i say last rivets)

2. New wrist (Woke up Tuesday after league Monday night and my wrist hurts) - Didn't hurt until Tuesday, it also doesn't help I sit at a desk all day and I think Carpal Tunnel is creeping in.
Wrist Support ordered and on the way form Bowlingball.com!

3. Google Nexus 7 - This one I am getting but it is to make the point for #4

4. Game Changer by Mark Baker - Which I will get the electronic version to have on my #3 gift.

5. Last but not least - To not think about bowling when bowling. I think myself out of bowling well.

12-20-2012, 09:28 AM
A girlfriend who likes to bowl!

Just hang out at the bowling ally until you see a girl practicing then go over all smooth and give her some pointers :cool:

I would like in no particular order:
1. New double roller (current one is on it's last legs, or should i say last rivets)

2. New wrist (Woke up Tuesday after league Monday night and my wrist hurts) - Didn't hurt until Tuesday, it also doesn't help I sit at a desk all day and I think Carpal Tunnel is creeping in.
Wrist Support ordered and on the way form Bowlingball.com!

3. Google Nexus 7 - This one I am getting but it is to make the point for #4

4. Game Changer by Mark Baker - Which I will get the electronic version to have on my #3 gift.

5. Last but not least - To not think about bowling when bowling. I think myself out of bowling well.

What no uggs?

The Nexus 7 is a great tablet, and using any tablet while bowling can be a great tool....

12-20-2012, 09:30 AM
I bought myself my christmas present last week when I got my DV8 Hell Raiser Terror, so I can't really ask for much more, but if I had to, it would be the plaid DV8 triple roller bag. Pretty bad a$$


12-20-2012, 09:32 AM
I bought myself my christmas present last week when I got my DV8 Hell Raiser Terror, so I can't really ask for much more, but if I had to, it would be the plaid DV8 triple roller bag. Pretty bad a$$


that it is, but unfortunately, if i do end up getting a new bag it will probably be one the pro shop has in stock.... so storm lol

12-20-2012, 09:43 AM
What no uggs?

The Nexus 7 is a great tablet, and using any tablet while bowling can be a great tool....

Already got them buddy! I have Ugg bowling boots! Nothing but high fashion while bowling, I made them myself! Just attached a nice sliding sole and am good to go!

I can't wait for my tablet, I think after I get it I am going to try and track more of my bowling and really dig into it.

12-20-2012, 10:33 AM
Already have the Marvel Pearl and new SST 8's under the tree. Won't get to use them until 12/28 at league. Not long now.

Other than that? I would want a ball spinner.

12-20-2012, 10:47 AM
Lockwood, that is how I ened up with my Storm Rolling Thunder 2 ball. If you are looking for a 2 ball, I can hook you up!

12-20-2012, 11:22 AM
Lockwood, that is how I ened up with my Storm Rolling Thunder 2 ball. If you are looking for a 2 ball, I can hook you up!

hmmm.... i currently have a 2 ball roller (offbrand), and it is falling apart. i only have 1 ball currently, but the nexxxus is almost here and i would like to get a spare ball.... how much are you looking to get for it? it might be a good excuse to get even more balls! LOL

12-20-2012, 01:29 PM
Ok Santa, enough with the small stuff. I want my own bowling alley. I'm not picky, either a bowling center for me to run, or just some lanes in my basement. Also, I want 3 of each ball being made today, drilling rig, ball spinner, basicly a whole pro shop to go along with my bowling alley. Tell those elves to get to work!

12-20-2012, 01:54 PM
Sinister's got the right idea. Go big or go home! I would be happy with a two lane set up in my basement. Not sure if I would want my own drilling equipment and stuff. I am pretty picky and I would be messing with my gear ALL THE TIME if I had that kind of stuff around. Would probably be better off just practicing instead of messing around with equipment!

12-20-2012, 07:51 PM
My two daughters are getting me a year subscription to Bowling This Month magazine. I told them that is what I want for Christmas. Then they said A BOWLING MAGAZINE? Then I said yeah, why? So now all I have to do is wait for the first issue. Maybe I will luck out and win a ball from bowlingboards.com. Yeah, right, and the world is made of marshmellows and chocolate. Well, at least I know that I will be getting the magazine.

12-20-2012, 10:16 PM
haha you never know hammer! That could be the post the wins you a ball

12-20-2012, 11:01 PM
haha you never know hammer! That could be the post the wins you a ball

The fix is in...?

12-21-2012, 12:45 AM
I want a 5 ball roller!! And ,,,, I ,,, KNOW I have one under the TREE!!! LOL...... What she dosen't know is that she is getting a beautiful High performance black, Global 900 Freight Train in a few days, alreay drilled and with a new VISE twist insert..... Can't wait!!! Come on Christmas!!!!

12-21-2012, 10:10 AM
I want a 5 ball roller!! And ,,,, I ,,, KNOW I have one under the TREE!!! LOL...... What she dosen't know is that she is getting a beautiful High performance black, Global 900 Freight Train in a few days, alreay drilled and with a new VISE twist insert..... Can't wait!!! Come on Christmas!!!!

its kind of hard to be surprised Christmas morning if your Santa eh?

12-23-2012, 01:56 PM
My 2 front teeth! Ok,I could'nt resist that!
