View Full Version : Brand of Bowling Shoe??

12-30-2012, 10:12 AM
I don't wear bowling shoes, do to feet problems! I wear a pair of sandals, (open toes)! Was thinking what brand and model shoe most bowlers use. I wonder how important is the shoe in scores? I have had some great series, and single games not wearing bowling shoes!

Are there any rules against NOT wearing bowling shoes for tournaments ect? I can’t find anything in regards to surface of shoes! I am thinking that as long as they are dedicated shoes that you use only for bowling, and they do not in any way mark, or damage the approach, they could be CALLED BOWLING SHOES, and Legal!

If I did not have nerve damage in my lower back, I am sure I would wear standard bowling shoes, but as is, its cause more pain then a human being should have to endure!! I guess I could go to a shoe shop and have a slide surface attached to my left sandle... hummmmm ,,, not a bad idea self!

WHAT BRAND AND MODEL DO YOU WEAR, AND IS YOUR AVERAGE ABOVE, OR BELOW 200! ( interesting to see the bowling average, in relationship to shoe, and model)

12-30-2012, 10:44 AM
Dexter SST5, above 200

12-30-2012, 11:58 AM
Michael, you could probably rig up a pair of bowling shoes like sandals, cut the toe section out and just keep the laces really tight......

i wouldn't think there would be a problem, i can think of a few pro's that wear a tennis shoe on the non slide foot. never the less, you could always confirm before signing up for the tournament.

I wear etonics...

12-30-2012, 12:04 PM
I actually called the USBC regarding wearing sneakers while bowling. They said there is no rule against it. As long as the shoes do not leave marks on the approach, then they are legal. However, not all bowling centers will allow you to wear sneakers, regardless of the rules. They say it's a safety issue. Really it's a money issue. If your wearing sneakers, then people around you, including the hacks who come in once every 5 years, want to wear there sneakers, and the center loses the $5 per person they charge for shoes.

12-30-2012, 12:13 PM
The local pro shop guy AZBowla's Girl took her Spongebob ball to gave us an interesting idea: Get a pair of shoes that you like, could be dress shoes, tennies, sandals, whatever you want so long as it has a fairly flat sole with not too much tread (the less the better) and use some industrial strength epoxy to glue some velcro to the bottom. Let that cure overnight and then all you need to turn them into bowling shoes are some interchangeable soles that you can then attach to the velcro. Pretty slick idea! I'm thinking of getting some really cool looking Converse All Stars and trying this idea. AZBowla's Girl of course wants some purple ones to match. :)

12-30-2012, 12:44 PM
We have a guy that bowls locally that got his shoes custom made. Bought a Snake skin on ebay and took that to the local shoe place and they made them into bowling shoes.

I use Dexters pretty comfortable and it's what I have used for 15 years so no reason to change :)
average 185-200 depending on the league.

12-30-2012, 01:23 PM
I use Dexter SST 8!


12-30-2012, 01:46 PM
If you actually did want to slide, you could just by the interchangeable sole and glue it to the bottom of your sandal, like AZBowla said. I saw a guy at a tourney wearing a pair of Nike's that did that.

12-30-2012, 01:51 PM
What if you used something like this?


i wanted these but the gf wouldnt let me :(

12-30-2012, 03:45 PM
What if you used something like this?


i wanted these but the gf wouldnt let me :(

I have seen that pair before, and If I could cut the toe area out and it still hold together that would work.
My problem is that my toes need to be free!! It causes pain when I have them compressed inside a shoe for periods of time.

I can handle it for, a short period of time! Every time I have bowled with bowling shoes my feet start to ache, begin to tingle, and feel like they are going numb, then Pain! This is related to a back injury I am sure! With OPEN TOE sandals I don’t have that problem, might look into having them done professionally!

I bet it would help my bowling to be able to slide! I guess I could adapt a Dexter interchangeable sole,,, hummmm ,,, wonder what slide surface to put on the shoe??

12-30-2012, 03:46 PM
If you actually did want to slide, you could just by the interchangeable sole and glue it to the bottom of your sandal, like AZBowla said. I saw a guy at a tourney wearing a pair of Nike's that did that.

I might have to give this a shot!! hummmm...

12-30-2012, 03:53 PM
I wounder if I did start sliding if my average, and chance to get that 300, and 800 series, would be increased, or my likely!! I very interested in how many bolwers slide, and what brand they use, and their average with the brand of shoe! To Slide, or not to Slide,,, that is the question!! I have been so close without the slide,,, but,,,,, wonder!! Is it time for change??

12-30-2012, 04:13 PM
Low average bowler and I slide. I use Dexter Men's Ricky II Wide with a teflon sliding pad on the soul.

12-30-2012, 04:17 PM
I have seen that pair before, and If I could cut the toe area out and it still hold together that would work.
My problem is that my toes need to be free!! It causes pain when I have them compressed inside a shoe for periods of time.

I can handle it for, a short period of time! Every time I have bowled with bowling shoes my feet start to ache, begin to tingle, and feel like they are going numb, then Pain! This is related to a back injury I am sure! With OPEN TOE sandals I don’t have that problem, might look into having them done professionally!

I bet it would help my bowling to be able to slide! I guess I could adapt a Dexter interchangeable sole,,, hummmm ,,, wonder what slide surface to put on the shoe??

id say cutting the front off those would prob look better than cutting it off normal bowling shoes. And i think the whole gluing a sliding pad to your normal sandals thing is a great idea too

12-30-2012, 04:26 PM
I wounder if I did start sliding if my average, and chance to get that 300, and 800 series, would be increased, or my likely!! I very interested in how many bolwers slide, and what brand they use, and their average with the brand of shoe! To Slide, or not to Slide,,, that is the question!! I have been so close without the slide,,, but,,,,, wonder!! Is it time for change??

Well, being that bowling shoes are made to slide, and being that the "proper" form teaches one to slide, I would guess 95% of bowlers slide, and probably upwards of 99% of serious, HIGH average bowlers slide (*note, these numbers are based off no supporting proof, but rather my opinion and what I've observed). I've yet to see a pro not slide, and have yet to see a 220+ avg guy not slide. That's just me though. I'm sure there is some high average guys somewhere that don't slide (maybe lol). I just can't imagine it.

Sliding lets you complete the full bowling motion and gives you the proper release on the ball, and would more than likely increase one's revs and accuracy IF done correctly and balanced.

With all of your injuries and pain, I'm not sure it'd be beneficial to you. It can't hurt to try though, well I guess maybe it can! Be careful. Can't have you getting injured! You'd also have to completely change your approach. You couldn't softly put your lead foot down anymore at the foul line (if you wanted to slide). You'd have to actually have an approach that would be created around you sliding at the end.

So ask yourself, Do you have the pain tolerance and balance to fully slide? and do you want to completely renovate your approach in the middle of the season (or at anytime for that matter)?

12-30-2012, 09:01 PM
Jason brought up some good points considering your health. However, sliding would help. While not all pros have a long slide they all have at least a little, some only 2". All my great games had some slide. Sliding does add margin of error to the release.

12-30-2012, 09:23 PM
I have Dexter SSt6s. Current avg is 199

12-31-2012, 12:36 AM
As a new year’s resolution, I am going to venture into SLIDING!! I might start with a almost new pair I have, and cut the toes out!! If that works, I might try to find a way of making a pair that looked decent.
I know a damn good shoe shop guy not far from my place!
Sandals are soooooo much more comfortable to me with the back/foot problem, (nerve damage)! I am working on that problem, and hope to reduce the discomfort by 50 percent in the near future with my new working out routine. When something isn’t working right in regards to my body, I find a natural way to fix it!! I am a fighter in that regards!!!

12-31-2012, 01:43 AM
Can i ask what happened to you? Was it a specific even like a car crash or just something that developed? I just have an interest in this kinda stuff

12-31-2012, 09:08 AM
I currently am wearing these


I have pretty wide feet and there is a lot of room to spare. They are seriously almost square. You can pay and extra $5 and then if they don't fit, you don't have to pay shipping to send them back. Might be worth a shot. They are very high quality and comfortable. Good luck with your search

12-31-2012, 09:24 AM
I am looking to get some new shoes soon. Been super happy with my Dexter's, not sure the model, but they were not expensive.

I like the idea of attaching velcro to the bottom of a sneaker and buying interchangeable sliding soles. How cool would it be to sport your Air Jordan bowling shoes!

12-31-2012, 09:45 AM
I am looking to get some new shoes soon. Been super happy with my Dexter's, not sure the model, but they were not expensive.

I like the idea of attaching velcro to the bottom of a sneaker and buying interchangeable sliding soles. How cool would it be to sport your Air Jordan bowling shoes!

REAL COOL!!! and comfortable!!! The trick would be to do it in such a way that it looked ok, and had durabality!! Just remember always, not to try dribbling the bowling ball!!!! lol

12-31-2012, 09:58 AM
Can i ask what happened to you? Was it a specific even like a car crash or just something that developed? I just have an interest in this kinda stuff

I was an Iron Worker local #10 here in kansas city, for 30 years also a teacher for about 7 years. It's a hard dangerious life, but a GREAT ONE! I fell once down a stair way, broke neck, then jumped off a simi, after unloading it in the winter time, and herniated a disk in my lower back! That's the one that is giving me problems in my feet..... you might say the angony of the de-feat!!! lol

On top of that Ra and lupus so they say, I fight it with supplements with no side effects, food, and supplements! I am convinced that certain foods and drinks can cause RA/Lupus. If you eat crap, your body will let you know!! I am doing pretty damn good all things considered!! All my problems are nothing but a work in progress,,, I will heal myself!! I am ICEMAN!! lol

12-31-2012, 10:05 AM
REAL COOL!!! and comfortable!!! The trick would be to do it in such a way that it looked ok, and had durabality!! Just remember always, not to try dribbling the bowling ball!!!! lol

My basketball days are well behind me. I am thinking of going to more of a dress shoe look for bowling shoes instead.

My only rule is no white bowling shoes! I would rather have brown or black.

12-31-2012, 01:18 PM
I was an Iron Worker local #10 here in kansas city, for 30 years also a teacher for about 7 years. It's a hard dangerious life, but a GREAT ONE! I fell once down a stair way, broke neck, then jumped off a simi, after unloading it in the winter time, and herniated a disk in my lower back! That's the one that is giving me problems in my feet..... you might say the angony of the de-feat!!! lol

On top of that Ra and lupus so they say, I fight it with supplements with no side effects, food, and supplements! I am convinced that certain foods and drinks can cause RA/Lupus. If you eat crap, your body will let you know!! I am doing pretty damn good all things considered!! All my problems are nothing but a work in progress,,, I will heal myself!! I am ICEMAN!! lol

thats quite a story you got there! Im guessing the herniated disk was a lower lumbar that pushed on the sciatic nerve? And yes food you eat do influence things like ra or diseases. Have you asked your doctor about supplementing you with something like HGH?

12-31-2012, 02:19 PM
thats quite a story you got there! Im guessing the herniated disk was a lower lumbar that pushed on the sciatic nerve? And yes food you eat do influence things like ra or diseases. Have you asked your doctor about supplementing you with something like HGH?

Human growth hormone, as opposed to Alien growth hormone!! Lol….. No, not interested in getting into that at this time. To be honest, I try real hard to stay away from all forms of doctors. I have the greatest respect for some, like Dr. Marcolla! Most miss the point! They are prescription machines, pill for this, that, and the other!!l All medications have a down side! Rob Peter, to Pay Paul Big Time!!
Yes it was in the lower back, L4 L5, and the neck was in the C-5 C-6 area! Funny no surgery. Decided not to have, and guess what??? No problems related to the break, NONE! Hands strength ect all super hero level!! LOL Rehabed myself at the gym alone with natural supplements! MSM being one of the big ones in regards to Pain and inflammation, along with DMSO

My pain in the feet varies and most times I don't even notice the slight discomfort, unless I have shoes on! Sandles work great, and I can go walk miles with no problem, its just the snug fit around regular shoes that cause the pain!

12-31-2012, 03:02 PM
Come on, take some HGH, then you can set the MLB home run record.

12-31-2012, 03:29 PM
Come on, take some HGH, then you can set the MLB home run record.

those days are gone!! Lol!!! As long as I can still hit in park home runs with my wife,,,,,, I am happy Guy!!! LOL

12-31-2012, 10:05 PM
those days are gone!! Lol!!! As long as I can still hit in park home runs with my wife,,,,,, I am happy Guy!!! LOL

you know you wanna! Roger Clemens has nothing on you!

12-31-2012, 10:15 PM
Dexter black shoes with flying crowned skull on the outside part of both shoes. Got them just before Halloween. They have slide-rite soles. I got these shoes because the ones I had before this were white with two velcro straps on each shoe. The looked exactly like the shoes that the old guys wear in one of those senior centers. I made my teammate laugh one day with these shoes. I said Trish, look at this. I bent over a little bit and shuffled my feet like some real old guy in a nursing home. It was kind of like the routine Tim Conway did on the Carol Burnette show when he played the old guy. She laughed and said you do have to get rid of those shoes. When I wore the new Dexters to league night some folks thought they were cool with the flying skull on the sides.

12-31-2012, 10:40 PM
I currently am wearing these


I have pretty wide feet and there is a lot of room to spare. They are seriously almost square. You can pay and extra $5 and then if they don't fit, you don't have to pay shipping to send them back. Might be worth a shot. They are very high quality and comfortable. Good luck with your search

NICE looking shoes,,, I believe that's the same shoe that Jason/The Dude purchased and since has had several 300 games!! May the shoe give you the same skill, and degree of luck it gives The Dude! All 300 games are in my opinion, 99 percent skill..... and 1 percent luck!!

12-31-2012, 11:25 PM
i got etonic, e-sport, strike300 shoes

12-31-2012, 11:47 PM
One Sunday morning league I was bowling the 8th frame of the second game. Lining up for the ten pin, I look down at my feet. I did a double take, thinking, "when did I get white bowling shoes?" Then it dawned on me, I didn't change my shoes. The whole place laughed as I sat down, changed my shoes then shot the ten pin. Felt like I was sliding all over the place after the change but didn't feel sticky before hand.
My bowling shoes are so comfortable there have been times I have forgot I had them on and started to leave. I've only made it home once with them on though.

01-01-2013, 09:19 PM
One Sunday morning league I was bowling the 8th frame of the second game. Lining up for the ten pin, I look down at my feet. I did a double take, thinking, "when did I get white bowling shoes?" Then it dawned on me, I didn't change my shoes. The whole place laughed as I sat down, changed my shoes then shot the ten pin. Felt like I was sliding all over the place after the change but didn't feel sticky before hand.
My bowling shoes are so comfortable there have been times I have forgot I had them on and started to leave. I've only made it home once with them on though.

If I did that I would fall on my face. I would go to slide and WHAM, go down face first, or blow my knee out. Guess you don't have that issue cause you don't slide.

01-01-2013, 10:09 PM
I've been sliding 99% of the time lately lol

01-01-2013, 10:27 PM
ABS Tour Ultra's. These are by far the best shoes I have ever owned. I wore Lind's for years and there is no comparison. Yes, they are expensive but worth it because they last so long. I have had these for... I can't remember maybe six years or so and they look like new. The rubber tip on the non-slide shoe is huge for me. I would tear the toe open otherwise. They have a wide variety of interchangeable soles for the slide foot but I just use the second most slippery one.

They do take some getting used to. You MUST go heal/toe unless you want to trip over your own feet. The non-slide shoe is extremely grippy, just like wearing a tennis shoe. If I hadn't practiced many games with them when I first got them I would have been sunk on league night because my timing would have been so far off.

01-02-2013, 06:51 PM
I have a few different averages ranging from 211 to 235. I use the Dexter SST8. It is the best shoe in my opinion and the bowling shoe is HUGE in my game. If my slide isn't right, I can't bowl.

01-03-2013, 01:50 AM
just got some 3g tour ultra cant wait to try them out

01-03-2013, 08:01 PM
I have Dexter SST1 and bowl under 200.

01-04-2013, 12:04 AM
I have a pair of Dexter somethings, paid $80 I think. Anyway I want an old school shoe. Not because of color or design but sole strength. Mine have the fuzzy front ends and bend like normal sneakers but I put a lot of pressure on my backfoot big toe. I know I need to backslide that foot on the little toe but I can't at this point. I think having that harder sole would help me.