View Full Version : Wrist Device

01-05-2013, 04:57 AM
I have a question bout wrist guards.. I have been watching videos and I am wanting to get a little more rotation in the ball and some videos say that this will help in creating a few more revs. Reason I am wanting to do this is today after getting the ball drilled up apparently the proshop manager (who I never really talk to its the other guy ) said that he noticed my speed and revs do not match that I have more speed than revs. So with this being said would it be a good idea to get something like the robbys rev 3 or similiar items? Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks...

01-05-2013, 07:03 AM
Keith...it's worth a try to get one. Wrist devices serve different purposes for different people. Mostly it's for those that have the habit of breaking their wrist backwards and therefore lose the ability to "lift and rotate the ball properly". I would say try one and see if it will work. I'd suggest getting a good one that will allow you to adjust your wrist from side to side and forward and back. It's a Robbies product and pretty sturdy and runs about $40.

01-05-2013, 12:58 PM
First off,that pro guy might be wrong! I have talked with my pro shop and some pro bowlers and I have been told that speed & revs don't have to match. My speed is 17-18mph(Incl +2 mph)and my revs are around 250-300. It's not speed & revs,but,accuracy & hitting your mark consistanly that makes a good bowler.

As far as braces,I have a Storm Scorpion adjustable brace and it allows for more/less revs or more/less cupping of wrist.


01-05-2013, 01:23 PM
I throw fast with a average rev rate and i do fine. I love my wrist brace because it keeps my wrist straight, hand warm, and has grips on the index and pinky finger. I can bowl fine without it but i like having it on.

01-05-2013, 09:21 PM
As much as it would be great to be speed and rev matched, almost all bowlers are more dominant in one area. There are rev dominant layouts and speed dominant layouts.
Try the brace BUT don't expect more revs. There isn't a brace made that can make you rotate your ball faster or give you more lift. They do however, give more side rotation which can make a huge difference for some. They can also help keep you from developing some bad wrist habits. I have several that I use occasionally.

01-06-2013, 01:32 AM
See I didnt think speed and rev thing mattered all that much either I know sometimes I need to slow the ball down cause I can tell its too fast so I might pick one up. I have a basic brace now that holds my wrist straight so it wont break... Buddy of mine says I am coming thrrough the ball but the problem is he says I am dropping it before coming through so I guess I also need to work on that as well...

01-06-2013, 11:25 AM
Speed and revs matter but that's much further down the line. They become more important to control on sport/PBA shots than a THS. But being able to control them does no good at all without accuracy.

01-06-2013, 04:00 PM
I feel like one would help, because it feels like I'm leading with my wrist and the ball trails behind.. maybe trying to "whip" the ball too much?

01-06-2013, 04:31 PM
I feel like one would help, because it feels like I'm leading with my wrist and the ball trails behind.. maybe trying to "whip" the ball too much?

You need one. You shouldn't be whipping the ball, that can cause serious wrist issues over time.

01-07-2013, 05:09 AM
I have a question bout wrist guards.. I have been watching videos and I am wanting to get a little more rotation in the ball and some videos say that this will help in creating a few more revs. Reason I am wanting to do this is today after getting the ball drilled up apparently the proshop manager (who I never really talk to its the other guy ) said that he noticed my speed and revs do not match that I have more speed than revs. So with this being said would it be a good idea to get something like the robbys rev 3 or similiar items? Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks...

Funny, I was just reading Slowinski's article on increasing revs and your post popped up. Here's the link, bookmark his website....there's a ton of info there for you. http://www.bowlingknowledge.info/images/stories/slowinskiapr08.pdf

01-07-2013, 07:25 PM
thanks tampabaybob I'm going to check it out

01-08-2013, 03:46 PM
I am an older guy and I have not been in the habit of using one, but I do notice wrist discomfort early in the game. Once warmed up, I am acustomed to the weight, and the wrist feels fine. I do notice that my release begins to get lazy in the later games too, so I tried bowling with my Mongoose wrist brace and it felt natural the whole night. I am back on the brace full time. A good idea since I do have wrist flexability issues.