View Full Version : Ball Weight For The Wife

01-15-2013, 11:16 PM
Hey guys-
Maybe you all have some insight here. My wife wants to jump up in ball weight since when she started she threw a 12 lbs ball at about 12 mph with low rev. The rates matched so she got good hook out of the ball. This season she is up around 14-15 mph with the same rev and her ball has no motion. We had a child and I attribute the extra speed to the extra arm strength she gain from toting him around. She needs a span change so I plan on getting her a new ball but I am wondering if i should get her a 13 lbs or a 14 lbs. Also, she has a slingshot currently. Should she step up to a slightly stronger ball as well?

01-16-2013, 02:57 AM
My wife uses a 14lb ball. She currently sits at around 14-14.5 MPH with low revs. She plays around the 8 board. Her current ball is a really old Razor Wire.

01-16-2013, 04:35 AM
Go for the 14lb, maybe she's not use to it for awhile.. but after sometime, before you know.. it's time for 15lbs!

01-16-2013, 08:26 AM
My wife went from 11# T-Zone, to 12# slingshot, to 13# Mutant Cell and 13# White Dot.

She doesnt bowl fast, but she was geting too strong for the 12#slingshot and had a hard time staying the same speed.

2 of her 3 most recent balls are my old ones as I moved up to 14#. I dont think she'll move to 14#, but if she does I'll probably buy her her own. It's been handy so far as it keeps her in the game without wasting my old equipment.

01-16-2013, 10:29 AM
My wife went from 12lb to 13lb to 14lb over 3-4 years
She was very surprised that she was able to go to 14 without any problems.

Can your wife comfortably hold/throw a 12lb house ball? if so then a 14 would likely be fine once it is drilled for her hand.

My wife throws low rev but ~19.5 mph though so her ball really doesn't move much. (Storm 2Furious)

01-16-2013, 06:18 PM
Go with the 14 lbs unless she weighs under 100 lbs

01-16-2013, 06:31 PM
Thanks for all the input. Looks like I'll be getting her a 14 lbs Diva since it'll fit her personality!

01-16-2013, 10:57 PM
First off i agree with everyone else that 14 would be a good idea.

Now, if your hypothesis is correct in that she has more arm strength which is causing the extra speed... that's points to an issue, speed should be coming from her legs not her arms, she should work on freeing up her swing and not muscling the ball.

01-16-2013, 11:38 PM
I agree, the legs should be driving her speed. That said, as her arm strength has increased I imagine her leg strength has as well. Carrying a child around is like lugging a 16 lbs ball around all the time except that it wont stop wiggling. Screw a gym, just have a kid instead!

01-17-2013, 06:51 AM
Screw a gym, just have a kid instead!

Yes, but with a gym I can always say I don't feel like it today and roll over and go back to sleep. Not to mention you never have to change it's diaper or work 3 jobs to send it to college so it can drink beer for four years, get a degree in art history and move back in.:D

01-17-2013, 07:43 PM
O so true........darn kids.

01-21-2013, 05:10 PM
Get her a 14# fingertip ball and a wrist support to help her keep her wrist straight or a little cupped. I have used a wrist support for 26 years because my wrist needs it. Get a wrist support that lets you move your wrist from straight to a little cupped. Some supports don't let you move your wrist unless you adjust it to a certain position.