View Full Version : Got a good bowling story?

01-31-2013, 07:13 PM
I got one.
This happened last Tuesday evening.
A nice story for yas - I bowl in a four man team and we have a wiry old (76!) African american gentleman who is very keen about his bowling and always asks me for advice which I gladly share with him. He was averaging around the high 130's with an old 80's style 15 lb resin ball and I suggested to him he needed to drop to 14lb and after saving up for several months he lashed out and bought a 14lb Roto Grip Defiant Soul (standard grip). The first night he bowled it he got 171 - 194 - 149 = 514! He got a little tired by the last game but I couldn't be happier for him. He said he wants to get better! Go McKinley!
He was able to almost double his speed and the ball hits surprisingly hard - and gets a lot more pin action than he got with the old one. Perhaps the updated drilling fit helped him grip the ball better too.
Feel free to add your own.